Must ban the dupers and all who used duped mats

Hi. I’d like to talk to you about our lord and savior, economy.

Inside economy is something called supply and demand!

Here’s a good example! :clap:

Bob has an orchard, he grows peaches! He grows 10 peaches a month and can sell them for a market price of 2$ each. Bob makes 20$ a month doing this and is dirt poor, but who cares.

In comes Chad. Chad buys 1 of Bob’s peaches and genetically modifies it to grow 50000% faster. Chad now sells these for 0.5$ each! Bob is crying wondering how to feed his family and kids and how to afford the water for his orchard. Chad is now swimming in money, Chad buys a nice car a nicer house and expands his own orchard. Bob loses his home, his wife divorces him, his kids disowns him.

Thank you for reading my example that I made up on the spot. I might need professional therapy now.

It affects market prices and market supply of 925 items, lowering their value. :peach:

GL with that. 3 days max XD

I suggest Blizzard should disable all duriel sets, and open Duriel to every one, and have limited times to play per day like World of Warcraft, it is easy and fair for everyone.

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I suggest there shouldn’t need to be mats to summon duriel, you should simply just be able to summon him like you’re able to summon lilith. Uber boss mats are a fine idea in theory, but in practice it sucks massive horsehair :horse:

Having your pinnacle content be limited by helltides and bloodharvest + world bosses and legion events, is a terrible practice.


You think somebody would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

The only people who refer to computer science as “comp sci” are people who don’t work in CS or SE fields. Nice try though.

so we want free uniques is what you are saying?

sorry, i see that some people dont want any grind, but this would make it utterly boring.

id have a counter suggestion. how about the new bosses are equally strong as echo of lilith, but they dont need any materials + echo of lilith can drop uniques too.

This is too much cringe in one post…


People duping and others crying while I’m just running around smacking things with my Druid and having a good time.

Apologies. I think you mean the extremely niche and limited trading economy of which probably 0.5% of the playerbase actually engages with.

Nothing meaningful is tradeable in this game. Loot is everywhere and gold is so easy to farm.

Until we can trade Legendary’s, aspects and uniques this game will forever have the trade economy of a potato.


was that a confession ;)?

good thing is, this topic is over rather soon anyway lol
“Any account that engages in gold and item duplication exploits will be actioned in accordance with our End User License Agreement.”

I am guilty of smacking things with my Druid and having a good time yeah lol.

I couldn’t care less about other players duping. It doesn’t affect my experience at all.

It should be pretty easy for Blizz to single them out and ban them because of how few people actually bother to trade. Blizzard probably only has to sift through like the 50 accounts that actually bother to trade to find the sus ones.

But whether or not they get banned, I don’t care. It doesn’t affect me.


ah my bad, i misunderstood you then :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s a deal I’d take. I hate grinding for materials and being forced to do helltides.


Trading is disabled - people in citys dropping 100s on the ground…so how do you counter 30-50% of your playerbase having these items?

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that is not a ban. that is a suspension. a ban is permanent.

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Exploiting is bad and people should feel bad.

I know its off topic but how do you reset duriel? just teleport to a dungeon, go back and revive? how do you rev exactly?

Just enjoy the game!

IP and hardware ban takes 2 seconds to do and is a huge inconvenience for the person banned. Though they should throw a ban in as well lol

People that use exploits and dupes really just ruin the experience for themselves.

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they do not do it for do more duriels. Mostly they sell gold earned from it via RMT thats why they dont care

well maybe if Blizzard would give us something else to do other than unlocking the SAME FUNKING ASPECTS AGAIN after we already unlocked them once in the pre-season and once in the last season. How many more times do I have to unlock that shiz? I will save time where i can exploitng this ridiculous game. Not like anyone plays it anymore anyway. RIP Blizzard

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Ya know what would even be better? If they actually tested this crap before release, imo this is on the dev team not players. Why are people able to dupe at all? Amazing devs on this game …

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