Nightmare dungeon didn't grant glyph upgrade at end

Just happened to me (again) too in the Awakened Crusader’s Cathedral (42) on a lv93 Whirlwind Barb. I’m on the PC and PS5 clients; it’s happened to me multiple times on both platforms.

This is beyond frustrating.

On my original character (druid), I got all available glyphs after about 10 NM dungeons during the first couple days post-launch. I then created a rogue…things are definitely broken. Nothing’s dropping glyphs at all, and I’m furious that the game is in this state. Get this crap fixed, Bliz!!!

So far, I’ve run:

  • 4-5 ToW boxes, plus all the events leading up to those boxes. Zero glyphs.
  • Approximately 25 NM dungeons, ranging from 2 to 26. 4 glyphs (naturally, none that are even remotely usable)
  • 2 helltides. 1 glyph.

FFS, I was getting 2-4 per NM dungeon at game launch. What changed?!?

Still bugged. Just did 3 nightmare dungeons and only 1 of them had the glyph level up thing spawn at the end. They want use to do nightmare dungeons but they don’t even function correctly.

It is still bugged. 3 times today - but every time it has been right after I log in and do it for the first time. the second time I ran nm dungeon, it worked

We need to keep taking it to the streets here. Either they are clueless that’s is even a bug. Or clueless how to fix it. Makes it feel pointless to even play my 94 rogue tbh. Wanted to try barrage. Took about 9 mill to swap will take 9 mill to swap back

Same is happening for me on barrage rogue too…

i have a level 100 druid that i have almost 300 hours in and never have experienced it (until today) but this thing made me drop my lvl 60 rogue. i wasnt able to get a stone in 3 of the 5 dungeons. i was playing barrage.
today i did 2 nm runs with my druid and both of them was bugged.
its interesting that one of the top topics and and a serious game breaking bug never addressed so far in a blue post and yet ppl are going batsht crazy for gems tab is late…

Crazy it’s still a thing

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If I had a twitter I’d be twitlonging these bastards

Ye, this happens to only (or mostly) barrage rogues. I’ve never had this happen to my barb but it happens very often on my rogue.

Well just goes to show that a sample size of one is not relevant. To me it happened after several hours of play and multiple nm dungeons done before it. It seems pretty random and happens like 20-30% of the time.

thanks for all the dm’s, happy to provide the glitch to get all glyphs in an instant to lvl 21. as long as this bug (not appearing upgradestation in nm dungeons) is in the game, my glitch works perfectly fine.

Same. Just finished my first nightmare and got nothing

Just did a T39, no glyph upgrade/shield. Also have had a lot of delays in the glyph spawning in the last several days.

post it as a bug report, maybe they’ll actually fix it then

I just experienced the same thing twice solo on my rogue (playing barrage).
I went through the entire dungeon and back, went to town and back and did again. Nothing. This took around 10 minutes, so waiting isn’t an answer.

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I have noticed this as well. Over the past week, it is taking longer and longer for the bubble to spawn after the boss is down or the dungeon is cleared. The longest I have had to wait is about 12 seconds. Sitting there thinking maybe I finally have seen the same bug that so many others have, but finally after waiting for so long it shows up.

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last 5 days i had this happening like 10 times, always on my rogue and always solo, range of keys: 32-45

actually waited like 10mins, run all dung 2-3 times, travel to city and back to dung, nothing seens to work. Its not a “just wait” thing.

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theres a post on reddit where a player did 15 in a row and made sure to not do the finishing blow with barrage, and he got it every time, then 5 in a row where he only used barrage to finish off the last enemy, and he didnt get it every time.

so for now, maybe try not using barrage for the final objectives last hit? So far its been working for me 3/3 okay since trying it

Currently happened on Cultist Refuge NM tier 7 on my rogue but not on barrage build. Guess its a random bug? First thime this happened