Metric for gaging how much we're being heard in the forums

I would do that job, no problem. Sounds like your average Comcast customer service agent’s day, everyday. Why is Blizzard so special?

No – this isnt true. There used to be this community manager named bashiok who would make excuses for how terribly D3 was designed and regularly post to the forums.

What you’re describing only became true after the D3 fiasco and the community back lash.

Because it was about account actions which we are not allowed to post! I answered you there too. Seriously, Blizzard has not changed procedures in over a decade and the content of a standard email is pretty well known. Esp to anyone who heads to the CS forum for WoW, or reads “I was wrongfully banned” posts/threads.

So you have zero proof other than your opinion that someone is well spoken and somewhat knowledgeable about Blizzard games or standard role for executives. Ok.

Dude, you would think I worked 100 different places if that was your metric. Getting old can sometimes mean you learn a lot and know a ton of stuff. Most of it is never useful and just clutters your brain, but sometimes basics help. Like knowing how corporations work, or what the content of a phishing email might be.

Reminds me of people who thought science or basic biology/herb knowledge was witchcraft because they did not understand, or share that knowledge. :broom: :woman_mage: :herb: :fire:

I’m sure there are plenty of people who would jump on a sword for Blizzard, but Blizzard has asked them not to.

Sorry to hear that Comcast hasn’t/can’t do that.

Right, it seems clear Blizzard has asked them not to. I’m just simply pointing out that they’re not special – where the fact they would get railed here is not an actual valid reason for silence.

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No specific personal information were exposed, it was standard natural conversation developing, given that it was immediately deleted after i brought up the Blizzard employee topic it, it just reinforces my case even more.

Yes, including when someone is trying to bs you and act like everything is on the up and up so they can get the spotlight away from whatever it is that its being zeroed in on. Your analogy of herb/biology is apt in describing your attempts at dismissing the obvious. Critical thinking and deductive reasoning is an ability everyone has, you might wanna put that to use from time to time.

So let me ask you then, do you know for a fact that some Blizzard employees aren’t doing the things i’m claiming they’re doing? Cause as i mentioned before in the previous thread that was suddenly deleted. I believe they are doing this on their own initiative, meaning they could be at home or on their work desk alt tabbing as they’re working. So i’m curious if you know this is not happening.

And there we go. So you admit that they have their own personal forum accounts. And you think the idea that some of them would log on and start making posts without disclosing that they are blizzard employees(because it would instantly invalidate any defense they make) is not in the realm of possibility? Especially seeing how hard some of these people shill for the bad features and mechanics of this game? You’re absolutely delusional if you think anyone would believe your case and speaks to the flimsy attempt at explaining away my point.


The real point is that nothing would get done. People would just attack and vent without creating a two way conversation. Even if there are a handful people who would properly use the opportunity, all it takes is a few angry people to ruin the opportunity.

It seems much more efficient to just read those attacks from afar, then put it in the patch notes that they’ve fixed the things that people have been complaining about.

Well they would partially alleviate the idea that they don’t give a crap. Might help.

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Shakogate is the perfect example.

You make a small mistake and 140 people get an unmerited reward. You build up a huge negative emotional backlash.

The proper response to this is to be careful with future changes. Messing up a patch CAN cause the game-equivalent of an explosion.

Some of us predicted that this exact thing was going to happen. I wish I could say I feel vindicated as one of those voices, but I get tired of being right about bad things.

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This forum is no worse than any blizzard forum, seems like they attract whiny manchildren much more than other companies.

History of this pattern over many, many, many years of games and patches.

I feel you and you are not alone. We have talked about it quite a bit here.

The metric:

Yeah, like I said, that’s over dramatic. It’s a video game. If you’re trying to play this and aren’t having fun to begin with you’ve wasted your money.

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So out of thin air. Got it.

If that’s how you want to misunderstand what I said, you do you.

Well you didn’t offer anything relevant to now. D3 launched over 10 years ago. How many people from that time period still work for Blizzard? This was before the merger, I think, so policies could have changed too.

In general, I’ve seen 0 blue responses to topics which is abnormal compared to a decade ago.

No, it’s NOT 90%. It’s just the people that have posted, because happy players don’t want to tell everyone they’re happy. Only people that don’t like it, want to tell us they don’t like it.

So that’s all you see.

Then you didn’t actually read what I wrote. There is a pattern to how Blizzard deals with increased criticism. The more there is, the quieter they become on the forums. This is a pattern going back all the way into WotLK. That pattern is what is relevant to now. Because their silence fits that pattern that has happened repeatedly.

Keen observation. Because before 2008, blues were much more active with the community. So much so they felt like part of the community. Now they feel like corpo drones that only grace us with slivers of info whenever we lowly peasants are deemed worthy of attention. I miss the pre-activision blizzard for many reasons, some of them because Blizzard felt like human beings back then.

Yep, you’re exactly right. You remember the days when they were part of the community. Better days… :frowning_with_open_mouth: