Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

this game is bad. killing monsters takes way too long, leveling takes way too long, stats are too weird, reading items to evaluate if they are good or not is too complicated and takes too long and too much effort. the paragon system is too weird. this game is just so MEH


There’s nothing weird or remotely complicated about the systems in D4. It’s actually too simple in many ways, and makes builds far too linear.


It’s been out for a week, go outside already.


I find it somewhat repetitive. I have slayed a lot of monsters, like hordes of them.
It all starts to feel the same.
You can make the argument it’s the point of the game, but I don’t see that last with seasons.

I understand the feeling.


Welcome to ARPGs… they all are like it and anyone that says different is just senile


It’s like anything, too much is never any good take a break. Everything in moderation.


If only the game required an excel sheet to play it then people would be praising how great it is. People love themselves some excel sheets.


Yes, but that does not mean they have to be like that. Best games are the ones that think outside the box.

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This one sorta does, to keep track of all the stat changes on gear and how it affects you and your gameplay.

I often find myself staring at my gear, trying to figure out if it’s an upgrade or not. Sometimes not easy to figure it out.


Killing monsters take to long? Do you expect to just roll up press button and they disappear?

Good im glad its taking longer! Makes you work for that level 100. Could you imagine the REEE if they brought back from D2 exp loss on death!

Turn on the Advanced tool tips in settings. It gives you the range values of the percentages? the Stats are easy to comprehend which is better.

To each there own i guess. I’ve been rocking out and enjoying every moment!


Congratz. You played the game none stop for a few days. Did I mention its the first week? The bright out doors is waiting for you champion :trophy: :1st_place_medal:


What are people smoking … D4 journey should be thought of as months and years … You only have yourself to blame after a few days of play without fresh air.


I work fulltime during the week days, take breaks, take the dogs for a walk etc…
Currently level 54 and a bit. Did have 4 days early access.

But yes, even when playing it for a few hours per day, progress is fast and monster slaying is becoming tedious because there’s so many of them and they keep coming.


No it shouldn’t. Rofl. Seasons are only 3 months long.

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Similar to me - but every time I log on I find a bunch of new things to do and stuff to explore … stop just grinding mob kills with Blinkers attached.


Imagine living in a world where you blame players for beating the content too fast instead of just having more content in your game. Most modern titles launch with a lot of new content availability so players can stick around and play for 100+ hours this isn’t even specific to ARPG’s but games in general.

8 hour campaign and 4 hours of new content after the campaign is over and you’re blaming people for playing too much.


There are 2 main end game elements with many folks continuing to develop chars across seasons. Whilst a season is 3 months long there will be many, thus adding up to years! … play the game at a Marathon pace.

You should think of the Campaign as an introduction, scene set and tutorial to the D4 world at the start of your journey.

D4 is like a 7 course meal … learn to eat slowly, explore and savor each element, reflect and discuss so that you immerse yourself in the game … rather than “Wham Bang Thank You Mam” fast food approach.

Remember the player has to input and create the “RP” element in ARPG … Blizz provide the canvass and backdrop.

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Bye and thank you for your money. I will enjoy them once new content comes in.

Well, that is the problem as I have been doing dungeons for the past few days to get some of the aspects tied to it.

So in a way, the game is designed to force you to run all these dungeons at least once to get the aspects.

Since the dungeons are always filled with many monsters and they usually all have to be slayed to get to the next level of the dungeon and eventually the boss, it does become somewhat a tedious experience…


I guess ARPG’s aren’t your thing. Who knew? Who cares?
Bye! People really care that you’re leaving!