Main Stat changes a band-aid šŸ©¹

Iā€™m here for entertainment and discussion, Iā€™m giving suggestions, not telling you what to do or asking you to stop posting your opinions about another poster. Take it for what you will, I honestly wish you the best.

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Arguing in forums is like arguing with Co-Pilot for windows 11. Lol good luck.

My dude really thinks D4 devs know what theyā€™ve been doing.

Youā€™re doing the exact same as I am, but you think by being nice itā€™s different. Itā€™s not. All parties in all cases angle at getting what they want out of the situation.

I have no more power over Urza than you do over me. I havenā€™t told him to do anything more than youā€™ve told me - in fact you frequently ā€œsuggestā€ what I should do, whereas I merely describe what he is already doing. The fact that you can infer from that what I would prefer goes to show that what he does has a rational implication as to what it might make other people think.

I mean I could be wrong here, Iā€™m no expert, but that sounds like a suggestion and a bias seeping through how you genuinely feel about Urza in general. Now thatā€™s not to say other people donā€™t share this opinion, but when youā€™re preaching about suggestions, this one takes the cake. I could have just as easily acted juvenile and said your posts were just as worthless, but I gave a suggestion instead.

Regardless, I see you like to argue, which is fine, I hope you find some solace, Iā€™ll concede the point if it makes you feel better. Have a good evening.

None of these are mutually exclusive with changing primary stat scaling for classes, and to some degree is already being done.


I happen to agree with this line of change, however.

Thereā€™s absolutely zero nerfs here.

Barb stays the same. 10 points = 1% dmg (0% boost)
Rogue gets a small boost. 9 pts = 1% dmg (11.1% boost)
Sorc/Necro/Druid get a larger boost. 8 pts = 1% damage (25% boost)


PPL need to look bigger picture here and reading the comments it seems that there are not that many seeing this as alarming but I am telling u it is. We should not be at the point we have to balance heroes by making the strange choice to make main stat different for the heroes. This is like giving up and saying you dont know how to fix the main problems so u will just take this approach. Its a band aid. I bet these changes are eventually reverted.

It was very clearly a facetious suggestion instead aimed at describing prior behavior of Urza; I know you arenā€™t this dumb.

Why afraid of nerf when itā€™s the right thing to do? This kind of mindset is killing D4 balance.

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itā€™s funny you mention this while also mentioning this

It is not wonder for me now why in the other threat you attack me on personal level when it comes to balance in builds of the same class.
I bet youā€™d like this game to be something easy that you can maybe play in your work breaks for 10-15 mins every now and than and still feel your char is bashing thru content.

I called you a spike mentality type player that is a big insult? Spike type mentality is players that prefer power and winning over all else. Search on google Spike, timmy, johnny. Then you will get it.

I said your statement is rediculous not you. Seems you are the one butt hurt here.

I cant play at work. Its not allowed. Also I dont bash through contentā€¦barb ew :nauseated_face:

Build equality in the same class will kill the game? Players can play what they like at the same power level and that dooms the game? Can you show me one example of this in the history of gaming???

Its an utterly ridiculous statement to make. Hey guys we achieved class balance and oops game is ruined because ppl have choices now?! Get outta here!

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if anyone reads your posts again and mine and I think anyone can see where the hate on personal level is.

Iā€™m not even gonna try to convince you cause if you donā€™t see any problem there ( and i was talking about builds withing the same class not class balance!!!), than itā€™s a lost cause.
Iā€™m just gonna ignore you from now on unless weā€™re talking actual game and there is actually a good topic you bring. I think itā€™s best for both of us.

The suggestion is facetious with malice intent. Unless youā€™re just ribbing him, but based off our back and forth that doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s the case. Your statement is that of disdain and immediately goes on the offensive, attacking their posts in general.

Thereā€™s nothing wrong with this, but itā€™s also why I gave the suggestion I did. After all thereā€™s always something that irks us. Again I wish you well, and have a good morning.

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Itā€™s right to bring classes closer together. But i donā€™t like this solution, it just feels wrong and unfair when certain classes get more out of the mainstats than others.

I hope this is only a temporary solution.

Lol thatā€™s what we have been doing the past year. Looks like we all will be doing it a bit longer.

Different classes are different.

Is it fair my Sorc canā€™t sacrifice conjurations to gain tons of crit? Is it fair my Barb doesnā€™t have a Combo system, or Spirit Boons?

I actually like this change, because no class loses anything. 3 have a nice gain, one a moderate gain, and 1 no net change.


One of the biggest gripes on these forums is the fact the Barb has 4 weapon slots, which obviously gives them far more base stats then any other class comparatively. The fact they can hold 2 2-handers alone trumps every other class. Rogue would be on par if that was all they wielded, but they also get access to 2 1-handers as well.

Thereā€™s no trade off to being able to wield all these weapons either. Every other class, aside from rogue, has to choose between a 1 hander and an offhand/shield, or a 2 hander. They essentially get the benefits of 1 2-hander stat wise regardless of what they choose, where as Barb gets the benefit of 3 2-handers with everything combined. Rogues potentially get the benefit of 2 2-handers. Rough estimate of course.

Not to mention the benefit of having 2-3 more aspects from being able to wield all these weapons. Yes youā€™re limited to what you can throw on a weapon, but you have way more options available to you as a Barb, or you can decide to swap it out for a Unique/Uber Unique.

So this change makes sense to me. Now there couldā€™ve been multiple ways to change this imbalance, but I have no issues with this for the moment. Weā€™ll see how it all pans out though, they may need to tweak the numbers some.

I play barb all the time,no problem with nerfs. Tbh I think they may have nerfed enough to compensate for 4 weapons. Iā€™ll have to try it.

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My problem with Barb currently is that none of the skills (Core) feel impactful until your stats scale up. And that really doesnā€™t happen until WT4/late game. The skills themselves just do too little base damage.

So my hope is that the skills themselves get a bump. Upheaval still feels terrible.

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