Main Stat changes a band-aid đź©ą

This is an atrocious way to balance the game. That main stat will give different amount of boost to different characters as per latest in D4 world. This is a bandaid partial solution for the complete mess the heroes are. This should be same for all heroes. Stop treating balance symptoms and start treating the balance illness. So bad.

What do you think?

Changes =
Main stat scaling used to be 1% damage for every 10 points in the stat. In Season 5, it’ll be as follows for each class:

  • Druids 1% damage per 8 Willpower
  • Necromancers 1% damage per 8 Intelligence
  • Rogues 1% damage per 9 Dexterity
  • Sorcerers 1% damage per 8 Intelligence
  • Barbarians 1% damage per 10 Strength (unchanged)

What I think is… more context would be nice. I have been somewhat following things while I am on a break but I am hearing drama with minimal context.

So I am not shooting down what you’re saying, just need more info. I may have missed something.


I think the complete opposite. Its a great way to balance the game.


Added changes to post

The OLD formula was Sorcs gained 1% damage per 10 intelligence.

So they improved that a lil PLUS fixed a lot of the really crud caps on our paragon glyphs, etc.

So I am still confused as to what you are upset about.

I addressed SORC in particular because if memory serves, you a sorc die-hard like myself.

I do not understand why you are upset that we get MORE damage per int.

I dunno. Read your post AGAIN several times in case I am being super dense I am STILL not smelling what you’re stepping in. Chain lightning needs to be buffed but overall, we’re getting a TON of goodness as sorcs.


I think your not a developer and have NFI what your talking about


Urza may just be confused, or not but I fail to understand how THIS is helpful.

Okay… none of us should post anything because we’re not devs?

Umm… thanks for THAT insight.


Well the insight is that it’s a buff to every class not named Barbarian - and nothing was taken from Barbarian. There’s no nerf with this change.

Isn’t that what players have been wanting?!? So why cry about it?


I think the imbalance comes from many different causes such as: Weapon slots, Paragon board, Aspects, Skill tree and All capped stats…

IMO, the Devs of D4 should establish a comon maximum damage range that all classes can reach through all their core skills. And then Devs need to start from every class skill tree to be able to balance the other things…


Im mad guys because balancing with main stat being different for each hero is like them waving white flag on actual problems. This is an atrocious way to band aid balance. Fix the actual problems. Dont surrender and just go well we have no idea wtf to do so now main stat is different. Am I only one seeing this as issue???


I started topic about it yesterday (Sadly noone give a S I guess without catch name you have no chance).

Changing basics of the game to solve issues in endgame balanc of classes where all secondary things like aspects, paragon etc start kicking is amazingly bad approach.


An improvement, sure, but nowhere near the same having two massive 2h multipliers… and tempers… and stats…

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I mean it does sort of make sense? The classes with lesson of a bonus (Barb & Rouge) get more weapon and affix slots. So adding some different scaling for the classes seems to address some of that design level difference.


It’s just useless post bagging Devs after another. When U look at his "idea"posts there even worse. So yeah this is warrant.
There are better ways to provide feedback then just sh1tstorming something U don’t understand


I’m surprised they did not lower that. Barbs have 4 weapon slots that all could have strength on them. No other class gets that many stat sticks.

I’m pretty sure the main stat change is intended to account for main stat differences from weapons. To clarify, Barbs get 6 weapon “units”, Rogue 4, and the rest 2. With, say, 1,260 main stat before weapons that change gives the following if main stat is on every weapon…

Barb: (1,260 + 540) / 10 = 180%
Rogue: (1,260 + 360) / 9 = 180%
Others: (1,260 + 180) / 8 = 180%

Admittedly, that 1,260 value is cherry picked since it’s the break even point. Below that value it’d be Barb > Rogue > Others. Above it things shift in favor of Others > Rogue > Barb. At something like 2k main stat before weapons, assuming every weapon has it…

Barb: (2k + 540) / 10 = 254%
Rogue: (2k + 360) / 9 = ~262.2%
Others: (2k + 180) / 8 = 272.5%

As can be seen, the “others” get the most here. Followed by Rogue and then Barb. Yet, the values are still somewhat close.

Obviously this doesn’t account for differences elsewhere. From affixes, tempers, gems, aspects… Even more flexibility from greater offensive aspect space. It does account for part of it.

As for my own thoughts… I don’t understand the aversion to giving each class the same number of equippable item slots. It’s not as if “moar weapons” is a worthwhile way to provide thematic flavor to a class. Even if it was, “different weapons” is marginally better.

Plus, even if they manage to adjust 14 million areas to account for the discrepancy the problem is likely to be a recurring issue. Proper solutions solve problems with more permanence.

The third reason is aspect space flexibility. Anyone that has played a Druid/Necro/Sorc and a Barb understands the gap here. The crystal ball says this particular problem is going to get progressively worse as more stuff finds it’s way into the game.

So… just give every class the same # of slots? It doesn’t *really *cost anything, it would solve the problem caused by the gap without constant babysitting and addresses a tangential problem in the process.

Will they? Probably not… Instead they’ll probably double down… Gotta save face and all that.


This should have been the approach the ENTIRE TIME, yet they do stuff like nerfing everything across the board for barb.

This brought the broken builds down to weak, and the weak builds down to unplayable trash.

Honestly this is hilariously stupid and just revealed how incompetent blizzard really is

I agree with this as just a band aid and not good for the game.

Yes it’s nice to get raw power but that’s all Sorcs and others are given.

Rogues don’t have raw power like barbs but both and iirc all broken builds (ones not caused by a bug) were supposed to be underperforming builds that used synergy with a low power skill to boost it to do millions.

This synergy is not from raw power buts from aspects,skill trees, and paragon. True synergy can scale damage much much further than raw power can.

Devs expect meta builds to have a minimum of 2 uniques some requiring more (not including Ubers) and Sorcs to use staffs. So you can not flesh out a build with 2 offensive aspects you might have left and now they make ice spikes require 3 aspects instead of 2 as an example.

Only way they could fix this would bring back the cube (I hope not) and barbs and rogues would still have a synergistic advantage.

Literally does not matter. As good a tuning knob as any other stat.

Edit: oh god, it’s another Urza thread. He should just title them as such… “(Yet) another Urza thread, where Urza gives an opinion that nobody (important) asked for and nobody (important) cares about.”

Someone desperately needs to be told the fable of Peter and the Wolf. If you spend your whole life pretending people should care whatever you say, nobody cares even when you say something actually worthwhile.

I think it’s a very good start to balance the classes. If something is still off after this change, it can always be adjusted accordingly in mid-season patch or next season. Even if it takes one more season to come to the best balancing possible, at least this is a good start and shows the Blizz at least put some effort to improve things. Again, they don’t have to be perfect from the 1st time, but showing an effort in that direction is good. The changes are very well made in my opinion. And yes, maybe they handicapped the barb a bit on the walking arsenal, berserking and unconstrained, but:

  1. We still don’t have the full patch notes. We don’t know if the base damage of the skills was adjusted or the base cost was adjusted.
  2. We don’t know all the reworked uniques, that may provide a lot of damage to the nerfed key passives.

Even if the above is not true, they can revert the changes and buff these passives in the mid-season patch. It’s not the end of the world.

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