Nightmare dungeon didn't grant glyph upgrade at end

Did a 22 nightmare dungeon and after completing the dungeon no bubble w/glyph xp spawned.
was with a lvl 58 barb and a lvl 35 druid in the party w/ my 63 rogue


This is also happening to me. Just completed a Tier 4 with x2 friends in party, and we didn’t see any barrier w/ glyph upgrade after completion w/ 11 rezzes left.


Same happened here multiple times. Not in a row but out of like 10 dungeons 2 didn’t offer any glyph upgrade.


Same. Just finished my first nightmare and got nothing :confused:


This is happening to me too

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The same thing is happening to me, 2 dungeons in a row. :frowning:

Update: I exited the game and went back in again, and then got rewards on the next nightmare dungeon I did. (just for the 1 dungeon I did after relogging)

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Same here, happend just now.

Waste of time and effort, what a dissapointment.

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same problem. tier 7, solo, torture chamber - never got my glyph rewards at the end, never spawned. boss dead, every mob dead.

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Just happened to me back to back, really frustrating.

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Same here. Just did three run in a row tier 24-26 and no option to upgrade at the end.

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Same thing, with Torture Chamber giving no glyph on nightmare dungeon completion.

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Tier 34, had a friend in the dungeon. Witchwild I think? it’s the one with the petrified tree boss.

Many times I’ve had the glyph reward not show up right away, it’ll take 10 seconds or something. This is the first time it never came at all.

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Same here, just kicks you out sometimes, upon entering its back to a regular dungeon

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Edit: So it happened again just now. No option to uprgade relics. I’ve done three nightmare today and 2/3 had no option to upgrade.

It happened to me again just now. no option to level up the glyphs. It seems so random this issue, each time was in a different instances. Sometimes I’ll get a protective bubble and no option to level up the glyph’s, other times i’ll get the no bubble and no option to level up the glyphs.

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In four of my last six Nightmare dungeons, no console for experience (or the associated invulnerability bubble) spawned. I’ve tried waiting after clearing the dungeon objectives/killing the boss for it to spawn, running around the dungeon and killing all mobs, teleporting out and back in. I’ve tried different world tiers. I’ve tried restarting my game client entirely and the issue still persists. At this point, I’ve missed multiple levels of glyph experience.


I just edited my post. It is really getting to be pointless to run this on my account if 2/3 don’t even have an option to upgrade.

I mean each time it has happened its been right after logging in. sometimes happens after a long play session. Different tiers also happens on tier 3 and tier 4. It has no pattern to this occuring.

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Had it happen in multiple different dungeons today as well. Pretty consistently in Shivta Ruins, but also in Abandoned Minework just now. All in all, I’m about 50/50 on whether it spawns or not.

EDIT: Failed to spawn in Witchwater after working fine just 20min ago in a different dungeon.

Happened in conclave for me on a tier 24

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I’m wondering if it’s tied to teleporting to town mid-dungeon. Going to do some testing and see if it’s related.

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I’ve had the upgrade node not spawn at the end also. I killed the last boss on a tier 18 kind of close to the door and it just bugged out and disappeared. Maybe the immunity circle clipping the door barricade was the issue, I don’t know.