Metacritic reviews disabled

yes its just organic anger, people seeing conspiracies where there are none.

It’s literally this, as bad as people want to think Metacritic is and it is.
They probably care about their own credibility also.
Rabid children don’t determine reality.

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Well, if the game didn’t suck then it wouldn’t get low reviews. :man_shrugging:

It’s so bad I don’t even bother playing it. That makes it a 0 in my eyes.

LOL. Okay dude. You clearly don’t care that people actually are being encouraged to review bomb so why even ask? And if you aren’t playing why are you here in the first place?


Except it’s not a conspiracy. It’s actually a well-documented phenomenon, has been recognized by review aggregate sites like Metacritic (you know, the source people typically use as fact), Rotten Tomatoes, and Steam, and has just recently had published research on it (search: Review Bomb: On the Gamification of the Ideological Conflict).

I don’t know. Seems pretty real to me.

People saying the score should be lower isn’t the same as “everybody create an account and give the game a 0 with no commentary!” Many of the reviews are well written. There’s been plenty of time for metacritic to filter IP’s and remove so called “bots” (which don’t exist for this medium).

I want to see D4 become good. Especially since it is supposed to be a successor to D3, which they have effectively forced into end-of-life maintenance mode. So, without a proper successor, that either means they need to fix this game or looks like I’m just done with Diablo (and Blizzard, ultimately).

There’s many here that share this sentiment.

And even if this was the case do u really think people would review bomb a game they enjoy ??? I dont think so and if u care to read any of the explanations on metacritic u will see many people even wrote the reason for their review score. And this dont answer my question, why does this not happen to every other game then??? This might have to do with the fact that people actually dont like the game

AKA the bandwagon effect. A 0 is obviously unreasonable, but a 3 or 4 is definitely appropriate in this case.

Yup i might give D4 a 3/10 for the graphics alone if i was to vote which im not but rest of the game is soo dissapointing and not even worthy of the name and legacy of its predecessors. Ad on top all the spaghetti coding, rubber banding, invisible walls etc. not to mention things like having to load the stash and inventory of every char u meet in the open world and nerfing all chars just before season and u have the perfect recipe for a 2.2/10 game

I don’t think there needs to be any explanation for why internet users do things beyond the fact that they thrive in anonymity and seek to sew chaos in any way. It is very strange to me that we, as a community and society, have often considered internet users as unreliable for decades, but suddenly we believe those review bombing Diablo are somehow being honest in their intentions.

Guaranteed if the game was getting positive reviews on Metacritic, the forums would be chirping something about the game’s score being botted by Blizzard or whatever.

I’ve read the reviews on Metacritic. If you think reviews like "D4 is now officially DEAD …



are insightful and encapsulate the issues blatant in the game’s design, then you are being just as dishonest as they are because that’s the majority of the reviews present.

I recognize that D4 has issues. I refuse to believe that trolls on a website, which doesn’t even verify if you’ve played the game, are being genuine.

There are several other games that are good and get review bombed. One such example is Street Fighter 6, an incredible fighting game that’s critically acclaimed and is held in high regard by the fighting community. It has a 6.7 on Metacritic because people are tilted about its monetization practices (which have been standard for well over a decade now and don’t interfere with the game), as well as the new control scheme that has forced people to come to terms with the fact that they aren’t as good as they thought they were.

Then there’s Horizon: Forbidden West’s DLC, which has a 4.2 because it features a queer couple in its story. And then there’s Dragonflight, a game lauded by the community as a return to form for WoW and the best expansion in years, which has a 3.2 on Metacritic.

I could keep going on, but as I’ve said already, review bombing is a well-documented phenomenon. It doesn’t take much effort beyond typing in “incidences of review bombing” to see how common it is. Hell, review bombing has been so terrible for some games that Metacritic has had to step in. They once removed 6,000 negative reviews for Death Stranding because it was a very clear attempt at review bombing the game.

The answer to this is simple: The bandwagon for hating on a certain game is far larger than other games. Diablo IV is an Activision-Blizzard IP. Its association with Activision alone has positioned it to be hated before it even releases. And to be clear, I’m not saying Activision doesn’t deserve hate. They are an abhorrent company and deserve every bit of criticism lobbed at them.

But Blizzard could have released an immaculate game with a perfect first season, and people would have review bombed it anyways because it’s Activision. Especially after the scandal two years ago, people are pre-dispositioned to hate anything Activision.

Im not saying this is not true since im kind of biased my self when it comes to Activision/Blizzard products but i still think D4 would have stayed at like 5/10 if they had released a better season 1 patch, i think the score was somewhere around this a few weeks ago. No matter what, review bomb or not, i think people are genuinely dissapointed me included. Now as for Street Fighter 6 i still think 6.7/10 is decent but yes some people will not like monetization which in my opinion is fair enough.

You’re part of the problem.

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I don’t think Diablo IV is deserving of an 8 or a 9. I think the base game in pre-season was a 7 and the game following the new season patch is now a 6 or a 6.5, maybe a 5.5 if you consider how lackluster it is for something that’s meant to sustain interest for 3 months.

I don’t think people are wrong to be disappointed with Diablo IV, but hyperbole and review bombing doesn’t move the conversation about the game forward. Diablo IV, even after the patch, is not a 2/10 game. A score like that is basically saying it’s on par with something like the Gollum game, and if someone is scoring it at that level, they are trolling. There’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

You can knock a game for having something you don’t like, but to give the game a 0 and/or base the entirety of your low score off of something so arbitrary is so unbelievably dishonest.

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its not “review bombing” if everyone leaving the reviews owns and played the game lol

this game deserves to be rated low. i smoke myself retarded and listen to music while i play to have fun, and today i could still only do 2 nightmare dungeons before getting bored… because thats all it is. return the two boxes, den of evil slay all quests over and over until i get to go read rare affixes at the blacksmith. and now like 99.9% of rares are crap instead of just 99% like before. and why grind? theres nothing to look forward to. uber lilith with no rewards? no thanks. plenty of other games out there that respect your time more than this

I myself never rate a game 10/10 or 0/10 because there is no perfect game, also a bad game always has one good stuff you can still mention. No one cares tho, just saying.

Metacritic doesn’t verify if the people leaving reviews have actually played the game.

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Which is in fact, a review bomb

10 million copies sold and you think reviews matter.
Also, you guys are spending all day leaving 1-star reviews? The rest of us are employed, but surely raging online and leaving pointless reviews is a great use of time as well haha

Metacritic doesn’t even verify if it’s your first time leaving a user review for a game or your 1000th time. It’s astonishing that they don’t have phone number verification yet or require a verified phone number to post user reviews. I’m pretty sure I have to verify my phone number for most other things in 2023.

I like how when people say they dislike the game due to lack of content they are reminded that it is a live service game to defend it.

Yet when stupid changes are made because it is a live service game that causes the opinions on the game to deteriorate even further, suddenly it’s “amg they are review bombing cuz of one patch” and it’s unfair.