Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

Then do NM dungeons instead of destroying normal maps in minutes.

Seems like a matter of taste. I love it this way (albeit I may change my mind if I hit a wall later; currently 73). I like the more positional approach for some builds. I also like that I have Agency, as it come to gear management and upgrading. I am surprised of how elegantly the “your own yellow plus an imprint” works.

I can’t see myself playing other ARPGs right now.

Which is crazy, because I didn’t really see anybody saying that D3 was even a good game before this, except once when another game or patch game out and people were suddenly saying that D3 was good.

Except it wasn’t D3 was good, it was the patch sucked so much that it seemed like it was.

D3 never really was that good of a game, and D4 doesn’t even seem to be over that treshold so far from what people are saying. But, we’ll see.


Sorry dude. There are starting to be so many bad opinions about the game that this isn’t an isolated incident.

In fact, the only people who still seem to be defending the game so far seem to be people progressing through the game at a snail’s pace, and haven’t yet reached a point early on that others have where the game seem to start sucking.

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I actually sympathize with the OP. I’ve played every Diablo when they came out. Prior to Diablo 4 launching, I would still hop on D3 to have some fun in dungeons. Here I am now at 71 and really starting to feel the grind. 100 levels are just too many at launch, especially if playing solo. Once you hit T4 there just isn’t much of a real reason to keep grinding.

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Yeah but he is also right. The affixes should be in the same order, for example cri chance 1st, crit dmg 2nd, vulnerable damage 3rd.

But in D4 every affix can be in every order. This makes reading items harder than in diablo 2. Reading can be hard. Especially if you read thousands of sentences on items when this data can be easily normalized for effortless reading.

I mean he is right… In diablo 2 it was easier to read items because the order of affixes were consistent. In D4 the “vulnerable dmg” affix can be on the top or bottom, because it is decided by chance. I mean there is a reason they are called affixes and suffixes… Wanna guess why they are called that? :smiley:

The average person playing this game is probably not someone who can sit at home all day every day and then moan they are bored after dropping 100+ hours in a week.
Give yourself a challenge, play Hardcore. Try a build that isnt meta, go PvP players. Or, take a walk, sleep… do something that is not Diablo 4? Hell, even go back to D2 or PoE or whatever you were playing.

Taking breaks are allowed.

Wow you guys are nuts telling the OP to go outside at lvl 62…
I’m almost 88… He’s clearly not grinding THAT hard…

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You do, now go outside :slight_smile:

BTW OP, looks like you have room for improvement if monsters takes too long to kill, unless you’re doing Tier20 Nightmare sigil?

Assuming anything about me or my place in the game is a stretch.
You seem to think only negative feedback is justified and that all your whiny rants and dislikes need to be addressed.
If I gave positive feedback, would you care? Are my thoughts not just as important and justified as yours or anyone elses? You seem to think only criticism is valid and any thought otherwise is white-knighting.
I’m fully aware this game was just launched and content will get added over time, just like all games like this. If you thought this was gonna release with 10 years of content like POE, maybe you’re the one who is a little slow in the head. After one or two expansions and as the seasons go on, there will be plenty of content and fixes. It WILL get better. If you’re so impatient that you can’t wait for due process, maybe that’s something you need to look in the mirror and address.
This game was purchased by millions of people, some like it, some won’t.
Name a game that has a 100% player retention rate. Nobody cares if you stay or go.
The last game you stopped playing, did the community care about your thoughts or that you’re no longer there? Gamers these days just move on to the next big thing, as do streamers. Their income depends on it. Their job is to get clicks, and negativity gets more views. They’ll all move on to the next big thing and whine about that there.
Stop being a lemming.

You apparently don’t follow Mattjestic :rofl: :rofl:

How you feeling about the grind at 88? Having fun finding new items?

No it’s extremely annoying that I’m still getting like 50-60% of the drops as Sacred ilvl 640 gear.
I still don’t even have an 800+ il weapon because of how ridiculously rare they are. All the ones that have dropped have had 3 or 4 garbage traits as well.

I have seen VERY VERY little actual feedback on these forums. Mostly its stuff like “GAME IS RUINED,” “MECHANICS ARE UNFAIR,” “GAME IS TOO WOKE!!,” “FORCING PVP IS DISGUSTING!!!”

If people would tone down their rhetoric a little and talk like human beings then maybe people would take them seriously.

Once you get your perfect items with the perfect stats the game is basically over. Enjoy the journey. Or dont.

I would like your post because I feel the exact same at 78. But, Blizzard now insists I can only like 24 posts.


Why are you stating the obvious?
The point I was making is that the game is still dropping me 60~% lvl 60 gear. I get the opportunity for an upgrade once every 6-7 nightmare dungeons.
So once that opportunity comes up, I still need it to have at least 2 of the 4 traits be non-trash to even consider it.
That’s not perfect. It’s not even close to perfect.

Can I have your stuff?

Reminder. You are on a game forum.

I am in a game forum for a game that is rated “Mature” with blood and gore, intense violence and bad language. Are you so old fashioned to consider a “game forum” a place full of kids? Come on, we’re in 2023.

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