Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

For sure a fair amount less than the players who are 100.
It’s not that hard to level up. That in my opinion is another issue that will only grow with 3 month seasons.

Leveling up should be much slower than it currently is.

You’re saying that Diablo met expectations of an expansive end game, when I asked. You used the NPC interaction as an example of that.

I think what makes an expansive end game is the amount of new and different content you get to engage with once the campaign is over. This game has about 4 hours of different content to engage with until you’re basically sitting and running the same dungeon repeatedly for no other reason to just give it a +1 difficulty modifier.

A company that promises an expansive and varied end game with lots to do, that launches a game with 15 hours of different content to engage with has failed to deliver on what they promised.


Sounds like a skill issue.

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For the no lifers its too simple and easy. For the casuals its too complicated and hard.

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The game’s not bad, it seems like you’ve burnt yourself out by playing too much. Trust me I get it, I’m level 64 on my Necromancer and sometimes I’m feeling it. Try something else for a bit and come back to it if it’s affecting you so much.

I started feeling burnt out and went to my buddy’s house to have a couple brews and watch some MMA while he was literally playing this on his computer next to it. I also binged a season and a half of Mob Psycho (highly recommended btw) instead of playing cause I was feeling burnt out the other day. If doing some other things you find fun doens’t reset you, maybe this game just isn’t for you.

Going to cut the grass today before I play, see if that helps.

No that is a complete “Spoon Fed” or even brain dead approach it is not RP. An RP requires the imagination , “Nerdiness” and creativity to take the in-game ingredients and make a unique immersion.

I am not saying D4 is good at this, but as a “Genre” RP needs the player to provide as much content (in their heads) as the developer … if not more. You seem to discount this whole part of the game and give it no value and only judge what is served in front of you for instant consumption.

We have completely different views. For me the roots of RP come from DD and text type based environments where content is 100% player driven. It is more like EVE Online in-which the content is 99% player driven - I think you would class EVE as having zero endgame.

Nobody cares, if you don’t like the game, go play something else. Literally nobody cares about your personal thoughts about anything. Do you actually think internet strangers give a crap about your personal feelings? Go talk to your family and friends… but they also likely don’t care about your thoughts on D4.

I think that there are a lot of opinions about D4 right now… it’s to be expected out of the gate. Some people love it, some people hate it. I have a lot of complaints about it… but I really enjoyed getting to level 50. I think I will play it but it will be less than I had planned on doing. I am already look at D2R and PoE again and I didn’t expect that so soon. I have seen some streamers give it a 7/10 and I would say either a 6 or 7 overall… and that’s really disappointing to a lot of people.


Ye i regret i bought this game. I have more fun in Wolcen lords of mayhem. Fights faster than in Diablo 4. Its have offline mode i can pause game. As well skill tree remind Poe


Yes, but EvE online is not a fair comparison as that is PVP only game and has many features not available to D4.

I don’t see much options to generate player driven content in D4. The story line was ok, but once it’s over it becomes a bit bland in my opinion.

If the game’s been out for a week and people are already starting to state how bad it is, there’s something wrong with that.

For a game of this scope, people should probably at least be in the honeymoon phase, or at least think the game is still good, since it’s still so early.


You obviously do, you’re going through and commenting on these things aren’t you?

You took the low hanging fruit argument because you don’t have any original thoughts of your own.


A lot of people care. And a lot of people are thinking it’s bad. This isn’t an isolated opinion here.

The issue too is that most people who still see the game is good, don’t seem to have reached the point that others have yet where they’re gonna start saying the game is bad.

If you notice there are more and more every day reaching that point.

This is an overall issue, and history has shown that a lot of times, providing negative feedback to developers actually help in fixing the game.

If not, then the game is lost. Don’t be an overzealous whiteknight.

That would probably mean you’re the one who needs to touch grass.


So you didn’t even make it half way then.

But that’s not true - many players in EVE never do any PvP … instead they lead a Corporation and get rich trading the in-game commodities market. It is correct that EVE provides far more tools for this type of immersion than D4.

The point is around that the person could only see value created by the developer in the Genre of ARPG and discounted the role that the player has. An example:

Player 1 - See the PvP element in D4 as fairly meaningless, unbalanced and a fairly crap element of game content.

Player 2 - See’s the PvP element in D4 as an opportunity to create a “Persona” in a Diablo Universe of someone who focuses entirely on hunting other players and killing them. As such they reach out to other similar people to form a Clan. This requires extensive amount of time, effort and creativity to setup and maintain. In-game politics may even enter into the Universe as they agree to not kill certain other Clans and in turn they get help in PvE content.

Whilst this is just an example and sticking with PvP (but there are 1’000’s of D4 clans), it helps to illustrate that Player 1 sees no “RP” element in the PvP environment provided and dismisses it as zero content. Player 2 however gets 1,000’s of hours content — because the player has created it (Not Blizz) … this is the essence of “RP” in an ARPG that many folks just don’t seem to get.

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So you believe that the Diablo team has delivered on there expansive end game and varied content they boasted about because the “RP” part of the games genre?

That seems a bit psychotic to me that you require your players to build their own narratives and world to fulfill a promise you made as the worlds creator.

Even in Dungeons and dragons the Dungeon Master creates a vast world which you help fill in with your imagination. What you’re saying though is that the developers aren’t liable for even creating the vast world.

That’s absolutely bonkers.


Might be better if you don’t stick to act 1.


I am loving it. Have fun!

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The game is bad. You are not alone.