I’ve already pointed this out but here goes again.
People buy a Diablo game and expect the Necromancer not to be a Diablo Necromancer, really? In every Diablo game there’s been ways to focus your character outside of Minions.
I’m not arguing that Minions aren’t part of what a Necromancer can do, but it isn’t a focus for the class in Diablo Games. Just like any other class in the game, there are build options. In other words, in Diablo games you can definitely focus on Minions if you want. But you can also take your character into doing other things. In Diablo 2, there were tons of builds that focused on bone skills only, with “Teeth” or Bone Spear doing your damage and this was good because there weren’t many monsters that had Magic Resist or Immunities. But there were also builds that focused on Curses and only ran with the Mercenary and you just hung back cursing stuff until your Merc killed something and you could start a chain reaction of Corpse Explosions.
So if you’re going to be focusing on what a “Necromancer should do” you have to keep in mind the Series you’re playing in. And in the Diablo Universe, Summons are something you can do, but it’s not the end all be all of the class.
And again, in the Diablo Universe, you have to build your character with items, looking for specific items including Uniques isn’t new to this game.
So again, I say, if you expect to play a Necromancer that you don’t have to find items for in order to play the build you want then you’ve picked up the wrong game and series and that’s not the game’s fault.
I’ll even go farther since you guys are focused on what a “Necromancer should be” and going back to D2. In D2 there was a set that turned your Necromancer into “Vampire” that cast Fireball and Meteor and Fire Wall. Yeah, those are definitely Necromancer abilities /sarcasm.
Point is, the Necromancer is different in Diablo games than you’d find in just any run of the mill fantasy game. And again even in “run of the mill” fantasy games like D&D, the Necromancer wasn’t a “Summoner”. I mean, they had many more spells that did stuff like adding conditions to the monster, or buff your allies, or drained damage and healed your character, or large AoE effects and what not than they did that actually created summons.
So I don’t really know what you guys are on about “The Necromancer is a Summoner and that should be the focus” because it never has been even going back to very beginning of RPG’s before video games became a thing.