yea totally. i got a good feeling the next banwave will lead to some big tears here.
If this was a Shooter I would say yes. So how does it impact him if a few are unfair?
Ofc its against ToS and they will fix the exploit but there is no need to screaming around and demanding bans.
Conspiracy theory :
Blizz let the dupe happen for testing grounds so they can scale uber boss fights properly.
End theory.
They won’t ban…Blizzard poster boy for the game: Rob2628
Streamed for 3 days doing the exploit and doing 300+ times
His last video on YT day 2 he did 271 times
i do think that for the long term : it’s better that exploiters are banned.
If someone explicitly and knowingly does something against TOS, they should be punished period. If not then this will promote future exploits.
Spoiler alert: It CAN affect some elses gameplay. If exploiters trade away gold flagged as gained through exploit, anyone who gets that gold can also be banned, including innocent traders. The same thing applies with items as well.
Seems to me you’re the clueless one here. How about thinking about the overall picture?
You definitely do not get a trophy. Deal with it.
i disagree. every player has the right for the game to have a safe and exploit free environment.
Especially considering future ladders, i think its pretty legit as a fair customer to be expecting a banwave for people who try to exploit everything that comes up.
There shouldn’t be ANY exploits period. Blizzard should ban themselves.
show me 1 game that has no bugs.
All games have bugs here and there. Tell me a big franchise ARPG game that had duping “BUG” two season in a row.
Please read the stickies at the top of the forums before making a post about this subject.
Continuing the discussion from UPDATE October 22 - Suspension of Trading Notice:
They’ll take the necessary action, just calm down, act like the whole world is coming to an end if this doesn’t happen to every single person guilty of this crime, let them do their work, go have a coffee, and chill.
How sad of an individual do you have to be to write crap like this. Damn, I’ve seen emo cutters that didn’t cry out for attention this hard. Move on with your life and get some perspective.
There will almost always be dupe / exploit.
There hasn’t been any bans in the history of Diablo series.
So you just have to use it or lose it.
Or just ignore everything and play the game like a single player
lol what?
Tell me again how no Diablo game has ever banned people, please.
They should and if they dont it will prove they indeed will play favorites to fill their needs.
IF Rob did indeed stream this, then that is evidence and they should and may take action. IF they dont ban him and his cohorts, then it sends a horrible message you are above the EULA if you are a popular streamer. We as a playerbase can also send a message by unsubbing from Rob and not promoting or watching his content which I will do shortly after doing my own research on this matter.
not like itd be a drama to ban him anyway. they earn more than enough with their streams, so considering he relies on games to make money, hell just get another license.
They could attempt an IP ban or something similiar to make it harder. Send a strong and clear message this will not be tolerated.
I have not watched the fellow. My opinion, is that anyone, streamer or not, should be held to the same standards. People in the Partner program even more so.
Blizzard usually bans the license, but allows people to make a new account as long as they keep it clean. It is very rare that they ban the PERSON behind the account, but it has been done. Not common.
What I personally think might be appropriate is something like:
Blizzard acknowledges the bug + exploit in a public message.
Blizzard disables related functions prevents further impact from it.
Blizzard notifies people that the EULA will be upheld.
- Blizzard follows through on that, evenly and fairly.
- Streamers and partners who are suspended or banned acknowledge it publicly, suck it up, and get a new account if they want to keep playing. It means starting over, but that is a fair trade for cheating. Be honest about it and start over clean.
- Blizzard starts doing something like a PTR! Massive bugs resulting in major game exploits of the level in D4 are just a bit unusual for Blizzard. I am used to lag, queues, incorrect skill dmg calculations, an event not working, etc. Not massive dupe flaws like this.
Anyway, not a green statement, just my personal opinion as a person.
Specifically duping? Just Diablo 1 and Diablo 4.
General issues with exploits?
Diablo 1 (duping, trainers), Diablo 2 (duping, trainers, map hacks), Diablo 3 (bots), Path of Exile (bots)
Basically every big name ARPG ever.
Well written and whole heartedly agree with you!