Metacritic reviews disabled

Disabling metacritic is the death knell for any product.

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Yea did you see all the zeros? That is not an honest rating or review.

edit: I mean even E.T. on the Atari deserves a 1.5.

I like seeing all the white knights stumble around their mental gymnastics with this one

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It is a honest rating, when a games goes false advertisment.

People buyed a hack and slay action RPG.

and blizzard patch it into a ā€œdark souls wannabeā€

A complete different genre, so a 0/10 for a 100 dollar overpriced product is deserved.

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Says the people that wanted to can bud over a beer can.

Itā€™s sorta a barn doors closed after horses got outta the barn type of thing, tho.

Damn bro, those are some crazy numbers. Can you show us where you got those figures from?

Same place everyone else gets theirs, the napkin left on the table at the local diner.

Im asking about you, not everyone else. So whered you get those numbers from?

And the numbers are untrue, the effect is studied, and the numers are 1:10.

For one positve memory and rating, there are 10 negative memories and rating.

How is it like dark souls?

Iā€™ll take ā€œThings someone made upā€ for 1000 Alex.

Nothing about Diablo is like Dark Souls, not even remotely close.

From the napkin, I told you champion.

Lol so, just made up numbers to help fluff your comment, got it

Yes it does. A screaming 13-year-old child complaining about changes to a game is inherently untrustworthy.

On cueā€¦ enter some feedback eloquently stated:

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Says the screaming child lmao

Blizzard doesnt disable them, Metacritic does when they can prove that over 85% of the reviews are bots.

I wish the Blizzard forums would do the same for bot accounts like yours and clean this mess up.

I am all for being critical and offering up advice for improvement. But the comment spams on here are clearly bots and or immature children that are upset they didnt get a brownie for desertā€¦

Have fun with karma!

Nope. I stated my position clearly and without histrionicsā€¦ You do you though champ!

I definitely will, bud!

Iā€™m 48. Not a bot. Stop shilling for this sh*t company.

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