Metacritic reviews disabled

Nah I am good bro, I enjoy the game and I hate children that whine and complain.

Everyone complaining has failed to offer a meaningful or reasonable reason to back their complaints, you just want to bash a company because of “hurt feelings” for random unequivocal reasons.

Just stop playing the game if you dislike it, not a hard concept.

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Everyone complaining has failed to offer a meaningful or reasonable reason to back their complaints

This is gaslighting. There is an overwhelming amount of feedback and in depth criticism being provided for weeks now. Calling it “whining” makes you look like a fool, if you like mediocrity the joke is on you.

Metacritic works fine i just wrote a review and i tell ya thats not a good one :wink:

its funny how this was completely overlooked, even by the reviewers. ive never heard anyone mention this, its as if it didnt even happen.

That’s exactly what a review bomb is.

Both max and min scores are fakes, not showing what game actually is.

Lmao thats a lie, people have complained and offer ideas and solutions quite often

Well, while the alleged screaming makes it ‘hard to digest’ it doesn’t mean that they don’t make any valid points while doing so. The reason is better not to be like that is because it makes people dismissive of any valid arguments made (if any).

If you are implying a bias, every single person here who owns the game has a bias. They also have the right to feel the way they do, good or bad.

As for the thread, it was deleted before I could look at it so I can’t really comment on anything other than assumptions I make based on the thread title. I don’t feel as though it fits into what I was describing.

While you could argue that the existence of such a thread can be taken as a form of negative feedback in itself and I’m sure it contained some complaints, the thread title indicates to me that it wasn’t likely to have been made in good-faith and isn’t so much ‘feedback’ in the first place.

Offering feedback of ‘the devs’ is one thing, making demands of radical staff change is another. However I would say that if one person does it it feels entitled and unhinged, but if a significant majority of the playerbase does it (I am not implying that this is the case now, not at all) then in that case it should be taken more seriously in that the amount of support lends it more weight/validity.


srsly, how old are you?

It was from one of the angry players who feel they were “disrespected” by the developers and he set up a petition to have them all fired. That’s a typical post from the most aggressively anti-blizzard posters… I wish I could say that this was unique… scroll through the forums over the last two or three days and you’ll find dozens of these types of posts…

the amount of ignorance on this post is hilarious combined with the low iq ego

Best D4 video of all

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I mean the review bombing over a game is silly and childlike it should be disabled for awhile.

BTW that is not how you get things improved. Its silly you think bombing a game on a review site is going to enact the changes you want.

I think its silly and ridiculous you guys are doing this.

Thats on him… ya express your opponion dont make multiple accounts in order to drop the score lower if that is the intent. Thats difference between legit reviews and review bombing

Shocker hey.

The known forum trolls just got done saying the site is pointless, can’t be trusted, unused, no one cares about it…player reviews are all botters etc…

If one thing is certain, they will be here soon to shift the goal posts.

Season 1 is $#!* 1 hr in and im alrdy doing everything I was doing on the 19th just slower.

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I have found no source in the little research that I have done that Metacritic ever accepted a bribe. However, I found an article in which Metacritic removed affiliation from certain critics for accepting company bribes for better reviews.

I also wanted to point out that several users have reported that they are still able to post reviews on Diablo IV via Metacritic, which leads me to believe that the OP was either being disingenuous or his IP was banned for nefarious reasons on Metacritic.

I also frequent the Reddit Diablo IV forums, and there were posts encouraging folks to continue lowering the user Metacritic score to see how low it can get. This, by definition, is review bombing.

Dude wtf are u talking about??? like reviews are some kind of conspiracy with thousands of people working together to nuke the game to the stone age??? we are talking massive tinfoil hat conspiracy theory here. If this was true then why the f… is it not happening to all other games??? PoE for an example has a 7.9/10 review score vs D4’s pitiful 2.2/10 as of this moment. Just face it people are genuinely dissapointed with D4 end of story. Some people just refuse to accept reality even if it hits them in the face

Can you provide links to this claim?

Also, if people were actually happy with the game… do you think they’d bother to leave a negative review? I think not. The game was already at a 5.0/10 for weeks. So, even then, you could say only 50% of users were satisfied with the product.

“Need to go lower”

Another one, same thread but only 373 upvotes

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