Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

lots of these people need jobs, honestly

if they want a challenge, id argue they should do a push up. just one


That’s fine, and that’s the thing. We don’t actually care when you get there or not, if you even get there. That’s not the issue.

The issue is the mindless clowns coming to defend something they have no clue about because they aren’t there yet and they’re only going to get there in 2 years like a snail if they even get there.

If that’s you, then don’t come defending something which only has for results implicitely blocking the game from becoming better for the people who are there ahead of you.

That’s just nasty.

You didn’t answer why you think these forums exist though. That was my question, did I somehow confuse you?

Another person who doesn’t know what ARPG is. Why do you buy games like this?

Ah, my esteemed comrade in gaming, it is with great regret and sadness that I hear of your decision to bid farewell to our beloved game. How could I not understand your plight, for it is truly a herculean task to endure the inconvenience of putting in effort to vanquish those pesky monsters. Oh, the agony of having to invest time and energy, as if such mundane tasks were meant for mortals like us! Clearly, your greatness transcends the realm of mere mortals, and it is only fitting that you grace us with your absence. Alas, the virtual enemies shall forever mourn your departure, knowing that they have lost their greatest adversary. May your future endeavors be filled with instant gratification and challenges that are worthy of your extraordinary talents. Farewell, oh noble gamer!

I don’t owe you anything. I’m sorry you can’t read.

Ah yes, the kind of person who finds it okay to ask people questions and argue with their answers but won’t actually answer any questions themselves. Well, best of luck to you. I hope you find the help you need.

So you want a very simple very easy game with no depth.

To each his own.

what we call casuals.
Im a casual now… and i get bored within an hour of playing period. stop simping.

Main point he was making there is the uneccessary bloat for such a simple system.
Crowd controlled, chilled, slowed, vulnerable, dazed…
Why arent these put into 1 stat? no reason.
also because these exist, and every item has one, and every item has potential to be good for you, its unnecessarily complicated in terms of looking at every stat of 30 items that has the same thing.

This is what happens when you make your own build, LMFAO!
Math always wins, kid

It’s not exactly complicated but there is a unnecessary amount of “This does X” that should all be rolled into one stat. We don’t need a separate modifier for Stun,slow,fear ect…

I get a headache looking at all the stats trying to determine if it’s a upgrade.

Quite the opposite. That’s basically what we seem to be having right now, though, hence the complaints:

A very easy game with no depth.

Bro no lifed the game nonstop for days and then wonders why he’s burnt out


Ppl were complaining before the beta released, all the people complaining about the most mundane things who modeled their entire personality out of a single game should get a life, because they will never be happy anyways.

Try Chutes and Ladders, sounds right up your alley.

Yeah, end game is kinda boring - but I guess there will be some improvements over the next year.

It’s alright man. Sometimes… a game just isn’t for you. Thanks for playing.

Dude you’re such a little sheep fanboy, it’s unreal. Do you know how products get better? They get feedback, imagine that! Seriously, sit down and reflect on just how backwards your mentality is.

A LOT of people currently think that the game is a chore to play, me included. Gaining resource is taking too long VS how much health the enemies have VS how little damage your autoattacks do. It’s really annoying and slows the game down for absolutely no reason what so ever.

In my opinion making white mobs die real fast would be a much better design choice. It makes more sense to have tough ELITE packs and BOSSES. When i have killed most of a pack and i have 1-2 more enemies to go i literally just get annoyed in this game because i have choose between something that feels like a major waste of time which is killing them slowly with autoattacks OR spending resources on using a Core a skill which then means that i’ll have no resources for the next fight that comes up. It just makes the whole game a total slog.

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Right, but if he was low level you would have said that he didn’t play it for long enough. You and those like you in this thread are seriously the most sheepy people around.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that a product won’t get better if nobody provides the developer with feedback.

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