Main Stat changes a band-aid đŸ©č

Yet calling them out for posting about various subjects about the game is helping in some way? I fail to see the ‘problem’ you are ‘solving’ by posting about your dislike about their topics. It’s the equivalent of walking into a McDonald’s telling everyone there the company and restaurant suck, and then just sticking around to hear everyone’s replies.

Ultimately, none of us are going to change the game, we can only give our feedback of what we like or don’t like, that’s all they’re looking for, along with metrics. Now what I do know is, regardless of anything said in this topic, nothing will change before the patch hits. Not once in Blizzards history have they ever changed what was in a patch for any of their games, before it released due to player feedback of how they feel about the patch.

We’re all just a bunch of dudes standing around the water cooler.

Dodge and healing power are not as useful as armor and resists. Straight up.

Intelligence and strength classes cap their resists or their armor naturally with their primary stat. That’s very strong. While there is not really a recommended dodge value, there is a necessary cap for armor and resists. Being able to cap on of those with primary stat means you don’t have to consider the other anywhere in your build.

In most cases this means a few affixes and paragon points that can be spent elsewhere for more power.

Rogues and Druids should get the 1% per 8 points. The other classes should stay at 1% per 10 points on the grounds of how strong their primary stats are in the context of build design.

I did. It wasn’t an issue until season 4 and the loot redux. Having an extra weapon to put tempers on and have additional primary stat affix made quite a difference.

The problem I am attempting to solve is his apparent lack of introspective ability, by replacing it with an extrospective one. It may have no effect, but pretending it doesn’t exist is garunteed to have no effect.

Secondarily, even if it has no affect, it remains selfishly cathartic in any event, thus retaining a purpose even in the case that the primary purpose fails.

Well I’m a firm believer of Einstein’s definition of insanity which is " doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result ." While ignoring a problem doesn’t solve anything, you are in fact correct, it’s also a video game forum where we have the option to ignore people we clearly don’t like.

You have a vendetta against Urza, and that’s perfectly fine. Why you would let him set up a lawn chair in your brain and hang around in there is your own business. I’m just offering alternatives if you ever get tired of trying to solve an unsolvable problem that is self-made.

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You’re making a number of false assumptions in your effort to trip your way into a forgone conclusion.

  1. That it has had no effect - there is every chance that by being called out, there has already been a reduction in Urza-fuelled vomit dumps. It isn’t a straight dichotomy, where he either makes 20 such threads a month or zero.

  2. That I’m doing the same thing over and over rather than continuing to do required steps of the same singular action - when hammering a nail, a single stroke serves only to split a thumb. It takes as many strokes as it takes for the nail to enter the wood.

  3. As already stated, ignoring Urza does precisely nothing to solve the issue of his actions actively reducing the functionality of the forums as a means of productive feedback. I don’t have a vendetta against Urza any more than I have a vendetta against a specific noisy mosquito. Which leads nicely into;

  4. That Urza is the only target. That other potential Urza-like personalities see such pushback and reassess the practice before engaging in it is also part of the point.

And finally,
5. That the only point is the management of the behavior of Urza and his copycats, rather than the additive effect of dependable forum addicts such as yourself to hone in and magnify such discussion with unending continuity, thus deflecting the topic from it’s moronic origins with astounding dependability.

I like to hang out here at my job. Sometimes I have long amounts of time to kill as much of my job is done at a computer. I am definitely on the forums more than the game. Have 100 or so creative posts trying to help the game. Not sure what you are trying to say here with my post count.

I know many ppl see me as a hater and complainer and whiner but its not true. I am a realist. I tell what the situation is as I see it and also include many solutions and creative posts. I care about the game and love Diablo. See it as passion and caring and not always just complaining. Go beneath the surface and see overall goal. Improvement.
I was one of first ppl to say how good S4 looked and it was great at first but then tempering bricks happened and sorc got ruined and so on and so forth. When things are improving I say so. But when things are bad and getting worse I say so as well.
Show me anyone else that has tried to help the game as much as me.

The balance illness is the inherent fact that skills and aspects for those skills are out of balance even on the same hero. We should not be balancing the heroes with different numbers for a main stat which should be the same for everyone. We should be balancing all heroes by surprise balancing all heroes skills. Every skill should be viable. Every build should be tested and brought up to par. You made a bazillion dollars on launch. Start spending some of it. The devs have made it impossible to balance because of how they have designed the aspects to just break their own system. Every season we get game breaking number bugs and top builds all based on bugs and exploits and such. This has to stop. :stop_sign: I stated above the roadmap how to fix it. Lets start there if we can.

Thx to all ppl contributing their thoughts on this thread. I dont agree with all of it but discourse is good.

I disagree with this based on the fundamental that if everyone ignored Urza, it would probably dissuade him from making topics. I could be wrong, but the allure of the forums is conversation with fellow gamers. To have conversations about any given topic, whether you agree or disagree.

