Since you didn’t answer the question, let me ask again…
And if anyone is “pushing their beliefs” it’s you folks. “The Necromancer can only be one thing and nothing else” isn’t how Necromancer’s are portrayed in any kind of fiction. I mean, let’s look at a popular TV show from a few years ago.
There’s a creature that raises an army of undead but leads a group of other creatures that also create undead. But how do they do it? Oh yeah, they kill them with swords and spears and and what not and then raise their victims as undead.
Now, when those creatures, which are nothing less than a Necromancer want to get rid of a dragon and bring it to their side, how does the leader do it…hmmm. Let me think, oh yeah, he throws a frickin’ spear made of ice but could have also been replaced by one of made of bone.
And there are tons of other examples of this kind of Necromancer in other fiction too. A “mage” of some sort kills someone with some kind of spell or another and then raises that creature as an undead.
But according to you, that’s not a Necromancer because he didn’t just walk in to a graveyard and raise all the dead and then do nothing but direct those undead to kill their enemies.
My point is, your idea of Necromancer isn’t how Necromancers are most often portrayed but if a Necromancer doesn’t fall into your narrow view of what a Necromancer is, then it’s not a Necromancer. That’s means you’re the one that’s being stubborn or even close-minded.
Edit #2:
I love how when I bring examples of what a Necromancer has always been in the Diablo Universe or illustrate how they’ve been portrayed or played in a variety of RPG’s from Table Top to novels to TV shows, you guys then default to “logical fallacy” or “that’s not what a Necromancer is” and return to some dictionary definition or what not.
I mean, fiction isn’t boiled down to a definition on one site or another. The necromancer is clearly someone that CAN raise dead but in that broad definition there’s no definition of how they do it, if they have to kill the creature themselves first or if it just has to be dead or even and this is important, that those undead are then really powerful or not.
I mean, in the games and books and movies I’ve played, read, or watched, when people fight undead, the creatures aren’t very powerful and it’s only sheer weight of numbers that flip things in their favor.
The point is, and the first post and title of this entire thread is “A Cry for Balance” but that’s not what I see in these posts. What I see is, “My Necromancer Summoner feels weak and it’s because these other builds exist. Boil the Necromancer down to just Summoning so that the only option to play a Necromancer is running around with a bunch of weak followers. That’ll fix it.”
Yeah, whatever.