Must ban the dupers and all who used duped mats

If that’s the case you wouldn’t have even suggested banning based off mac addresses. Does about as much good as banning a dynamic ip. Please stop.


He didn’t dupe anything. He carried people who each gave him 3 sets of the summoning mats. He even declined to carry people who claimed to have absurd numbers of mats.

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Tell me you didn’t play OG D2 online… without telling me you never played OG D2 online.

Plenty of people got hit with ban hammers over map hacks, dupes, and speed hacks. Back then, they banned people via CD key.


There’s nothing you can do to the duper, cash already in the pocket.
Another set of diablo4 game, blizzard and duper both like it . it’s a win-win.

Didn’t realize somebody having an item you don’t have somehow affects you. I’m only Lv 61. Am I supposed to cry because some Lv 100 rolls me up in the PvP zone? It is what it is.

yet you’re wasting your time arguing with people in a diablo forum


Go ahead and spoof your MAC address then let me know how that worked out.


Then you know that Blizzard has the ability to read every serial number from your router, sound card, gpu, cpu, ssd anything they want now would they probably not when a simple mac address ban would force you to get a new ISP and router not just another version of the game.
I highly doubt you have any credentials in any of those field “the LOLOLOL” kind of gives it away.

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Shouldn’t the programmers and coders fired for allowing this ??

“I’m much more technically literate than you will ever be”

Can you please explain then how IP ban or HW ban works and how will it increase the sales for D4 ?

Lmao I’m glad people duped items and had some fun in this boring game. Get rekt

On one side I agree. On the other hand, I’m not sure where we draw the line.

150 duriel sets paid for with gold at current market price is 40m per set is 5600 Million gold. it’s not unbelieveable that someone could have both enough gold and that a group of friends could have farmed those mats and gave them to one guy to sell to split the gold later.

Let’s take a less extreme example though.

Duper sells shards for 22m each, 8m below market price.
Should the buyer be banned here?

I’m having a tough time finding where to draw the line on this myself.

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if someone had say. 2500 eggs and 2500 shards, how much gold is that?
asking for a friend

You can just follow a duriel bus 1$ such like that.
eggs or shards is not necessary.

Just because you are not affected directly by these exploits doesn"t make it a valid argument and reasons to keep exploiting.

I could literally steal money from my neighbor and probably also do some whatever violence I could think of. Would this affect you? Probably not. So I guess it’s ok then?

Well, 1 shard is 30m at market price. I believe eggs were 12m.
So let’s do some basic math together! Yaaay! :clap:

2500 * 30.000.000
2500 * 12.000.000
75+30 = 105
So final value is:


never have to work again!

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:partying_face: Imagine all the enchants you could do! :hammer:

It sounds like you’re the kid here. Such statement is pure childish.

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Nope. That’s a simplisitc way to look at things when it comes to software development. If QA and product already gave an approval for release, you can’t blame the programmers that easily. Programmers are smart but they don’t think like QAs. Most of the time they miss edge cases and often go with happy paths.