Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

That is the point. 4 hrs doing story. Maybe 8-10 hrs doing rep grind, 2 hrs on capstone. This game was 14 hrs long for 100$? The game is already over and the slog from 60-100 is pointless.

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You beat the story in 4 hours but it took you 2 to do the capstone, lol?

You can also do helltide dungeons which take about 9-10 hours, and thereā€™s nightmare sigils which are usually like 42 days oh and then the second capstone which is a another year or so. So for 55000 pesos you get like a year and a half of gameplay!

I mean as long as weā€™re just making up numbersā€¦

If youā€™re 62 and play 24/7 itā€™s obvious youā€™ll be burnt out, the game released only a week ago lol.

The nightmare dungeons take maybe 3 minutes. Helltides are useless.

Lol what level are you? Helltides def arenā€™t useless

I canā€™t believe all these goofs are on here defending this game. Talking about ā€œgo outsideā€ like theyā€™ve ever been outside their parents house before. Just hush. The games garbage and you can be entertained by literally anything at all.


In case itā€™s not been pointed out to you so far (I havenā€™t finished reading the thread) if you didnā€™t care what anybody else thinks, then youā€™d certainly not be on the forums at all. Youā€™d also most certainly not have clicked on a thread that already gave their opinion in the title alone, but here you are supposedly ā€œnot caringā€ by continuing to comment. :brain:

Imagine getting that mad that other people enjoy something you donā€™t. Grow up?

Edit, sorry quoted the wrong person lol

Youā€™ll need to do them for crafting materials, so they are annoyingly mandatory

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Heres how it actually works. You rant on the forums in hopes that Blizzard fixes the problems with the game. Thatā€™s it. You donā€™t understand that. Instead you run your mouth on here making the dumbest talking points that nobody cares about.

  1. Playing after a 10 hour work day. At 78 you have all the aspects and extras to recraft. You have seen the unique drops. The only thing left is basically perfection. The game becomes an 2 minute horse race to the nightmare dungeon and a 3 minute clear. Rinse / repeat. I am sure there is cosmetics to chase somewhere, but the game is over.
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Never have enough forgotten soulsā€¦ :confused:

If youā€™ve gotten all the uniques at 78 you were like lotto winning luckyā€¦ But sureā€¦ Like POE and most other ARPGā€™s after a point progression plateaus. Its just the nature of the genre and one of the big reasons most ARPGā€™s have seasons/resets.

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I may recraft once in 10 more lvls for a miniscule upgrade.

Hilarious, figuring items is to complicated ? One of the simplest arpg gearing. Leveling is to slow? It sounds like you never played arpg. Maybe this game is just not for you.
And not saying the game is good out of this world, but gearing is really not that complicated.

Is that what game forums are to you, a place to voice pointless rants and whiny complaints?

ya, i am over 60 now and i just canā€™t will myself to play anymore.

i mean in the other diablo launches i was HOOKED, badā€¦but not d4.


The forums exist for player interaction, feedback whether thatā€™s positive or negative, and for help.

What do you think these forums exist for?

Sounds like someone is baaddddd

Resistances alone are unnecessarily complicated. That number displayed on your Stats popout? Thatā€™s not how much damage is reduced by. You have to mouse over the stat to see that. What contributes to that actual result, tho? Watch Kripparianā€™s video about this topic. Itā€™s absurdly complicated with how many factors contribute and he points out that itā€™s unclear how some of the reductions contribute to the final total. And that just resistances. Nevermind all the other stats.

The systems in D4 are very complicated. Unnecessarily so.

all of these issues will be fixed, just remember, d3 launched with infinite issues too, and it turned out ok from what people that play d3 say. anyway, u can be done for now and come back later, im sure the season 1 and 2 will drastically change this game.