I also don’t look at Urza’s posts and immediately think he isn’t adding feedback either. I’m also not a fan of cancel culture and shutting people down for having an opinion. There’s nothing wrong with not agreeing with some one and their ideas, that’s perfectly fine. I don’t agree with everything Urza says, not by a long shot, but I engage in conversation with him regardless.

Again I’m a firm believer if you don’t like it, you can step away. There’s very few people on here I have actually ignored, and none of it was due to their feedback or ideas, it was due to their insulting nature toward others.

Yes I know this is more or less aimed toward the forums in general, but what you’re asking for is censorship for things you don’t agree with regardless. Which oddly enough is the same as ignoring them and trapping yourself in your own echo chamber. While you may promote ‘productive feedback’ it’s not up to you decide what’s actually productive.

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I’m not asking for censorship, besides self-censorship. What constitutes productive feedback is, nearly by definition, feedback that helps to produce outcomes. This does not, even by your own words.

Plenty of people make threads, very few of them get called out.

Which in and of itself is censorship. You’re asking for some one to not post about ideas or feedback they may have toward a video game, on a video game forum. How is that not censorship?

While we are on this topic what does ignoring Pathologic do because I did that eons ago!
I quoted from Iggi as I never usually ever respond to him but I will make 1 exception this month.

And Pathologic is wrong as usual. If everyone ignored me then I would have to take that as a complete rejection of anything I had to offer and when nboody responded to my posts for months and months I would get the hint and move on to doing something else with my creative talents!

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Because he remains the actuator of his own replies? It seems relatively cut and dry, unless you were, as stated, looking to support your foregone conclusion.

Again, the gamut of actions is not a dichotomy. It is not a matter of “post every thought in your head” or “don’t post anything”. In order for feedback to be meaningful - productive, one might say, it has to be parsed. If the provider of the feedback does not do so, as is the case with Urza, it necessarily means that the recipient has to do so instead.

Imagine if you were to post every nonsense idea that came into your head, and I did the same, and so did everyone else. The cacophony would be staggering. Every new thread posted reduces the effect, or productiveness, of every other thread, simply by virtue of existing, and thus requiring effort to parse. This is then multiplied when a given thread is stupid, such as is the case in this one. The latter point is my subjective opinion, but the former is objectively fact.

And if everyone stood on everyone else’s shoulders, we’d make a bridge to the moon! Equally true and irrelevant, given that it is a thing that will not happen. Most people don’t even know ignore exists, let alone using it.

Furthermore, the idea that a personality such as yours could possibly bring itself to not read every word everyone says about them is abject nonsense, so it’s cute you continue to claim “but I ignored you!”. Your ego would no sooner allow you to stop posting altogether than to not read what people think of you.

Both are subjective. A new thread does not diminish subsequent threads that talk about other topics in any fashion, especially for the ones who read through these which are the CMs. Now if the subject matter has already been given forth a hundred times over, they’ll probably just ignore it and move onto the next topic and sift through for feedback.

This is how their job works. What you and I perceive as mindless watercooler talk, the CM’s are sifting through, making notes, and sending that off to the developers. Again it’s not up to you to dictate what is useful or not on the forums, or what the devs might take away as feedback. Our opinion on the matter is completely irrelevant.

I still stand by my suggestion that you can easily move on and ignore these posters, just as I’m sure you do with every post that is nothing but incoherent ramblings of some one obviously still mad with the franchise but insists on posting in the forums for a game they hate and don’t actively play. The same principle applies.

Keep fighting the good fight though, I’m sure you’ll accomplish something, whatever it is.

Nah. That’s Bob. Or Gaelenith (take your pick which).

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what they are doing for season 5 is the right way to balance any game.
Of course it still require several adjustments since the original design was all wrong. Unless Rob and cia find another way, no more billions damage builds at all, which is very good for the game. All classes should have similar power.

Billions damage thing is a flaw in the game design.

well the 2h massive multipliers are likely conditional. but for main stats boost, it’s always unconditional.

i find the changes quite clever, closing power difference among classes while not mechanically mutilating them like removing a weapon from barb or rogue.

the changes about main stats may serve as a moderate step towards to the goal. there’re already posts about nerfs and buffs being too abrupt and massive. now this post feels like saying the changes are not enough. #polar

Nevermind the restatement of the same exact argument that remains incorrect, you understand the irony of telling me I can just ignore the post I disagree with and move on, repeatedly, right?

7865 posts later, it cannot be intentional irony that you’re giving advice on wasting my time on the forum.

I get the frustration as it seems wonky at first glance, but it might be a smarter way to go since there are so many general use aspects and uniques at the same time that different classes have different numbers of equippable items. If all classes had pools of gear that were entirely divorced from each other it would be one thing, but they have to make it work in a way that doesn’t prevent an item from being good for one class just because it might prove to be TOO good for another. :v: