Main Stat changes a band-aid đŸ©č

I made 2 homemade Barbs this Season that got to Pit 100,with a couple min to spare. You are right Core skills are weak for Barb atm,I had to compensate both build with Dust Devils,Leap and a Shako.

It is not a good way to balance things imo. But D4 is struggling. A bad way to balance things is better than no balance.

Besides, the entire Attribute system should be remade.
There should be no Main Stat. All 4 attributes should be reasonably equal in their usefulness for each class. None of them should just give a direct All Dmg increase.

The extra weapons may have a hand in that. The only way to account for the gap is to give more value from other areas to classes with fewer weapons.

Sadly, this can easily lead to other problems. Such as the issue you described here. A skill gets it’s coefficient slashed on Barb or buffed on a class with fewer weapons to compensate. It can easily yield a scenario where grabbing that Barb skill feels much less impactful.

Of course, it was setup this way from the start. Tuning has likely been forced to skirt around it this entire time. I think this is the point Urza was making. Instead of navigating out of the hole it kept getting deeper. Less digging, more climbing. Climb Blizzard, climb. :rofl:

This particular change is no doubt one approach. However, it could be construed as more digging. I assume that is why it was referred to as a band-aid.

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My argument against the “extra weapons” theory is that Rogue also has extra weapons, but has never performed directly below Barb and above Necro/Sorc/Druid in S1-S3. So that right there shoots that thesis in the foot. The only reason for Rogue S4 performance is due to Heartseeker, and I still wouldn’t put that above Necro.

The issue with Barb has never been the extra weapons; it’s all the multipliers through stacking skills/paragon. It’s also exactly why those multipliers are now starting to get capped.

Devs said barb hard to balance because of extra weapons right in rule of cool vid.

Bliz needs to hire a dedicated balance team. All they do is skill and paragon and item balance. Its been a year. Current approach has failed miserably. Change the approach. Once main stat is different for heroes what is next? Imagine if gems were different for heroes. Imagine if amulets functioned different for heroes. Can u see why this a red alert now???

Thats why this is so wrong. Its weak and pathetic. Its a white flag of surrender.

Start doing the right thing even if harder. For the good of long term game. Start to fix the core issues not treat the symptoms.

What extra weapons theory? It’s rather straightforward. More weapons = more affixes/aspects/tempers on weapons vs another class. That doesn’t necessarily mean classes with more weapons will be superior. Only that the value from their extra weapons has to be accounted for elsewhere on classes with less.

The underlying point isn’t that it can’t be balanced. The question is why would you set the game up this way? There is something to be said for making a task harder than it needs to be.

It’s not like the thematic flavor would be lost if total item slots were equal either. Different classes could have more slots in specific areas. Say, special “extra” slots devoted to some purpose. With those slots being based on the class. Barbs can have more weapons. Other classes can get more of some other item type (not necessarily an existing type either).

Weapons hold offensive aspects. That tends to involve damage multipliers. Until you run out of aspects providing multipliers with build synergy.

The aspect gap from additional weapons is probably the biggest difference, really. Followed by tempers. Main stat/affix value pales in comparison to the former and the latter for specific tempers. Ignoring specific interactions playing off specific affixes.

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There are many forms of balance. They are starting in some way, it may not be the best but it is also not the easiest. Because it would be easier for everyone to have the same number of weapons.

-But it seems that this is where the difference comes in. Now the SB only has one. Because it was designed not to depend on your weapons but on your skills, just like all classes should be. What mages lack are the enchantments, which improve with levels. of skills or some synergy. Because 25× burning damage is very strong at level 30 but at level without it will not be our biggest multiplier. So I repeat, the biggest problem for mages is not the lack of weapons but rather an undesigned enchantment for the end game. If it scales with character level or skill level we will be fine.

Hey Blizzard! Thanks for making a Diablo 4 that has pretty much the same graphic abilities of Diablo 2: and doesn’t play on Pc Nvidia graphics cards anymore. I wouldn’t of bought pc version, if I knew it was like the early days of WOW. I have a 3060, and monitor turns off 10 seconds in at character selection. I updated driver, adjusted various graphic setting, and disabled frame generation. I have no heating issues. FEELING LIKE I WASTED 70$ ON GAME AND FUTURE UNPLAYABLE EXPANSION. Sad, games been out long enough to make expansions without fixing serious root problems. Its obvious, the developers don’t care as much about the pc platforms.

You’re not wrong.
But the cool part is now Blizz can add/remove Main Stat effectiveness to counter-balance this in the future when they decide to.

Lol like the devs on this game know what they are doing
 Did you play season 4?

Sounds like a tour PC issue mate honestly. How old is your system

Thats the point

No major change until expansion