Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

Why should someone leave when they provide constructive criticism on a game? I don’t think leaving was even mentioned.

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At 62 I was flying through NM with level 74 mobs, which apparently doesnt give more XP so you should stick to only +3 levels. If youre not killing mobs fast, re check your build.


The game is great, stats are great, the paragon boards and system is excellent. You just want everything handed to you free and want to put minimum effort into learning a NEW game. Move along, we don’t need anymore of your type bringing down the arpg genre.


Fake news, trash build / itemization.


Define “weird”.

Ah, so it’s a zoom zoom lack of attention span issue, got it. “I have to read and use my brain a little, therefore it is bad”. This sums up 99% of the complaints since release.

Bye, stay away please.


So of the posts I’ve visited if anyone has any negative feedback in any way that comment is the one I see the most.

“I guess you don’t like ARPG’s or ARPG’s aren’t for you”.

Anyone that makes this comment when someone is talking about their experience is obviously not reading what the person is talking about or simply lacks critical thinking skills.


There are 2 main end game elements with many folks continuing to develop chars across seasons. Whilst a season is 3 months long there will be many, thus adding up to years! … play the game at a Marathon pace.

You should think of the Campaign as an introduction, scene set and tutorial to the D4 world at the start of your journey.

D4 is like a 7 course meal … learn to eat slowly, explore and savor each element, reflect and discuss so that you immerse yourself in the game … rather than “Wham Bang Thank You Mam” fast food approach. If you are conscious of your level, rather than it been a bi-product of the journey suggests the balance of the approach is not sustainable.

Remember the player has to input and create the “RP” element in ARPG … Blizz provide the canvass and backdrop

Players like this is why itemization has become trash in games its both hilarious and sad.


Marathon pace makes sense when there’s a reason to run the marathon. I love that you mention campaign as an introduction because the campaign provides more content then the end game.

If D4 is a 7 course meal then why when the first course is done do the other 6 only have only 1 fry to eat?

This game has a great campaign and then has little new content to provide after it’s over. Running the same dungeon repeatedly isn’t new content just because you placed a +1 difficulty modifier by it.

The issue is this game gives you 15 hours of new content to engage with. ARPG’s always are repetitive by nature because that’s how they are designed but it to be repetitive after 15 hours…and stay that way is horrendous.

There are games that lunch with 50+ hours of new content on launches. Blizzard talked about an expansive end game with a lot to do. Do you feel this standard is met? Or perhaps you agree that they overpromised and underdelivered.


They certainly most aren’t.

Grim Dawn for example.

Haha yea I feel that. If you don’t get the RNG blessings (which I haven’t in a while now) it really does because a bit tedious.

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I totally disagree - i think we are still on the first course of the meal. I get great content just by interactions with NPC’s in various locations or the name of the mob I am killing and where it came from. From my perspective by putting the “RP” into a ARPG the amount of interesting content in D4 is massive. The last thing I am thinking about is my level.

Going back to the days when an RPG was just a “Text” based game - it was still great,. The player has to use their own imagination and creativity to become immersed … the fact the mob might be a reskin is irrelevant.


So you think the end game is expansive because you can talk to NPC’s?


While I agree 3 month long seasons are part of the game, as the same time I am thinking it can become tedious leveling up each season on the same map, same mobs, same dungeons etc…

Unless they plan on adding large new things each season or so, I can see that becoming boring fast.

I mean, getting anywhere in a season to be recognized on a ladder as a player having achieved some status, will be very difficult unless you plan on playing for many many hours each day, to compete with those who do.

I think I pass on that as it does not sound an appealing gameplay to me…

Show endgame character + gear + nightmare dungeon progression, then show clearing it with only left click, donkey. Do it, I want to watch. So many words, so little brain. Don’t @ me you imbecile you have no idea what you’re on about.

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Of course. These shill bots get their panties hurt when a game with overall in nature, has a negative player review, posts it on the forums. There is no defense with these pencil necks except skill issue or bad gear. All the gear is the same, all the skills are the same so how can they be bad???


LOL - Don’t be ridiculous - it only serves to undermine anything you post. It was a little example of the “Universe” that exists outside of leveling. In reality you just don’t get it - quick fix and your gone (I hope).

dude im a huge hater of diablo and blizzard (still bought the game because addicted) and this person is right bro you need to go outside a bit

the game is not bad, there is TONS of content. take a break

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Level 62 in a week, what’s your played time? Even if I do the thing I love the most for longer than a certain amount of hours it gets boring. No SH1T! Go outside, level up irl! These moaners, smh.

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Yup - just an example of someone with no ability to actually think and have a brain … pity your family when play games with your kids … imagination does not compute.