Medical condition need answer from blizzard staff

Microsoft has the amazing Xbox Adaptive Controller. Also look up Halfcoordinated, they have been speedruning games with only one hand due to a medical condition.

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Sorry to hear that. You can always get a mouse with 4 extra programmable buttons to run your skills, and there are 1 handed controllers I don’t know how compatible they are.

The only way to know is to open a ticket and ask support directly. A Blizzard representative won’t come to the forums.

They didn’t even aknowledge game breaking bugs that affected an entire class; They won’t come to answer a question that might affect a few players.

So, ask them directly, and keep the conversation report or something in case things don’t go well.

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i will also keep that post up. until i get a solid answer.i will share what they say. personally i dont have a great expectation of an answer. i read that its basically a gray zone. blizzard wont tell direcly that i can. but some ppl were using it for years whitout ban so…i think my question is legetimate and im not trying to abuse anything. i just want to enjoy the game and beat t100 map

Any automation of gameplay outside of the features already built into the game by Blizzard, can get your account banned.

Blizzard does not care WHY someone does it. All they care is that the account was violating the rules.

Do not use any software or hardware to automate gameplay. Not keyboard macros, not mouse macros, not Autohotkey. Nothing.

Use the accessibility and keybinding options available in game if you want to avoid being penalized. Several people have great suggestions in the thread for control options that might help.

Exactly. The EULA applies to ALL Blizzard games.

Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:

  • cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), :point_left: influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;
  • bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that allows the automated control of a Game, or any other feature of the Platform, :point_left: e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;
  • hacks; i.e. accessing or modifying the software of the Platform in any manner not expressly authorized by Blizzard; and/or
  • any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality; :point_left:

You will not get an answer from Blizzard. They will point you to the EULA and policies. Those very clearly state you can’t automate game in any way with hardware or software.

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It is forbidden and bannable.
Will you get banned? Not really.
But its not allowed.

Do what you want with that information

Buy a Corsair mouse and download the ICUE Software that comes with it - I have used this for every blizzard game with no issues.

If you look at Azeron Cyro Mouse for people who has disability. Does this considered as against D4 ToS?

I am not familiar with that mouse, but Blizzard will not pass judgement on any software or hardware they don’t own/make/control.

Their policy is that it is up to the user to ensure they use their devices within the bounds of the game rules.

Sort of like having a car that does 200mph but having to keep it to 30mph in a neighborhood. Driver is responsible for how the car is driven, even if the car can do a lot more.

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Use a controller then.

It is a mouse that has a lots of buttons (22 mappable buttons) and also has an analog stick (crazy hey?). Each button can be bound into any keyboard key. If this is against ToS, all of one handed person wont be able to enjoy this game or any of Blizzards game?

Does Blizzard even read these forums? I don’t think you will get a productive response here if you are looking for an answer directly from Blizzard.

OP try:

Customer Support

I use a Logitech mmo gaming mouse. It has 12 buttons on the side that I keybind to my abilities, potions and character sheet. It is still one button per action so no rules are being broken.

i bought the game… bought a mouse with feature that i can set up on my own purpose. just saying why there is a feature in WoW in the setting call marco. you can legit make your own macro in wow. also use addon lol why would i buy feet controler ? if i want to play a game with my feet ill buy guitar hero and play drum. sry sry … i understand everything but it make 0 sense. why i couldnt use my right click for both core and basic attack. i can manage the other skill but i cant spam my mouse as a keybord lol

Controller takes 2 hands. He only has 1 usable hand.

He needs an MMO style mouse so he can assign key binds to the thumb buttons.

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“Blizzard staff” don’t respond on these forums.

People need to drop this assumption

i have a razer naga trinity with 3 kind of set up for my thumb. i got the 2 i can switch for a weird 6 circle one or the 12 bind one. the probleme is… i have 3 finger!

One button press = one in-game action is fine :slight_smile: Keymapping is something Blizz and D4 supports. Put the button anywhere that is easy to reach for you on supported devices.

It is when people macro together actions that it crosses to automation.

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I guess 22 mappable buttons is enough for D4 and is safe to use. Thanks!

Yes, WoW has a macro maker in-game. You can only use it for limited things allowed by Blizzard within WoW. You can’t use macros outside of WoW to do things the game does not already let you do. Many many people have been penalized for trying. Going back well over a dozen years.

Do not try using outside software and hardware to macro skills or actions together. Not in any Blizzard game. You need to use the in-game features, including key mapping.

There are also foot pedal type input devices that can be used. Again, it has to be simple key mapping such as mapping the space bar to the pedal. So when you tap it with your foot the space bar function activates - and in D4 that makes you evade or jump/slide through terrain. That actually sounds very intuitive.

No idea if this is a good brand or not, but this has 3 input pedals so can be mapped to 3 keys. There are single “button” ones too.