Metric for gaging how much we're being heard in the forums

Click the “Blizz tracker” button in the top middle.
Their last responses were all on the 7th.
They’re being asked to not respond to any threads because the forum climate has turned against the game (deservedly).
Blizz has a pretty decent track record of responding to glitch threads or giving updates in forums, but they also keep real quiet when 90% of the posts are people upset (rightfully) with the game.

They are aware we all are pretty dissatisfied, so keep the posts coming. Let it get so bad that they have to assign people to categorize and list forum topics and address concerns based on frequency. Let them do triage.


If you had spent any amount of time on the D3 forums, you would know this is completely expected.

100% normal for Blizzard.


Blizzard is very hands off anymore in their games. Exploits, bugs, or whatever they will be quick to fix but if it’s not effecting gameplay they really don’t care to be honest.


Sending someone to the forums right now would be the equivalent of sending 1 person out to talk to angry mob with torches and pitchforks.

Even though they’re demanding communication, they’d just tear the guy apart with 0 regards for feedback or communication.


Speak for yourself.

And if you want blizz to listen, write a thread with meaningful and constructive feedback.

Touch some grass.

20 char.

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Oh yay more crying. Lets go guys, keep crying, we’ll eventually cry enough tears that the servers will flood and turn off.

You bought two accounts so you could have 20 characters? What levels are they all?

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Beat me to it lol. The d4 forum is literally the same as the D3 forum.

You get

  1. Annoying Crybabies
  2. Whiteknights
  3. The occassional regular gamer
  4. 2 or 3 popular posters
  5. Ms. Cheetahs occassional green replies
  6. 1 or 2 actual rational posts

Or you’ll keep crying and eating dog food, and then you’ll eat enough dog food that your tears will eventually start to smell like dog food and that’ll make Santa’s little helper come home.

I wouldn’t talk to this community directly either if it was me, lol.

Wait, what am I doing here?!

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Community got too spicy.

Been this way for decades, we used to try our best to destroy any blue that dared post on the forums.

We ran off Greg Street from WoW, seemed that way anyway, and since his departure the forums around Blizz have been mostly void of official responses.


90% of the posts are pure trash. I hope they ignore them.

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…first time on blizz forums?

Okay moneybags, we get it, you can afford two whole copies of the game

They seem to reply on Twitter a lot.



If complaining on forums made better games, WoW would be the best game ever to exist.

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Yes, we already heard you brag about how many characters you have.

Where are you getting this from? They don’t mention this.