I feel this way too, there’s no real economy like in diablo 2, there’s no leaderboards/ladder so like who cares?
So just open d4 editor for everyone? Lol what a dumb comment. I think this is totally on the dev team but if this isn’t an issue why not just open it up so everyone can cheat then per your view
Lol that’s like saying you voted for Biden then? Think your the dumber one lol if that’s the case
should they? yes
will they? doubts
you never know with blizzard. it’s a crap shoot every time.
i think they won’t do anything. removing 5 shakos was too much for them ; i imagine tracking and punishing this exploit is more work than removing 5 shakos.
No need to throw an ego trip, because you were one of the ones that exploited it. All the software developing you’ve done is actually irrelevant. If you’ve worked in IT, that’s a different story.
Hardware ban usually refers to banning the MAC address. IP address bans is just as it sounds: blocking the IP address from accessing the servers. There are ways to go around it, but it does make life difficult for the exploiter. To avoid that, blizz can create a “profile” for banned users which includes their address, credit cards/other payment methods they use, IP address, ISP, etc. So making new accounts or using a friend’ s account will also get them banned.
i havnt been messing with any of that stuff lately but you could easily spoof an IP and a MAC address both back in the days.
they must have better solutions by now heh
Bernie sanders actually, next year I might do a write-in for Taylor Swift. who knows
Yes, if you read the rest of the paragraph. The next sentence says “There are ways to go around it.” So yeah, it’s already known that you can call up your ISP to change IP address or spoof your MAC address. If you continue reading, it shows a solution for that.
It’s a pretty spendy game, ban any intentional exploiters… It’s always going to be a leaky boat but if you lose all your progress and 50 to 90 bucks a pop I imagine exploiting becomes less appealing.
On the other hand if you just get a slap on the hand and your back at it…well then, people will exploit and often.
Nevermind; already has been addressed.
Yes the dupers should be banned.
Yes blizzard should nerf the uber material requirements because somehow that is one of the things diablo 3 got right from the start. 300 cinders + the 9 chests in a single helltide triumph is just fugging trolling on the devs part. Even with a legion event starting you off with 300, it seems like every other chest is 300 cinders and the mini-boss guardian doesn’t even drop 10.
EDIT: Blizzard literally made it 10 (up from 9) for a single helltide for the champion triumph in an update this morning.
D3 Alert!! Complaining about others and demanding bans for something that has zero affect on anyone in a single player/no leaderboards game
Fair? It’s a single player game. Are you really really really that worried what someone across the globe is doing in a single player game that you demand they get banned. You have to be from the D3 cry for banwaves crowd. Show us on the doll where the pixels hurt you
if a murderer murders ppl very far away from my home i still hate them even if theyre not gonna murder me personally.
i dont understand the people that think like you. maybe youre a bit of a sociopath
Blizzard should flag all the people on this post defending the duping actions because 100% they probably doing it too.
its awesome where people always get these numbers from.
im sorry, but i really dont see people throwing around with percentages here having ever visited a school.
haha yea xD
i mean really, imagine you took part in that exploit yourself. id never ever think of trying to defend that especially after the pinned post and just stay quiet as a mouse.
guess we should have a look in the post histories once the posts “I got banned for nothing” pop up lol.
I voted for Merkel…AND Xi.
I don’t think rob himself was actually duping. However he was 110% in groups that was using duped mats to summon the boss. However I have seen rob be a part of a lot of the questionable stuff that happens in d4 so he deserves some sort of punishment and I agree it will never happen. I see it like this in real life if you receive stolen property you can technically be punished because it’s your responsibility to know where things you buy or accept come from. So in my opinion same should happen in d4. It should be your responsibility to know if you are indeed using duped mats. Using material from some random stream watcher or buying them from some discord or other method is shady and if you got duped material you deserve punishment just like the duper.
That makes no sense, the person can easily just lie. What we gotta go to their house and confirm they indeed farmed these materials themselves?
How do you suggest a player even goes about finding this information out?