Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

Cry more I guess… wait for D5? Go whine on Twitter? Go play Fortnite? Get a lollipop?
This generation and their utter uselessness…
It’s a shame social media gives you the impression anyone cares about what you think.
Maybe a streamer can tell you what to think?
Touching grass? Ok, clever and very original…
Congrats, you’re the ten millionth person to use this line. There’s no prize though… just sadness and lameness…

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No, my enemy the Sun is out there.


Imagine then if you will, a company that announced an AAA title with both PvP AND PvE content then come back later and instead release it to the masses as a F2P with paid cosmetics then proceeded to announce the cancellation of the PvE content too.

Unbelievable right??

LEveling its to slow if you are not one of those guys that got early acess before the release and exploit to get 100 fast.
Now they nerfed all the dungeon the guys used to level.
The whole leveling experience its dog sh it after 50. Simple becouse nightmare dungeons dont give enogh exp.


Same feeling. I played all diablo games and after hitting max level I immediately wanted to play a new class in every game of the trilogy. I even liked the early D3 meta with the ridiculously hard torment difficulty. Even that was better because at least I knew what direction I am facing.

I am level 66 in d4 currently, I did the capstone at 62, I can safely farm t4 (lvl 73) mobs for ancestral items but I do not farm them for those items. I am bored.

I hate the ancestral items. I hate that every gear on me is already obsolete, just by joining a new world tier. I hate that I have to reset the first part of a dungeon every time to have proper mob density to farm. I hate that the world levels up just as much as I do. I want a linear arpg instead of this frankenstein of an MMO-ARPG-ADVENTURE-QUICKTIME-EVENT mix.


No - that’s what you are saying.

You discussed ARPG and I expanded on that, to point our the player driver component of RP is an important part when evaluating a game. It is a personnel experience that you can not make sweeping statements and apply judgements about. You think D4 is not good etc - I can’t argue with that - I’ve not commented on D4 in terms of good or bad.

But, I can say that they have created a rich universe for me to spend many hours exploring and enjoying … even if they provide no more content in future. Both views are equally valid. I am also in a great clan which is added massively to my immersion and enjoyment of the game.

Our debate wasn’t if the game was bad or good but rather, does Diablo offer an expansive and varied end game to which I argued that it does not because after the campaign ends and the end game begins. There’s only a few hours of new content to engage with. That does not seem expansive at all.

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Can i have your gold?

If you’re bored already you have too much time to play, or you went into this game completely blind (which I doubt you did). Otherwise you have no excuse, Blizzard did not make you buy this game.

Simply just stop playing until there is more content. Allow for continuous development and improvements, and expansions.

Imagine if D2 came out today, the way it was 2 decades ago. People would be quitting left right and center because they are “bored”. Remember, Lord of Destruction added things like Runes and Runewords. And 1 act. The average gamer these days wouldn’t be bothered with running Andy/Meph/Baal 10 thousand times in hopes they get a high rune. I love D2 as one of the best games of all times, but it appeals to a small crowd these days. Returning in D2R, I felt it. I played for a couple months and then stopped.

I feel the same.

In Diablo3, you reach lvl70 in a day.
You start optimizing and grinding.

Here it’s the opposite.
You grind XP and then you can play…
But leveling take f***ing ages…

It feels like a chinese mmo where you have to bash monsters for weeks just to level up…

If you dont play Wizzard or Rogue, you will take weeks before even reaching 90…

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Well that’s where we differ - I see content everywhere … I could spend all day in one town - or working with the clan to help new people who have never played Diablo before. I play D4 as if it is a Sandbox MMO - not just as a platform game with levels to beat.

I also believe that the core gameplay loop breaks around the time you get to wt4. From that point the only truly viable endgame content seem to be reseting animus dungeons after you finish the first part to do it again.

ewww excelllll



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100% and nobody would be defending a game like Diablo 2 if it launched in the current market, with the current level of competition, with the lofty expectations and promises being made.

People sleep on Diablo 2 because they try and use a “if it released today” argument the reality is Diablo 2 was innovating PvP, skill systems, gameplay, and itemization.

The world is in a different place than it was in 1999.

If you’re trying to argue that D4 has changed as much in the market as D2 did then you don’t know what youre talking about, to put that simply.


lol, past Diablo games were so mindless and easy they’ve basically destroyed this community. I’ve never seen so many people falling apart when a game becomes mildly challenging and complicated.

Essentially this guy says reading is too hard. Lol, this is the type of person we are dealing with here.


The game isn’t challenging or complicated. I am destroying maps in minutes on wt4. The game is boring.

Nobody seems to be really crying, except you here.

Again, like stated, negative feedback has massively shown to help developers improve games in the past, and in this case it seems oh so, totally justified, especially from people who actually care about the game and want it to get better.

As opposed to all the mindless fanatics who are blindly defending it, implying it that they actually DON’T want the game to be better. Don’t place yourself that category bud.

Just because you’ve been going through the game at a snail’s pace and you haven’t yet reach the point where people are saying the game starts sucking, doesn’t mean it’s smart to act like a fanatical dumb***. Basically blocking the game from actuall becoming good.

That’s basically ret**ded.


Seems like maybe the problem is not the game but the person tbh. Sorry but all I see are excuses.

It’s a process of leveling for skills and then paragon that helps you do higher content, that then nets you better gear, that you then maximize and apply the proper aspects, that once again push you higher and rinse and repeat till satisfied. Part of the fun is the journey towards having a monster character. If you view the steps as boring and a grind then maybe this is not your type of game or you need to try and change your point of view towards grinding towards the goodness.
Also, if you are having problems understanding some of the systems like paragon, follow a guide from, just to follow along till things click for you.

Anywho, good luck o/

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I am so tired of the complaints about “end game”.

D2 end game was what exactly? MFing same spots over and over? Baal Runs? NM Zones?
D3 end game was what exactly? GRs and Echoing NMs.

End game is grinding for gear and levels. Really, seasonal play is end game. Starting from scratch and racing for 3 months until the next season starts. Doing it all over again.

There is good content. There is good story line for 1st play through. There is lots to do with paragon boards and leveling glyphs and upgrading items and grinding. Sounds like a bunch of entitled children when you say game sucks or game is too easy or game is too hard or there is no end game. Its not YOUR game. It wasn’t made specifically for you and like anything else, play it or don’t play it.

Now, there are valid concerns tuning the game and classes and that will take some time and yes some of the nerfs are just throwing darts. “Let’s just cut a skill in 1/2 to fix it”. The # of buttons limited at 6 when should be 7 or more, but 7 would make a difference without ruining their meaningful intent. This game is barely out a week and calling it failure and all that is just childish. There is plenty to do and these games have a big element of grinding. There are supposed to be 2 future expansions, so more content to come. Relax and play the game and have fun.

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