Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

so you played 60+ hours in the first 4-6 days of the game and now youre bored LOL

im shocked


donā€™t worry guys, theyā€™ll fix everything in the expansionā€¦just like all the other diablos.



D3 was probably one of your first ARPGā€™s. D4 is D3 but better, but isnā€™t genre defining or anything. I do hope they add some better hooks for end-game tho. I imagine weā€™ll get new mechanics as the seasons rollout.

nope. d1 was my first arpg.


The game was officially released a couple days ago unless you had early access. You rushed to that high of a level and are complaining. Hell I had early access, am level 45 and still not done with the main campaign. I have not even done many side quests or touched most of the dungeons. I have just been exploring more than anything.

someone said something that rang true with me

ā€œPeople who rush to the endgame are just dealing with the issues before you are, the issues will still be there when you get to that point, theyā€™re just the canaries in the mineā€

which is true, it doesnā€™t matter how fast someone gets to the endgame, you getting there a week from now isnā€™t going to drastically change the game and make it an entirely different experience, barring drastic patches and changes

I also am just moving on to something else until season 1, Iā€™m not ā€œburnt outā€ per se, but Iā€™ve seen all there is to see of this game early on, because the content doesnā€™t change drastically once you get to NM dungeons, it just gets significantly harder, because NM dungeons are just Grifts

thatā€™s what the endgame content is rn, and likely will be in season 1+, you rush to lvl 50/wt3, start grinding towards NM dungeons, and run those while hoping that thereā€™s something new and interesting to do in the next season

Iā€™ll repeat myself here and say- I love this game, but because I love it, I will be very harsh and critical of it, bc I want to see it rise to its full potential, if I hated the game or just flat out didnā€™t like it, I wouldnā€™t care and Iā€™d just go ā€œoh meh this is boringā€ and uninstall it and never think about it again (like I have with some bad arpgs, like last epoch)


Thatā€™s basically dumb. The question isnā€™t ā€œwhat do I do, Iā€™m bored, I donā€™t have anything to doā€, which seems to be what youā€™re trying to answer in your post.

This isnā€™t whatā€™s being asked. Weā€™re stating that at one point the game seems to start sucking, and this point seems to happen fairly earlier on than would be nice.

Thereā€™s other people progressing through the game at a snailā€™s pace who also come here and mindlessly defend the game that they still like for now. Disregarding the fact that people are ahead of them.

Another mouth breather. How do you people navigate the real world?

D4 is supposed to be a game with more than 60 hours of playability though. Otherwise thatā€™s kinda not what a lot of people were expecting when they bought the game.

Yeah it takes me hours to level once and Iā€™m not even level 70 yet and killing things on wt4. I guess I could try these super god tier exp dungeons but idk how thatā€™d improve the experience I get per minute/hour.

It does feel extremely slow when solo even when trying to be optimal and kill dense packs. I mean it definitely wonā€™t take me 150 hours to reach level 100. Itā€™ll take me more like 300 hours + atm.

I personally am not even sure yet that D4 is better than D3, which isnā€™t saying much, because realistically D3 was massively subpar. So one would at least hope itā€™s actually better.

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For me I love D4 over D3 already with all the QoL account unlocks, I know D3 had the paragon system account wide as well but this game has even more than that for me

Try slowing down. Things are more enjoyable in life that way.

Give it time. For some reason they seem to want to make all the same mistakes they made on Diablo 3ā€¦ in the same friggin order too.

playing that many hours in 3 days would burn anyone outā€¦ LOLā€¦

Mine is turned off has been since say one, but when i log in i still see the message in yellow in chat window, that cross play is enabled ā€¦yata yata ā€¦

Not necessarily, and again, the problem with something like that, is that when you reach the point where the game start sucking, it will suck for you too.

The other people are just trying to help the game get better, and youā€™re implicitly trying to block that by essentuially being a dumb***, and also by progressing through the game at a snailā€™s pace.

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Millions of people play this game.
The ā€œofficial diablo forumā€ from Blizzard is full of whiny threads that all have anywhere from 0 to 9 replies to them. Literally 0.0000000000000000001 percent of people give a crap about the crying and complaining of a select few who believe theyā€™re not only validated, but entitled to post about whatever thought pops into their head. While they are technically free to do thatā€¦ they are ruining the point of forums like this in the first place. No sane person would, or will come here for information when itā€™s 99% full of self-entitled opinions that nobody cares about.
If you want to post stuff nobody cares about, go back to your twitter with 2 followers, so that the few normal people who are still left here, can try to find information without having to sift through some nobodyā€™s personal feelings.

Not really if the game was good :rofl:

But thatā€™s not even the issue. The issue isnā€™t someone playing too much in a short time span. Itā€™s that after a set amount of hours played thatā€™s fairly small, the game seems to start sucking.

Thatā€™s the thing. Itā€™s just a game. Iā€™ll get there when I get there (I have a life), the game isnā€™t going anywhere. And by creating childish rants like these posts wonā€™t help the game get better.