Nightmare dungeon didn't grant glyph upgrade at end

Just happened to me 3 out of 5 times within the past hour while running a stack of Maugan’s Works but has happened randomly on some other dungeons. How I’ve been running the dungeons:

  1. Consume Sigil
  2. Travel to the Nightmare Dungeon from the closest waypoint
  3. Complete Nightmare Dungeon
  4. Transport to town with Town Portal
  5. Sell & salvage
  6. Consume the same Sigil (this resets the Nightmare Dungeon)
  7. Enter the same Nightmare Dungeon by entering the portal from the town
  8. Repeat steps 3-7

Interestingly, when attempting to Consume Sigil for Maugan’s Work, the reset warning text is: Your Crusaders' Cathedral Nightmare Dungeon will be reset. It says this despite the portal coming from Maugan’s Works where I completed the Nightmare Dungeon. Odd.

Edit: I am playing a HOTA Barb. Not a barrage rogue.

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Been happening to me randomly as well, including one earlier. Got the completion reward but no glyph pedestal or bubble. I do play a Barrage rouge.

Blizz please fix this. We’ll end up with a high level/paragon character with low glyph levels due to this bug.

It seems to happen for barrage rogue mostly, there’s a thread on the console section and all of them are playing barrage rogue.
I did 4 nightmare dungeons today as well on the same class, got 0 option to upgrade glyph

Lol. Barrage rogue reporting in, confirming about 50% of my dungeons don’t give glyph upgrade node upon completion.

Same here… i just completed my first NM40 key @lvl83 and didn’t get the glyph upgrade. I am really … atm. I suggest that about 1 of 3 NM dungeons don’t let me upgrade my glyph.

Atm i play barrage rogue. I have the problem since about two weeks i guess.

I hope for a blue post… pleas adress this problem and fix ist as soon as possible… it is really annoying…

Btw.: i waited for about five minutes and hoped for the best. Nothing happened. :frowning:

For me I’m on a run of about 7/8 of my last NM dungeons not spawning the glyph thing. I could probably make-do if that was reversed (1/8 not spawning it) but this is absurd. A core function of the endgame is straight up not working and I haven’t seen a single blue reply about this. It’s gamebreaking and needs a hotfix asap.

Had this happen to me. Did a solo dungeon, lvl 71 rogue. The Nightmare was on a lvl 24. Upon completion, I received my items but there was no ability to upgrade my glyph.

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how can we elevate this bug to blizz so they fix it with appropiate prio? still no response of any blizz-staff here
@ filthierich
@ PezRadar

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same here i play 40++ and get nothing at the end

the console bug report and the rogue forums, and personal experience indicate its an issue with barrage rogues. I didn’t have any issues with any other spec until i swapped to barrage.

Go Blizz! Take care! Please tell us what‘s going on here… Damn glyph-upgrade doesn‘t work properly!


Happens to me also with barrage rogue at about 1/5 times. I get the completion loot but no glyph upgrade.

Happened to me just now. Completed a Tier 25 Guulrahn Canals NM dungeon, playing a Level 76 HOTA Barb. After the boss fight, no Glyph upgrade bubble spawned.

Please fix ASAP. This is the biggest reason to do Nightmares. In searching the topic, I notice that this issue has been reported at least weeks ago, but I have not seen any acknowledgment or fix from Blizzard.

This just happened 2x to me as well :confused:

Have had this happen to me twice now on my Tornado Druid. Both times it was in Aldurwood. Can’t remember what tier the first run I did was when it happened, but the one I just completed was tier 17.

Same here, keeps happening, Barrage rouge. Currently about 30% of dungeon no glyph upgrade, pathetic… Common Bluepost allready…

Just happened to me in Kor Dragan Barracks. Had this issue a lot of times by now, as apparently many of us have.

I’m seeing a lot of class and build stating but cba reading the whole thread since there’s no bluepost, so I’ll just add that I’m playing as an Ice Shards Sorcerer in case that’s relevant.

Same here, keeps happening, Barrage rouge. Currently about 30% of dungeon no glyph upgrade

Just happened to me in Aldurwood, level 17. Playing as an Ice Shard sorceress.

Please fix this asap. It could seriously cause me to stop playing the game…

Just happened to me in a T36 Abandoned Mineworks. Lvl 81 Barrage Rogue.

The loot rewards popped up and it said I got a unique chest (trash Razorplate but still) but it’s not in my bags, nor is the ancestral rare that I received as a completion reward.