Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

Imagine this specimens palaying POE with 100 laters of defense and 2000 types of damge hahaahahah. I bet they try the hardest.mode and cant even figure out the logarithmic behavior of the resistances. Just like those streamers like kreep lmfao.

I’m not grooowing up I’m just burning out

and I just stepped in line to walk amongst the dead

Sounds like the perfect game for you and other Amoeboids.

I just hit level 20. I’ve played the game for 12.5 hours over the past week, which is a lot for me to be honest.

I have my critiques for the game but this is going to be a critique of players…

If you aren’t play the game because your job is that of a Diablo or ARPG streamer who earns a living wage from it, you are probably playing the game too much.

That’s just my opinion but maybe there’s a bit of wisdom in there that you should listen to.

I just beat world tier 2 story mode and decided to take a break. Really seems like late/end game is rather boring and repetitive. I will come back and check out season 1 and hopefully it has some new good changes and additions

Hey Bumgoo, take a break, you dont have to be a dbag 24/7.

I feel its the younger generation vs older, or ppl not used to PoE lol.
D2 was a huge grind… I have a couple friends that never stopped playing D2 since launch…think about that.
I think D4 is awesome, lvl 57 now looking forward to making it to lvl 100 whenever I make it lol.

Likewise, chillax man, people have different experiences to different situations and playing a game is no different, keep your do’s and dont’s to yourself, criticism on how people are is not constructive and as you say, don’t whine on the forums, useless and a waste on everyone’s time.

Well, every game has its own set of mechanics, some are easier than others, Diablo series have always relied on intrinsic crafting and redundant monster killing, most of it gets really boring really fast and for me, the crafting doesn’t do it at all, it is just means, the story for me is the main item, once that’s done, for me the game is dead, that way you experience the story and not dwell a second longer on something that makes no sense to experience anymore and provides nothing but frustration or circular mechanical process.
I would suggest to just live the story, once it is done, move on.

Whats not to under stand? % damage to close or distant enemies, % damage while dual wield, % shadow,poison,cold resist, % vulnerable damage. Alot of the stats are cut and dry to read.

If you are melee obvious choice for increase of damage would be to close enemies…

He’s not wrong. OP is a crybaby.

Oh noes the game makes me work and has maths…

D4 is hardly complex, but lazy people still want it dumbed down to their Kindergarten level.

This is why we rarely get quality games.

If I didn’t say what I said you wouldn’t have been able to say “chillax”. So you’re welcome. Shooo fly.

personal opinion

Too vague and it’s a personal opinion. You may not like all classes and not all builds may work. Maybe you have the wrong build and class.

Too vague and it’s a personal opinion. You may not like all classes and not all builds may work. Maybe you have the wrong build and class.

No, they are not.

Seems that you are new in this kind of game. Try to play at PoE and come back here.

Better than Diablo 3, where you get to the endgame immediately and you get bored after two weeks.

“weird”. Personal opinion and it is not a useful comment, we cannot understand what your problem is.

Like your post.

stating that my opion is my opinion is quite pointless

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“Personal” opinion, not a fact.

wether a game is good or not will never be a fact so I don’t know why you are writing …

Yeah it does start to feel very grindy once you get into level 60+. At this point, everyone has probably done everything so there’s nothing new to look ahead to. And the XP curve is pretty massive, so getting to 100 will mean doing a lot of repetitive activities. Probably won’t be for everyone, unless they design a campaign that takes players to 100 (which they have not).

Your post is a vague complaint, without any details and with only comments like “meh” or “weird”.
This is the kind of comment I could read on Facebook or if I was 15 years old.

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But you do need separate stats, because they AREN’T the same.

A freeze isn’t the same as a slow, isn’t the same as a daze. Sometimes you can cause multiple of these to happen at the same time; you can’t truncate them down into one stat.

If y’all think complexity is not fun, then Diablo isn’t for you – that doesn’t make the game meh or bad, it just means you’re not into things that require brain power. The game y’all want to play is Gauntlet. You don’t want items, y’all don’t want to balance power and create builds, Y’all just want to murder mobs – those aren’t RPG’s, those are action games. Go play one of those instead.


i’m level 61 and the renown grind is boring because it takes ages and you want the paragon points.
and the garbage of loot you get and then after 1-2 dungeos or some events to check everything and 99% goes directly to the vender or blacksmith.
98% of loot is bad 2% you gonna check and 1% you keep.
its extremly exhausting busywork.
we need an mouseover tooltip for items on the ground. didnt D1 or 2 had this?

after playing now since prerelease friday ( no clue how long because the game doesnt have the hero/class panel from D3 … why not? ) i have the feeling that everything is designed to waste a bit more time to do them then it would be necessary.
some more clicks, more running somewhere, running back, checking stuff.

i can not believe that they played this and said “yes thats a good idea to run here and there, click this after this, go back, port, check items and repeat the stuff”

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