Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

What skill do you use for opening chests? Approach it and wait 2 seconds, or 3.3? Is that how you ensure you get the good rolls?

This generation is … my lawyer, which is myself, told me to shut it.

I’m lvl 91 and it didnt take long at all imo… Killing enemies takes too long? What?.. You delete most things in this game.

You got to 60?.. So you barely started…

What is it that you dont understand? The itemization is not complicated what so ever. Mate, pretty much every build in the game has like 2-3 stats that they want on top of the normal stuff like crit/crit dmg. Everything other than that is pretty self explanatory. Stop acting like there are not sites like Maxroll and what not to help you learn what to look for.

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People with less wrinkles in their brain do create a great atmosphere and different perspective in life.

If you finish the campaign on that character then your alts can skip the campaign.

This is true of the really ancient original MMO’s or Korean grinder’s not of an ARPG that has seasons and in todays market.

Well, I have almost full ancestrals, two ancestral uniques, am 72 in wt4 doing nightmare dungeons, hunting down Lilith statues, getting my rep for each zone to max and having a blast with friends… so not a snails pace and not defending anything. OP and everyone else who is complaining seems to just want to have everything handed to them. I’m tired of the fake tears. Play the game and put in he work and it will be fun. I mean, if those complaining spent as much time in the game as in the forums… they would be gods lol. Just my two cents.

You and your zoomer brain are so wrong. All you turds complain about “OH MY GOD IT’S A $70 game”, “OH MY GOD THERE’S NO CONTENT”, “OH MY GOD THEY NERFED MY COOKIE CUTTER BUILD”, “OH MY GOD THE CASH SHOP IS TOO EXPENSIVE”. Just S T F U! If you have such hatred for the game why are you wasting your time whining on the forums. Go play another game until they add more of what content you want. Don’t buy shop stuff if you think it’s expensive. If $70 is too much for a game then perhaps quit playing games for a bit and find a better job that allows things to be easier to purchase. If your class gets nerfed try a different one or different build hence MORE CONTENT FOR YOU IDIOTS. There’s tons of story aside from main story. You don’t have to rush everything and beat it 3 days from release. The patience is lost on gamers now. It’s absolutely astonishing how dumb the majority of a the gaming community has become. They are so entitled. Yes Blizzard has made tons of mistakes and I am no where near on their side but for god sake stop being little turds and whining every second of every day because you’re not getting EXACTLY what you want. IF YOU DON’T LIKE THE GAME THEN DON’T PLAY IT!!!


Wait, are you staying the problem is that players aren’t making up enough in head content? Why even play D4 instead of Candyland?

go back tier 1, mobs die easy, you pretend to play tier 4, with out the gear or the effor or skill lmao

Classic entitled kid who is only used to game’s when things are handed to them on a plate.

Stop hiding behind “everything is constructive criticism”.
The OP is a little whiny child that can’t read.
There’s a difference between constructive criticism and just being bad at the game.
You ramble about having to use auto-attack to kill fodder? Learn to play, make a better build.
Or do what you probably did, copy a youtube build and fail.

ARPG … RP means “Role Play” – try it with your GF (its fun) coz its sounds like you just want solo internet p0rn content.

Thank god, less whiners = less stress on the servers.

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I agree things take too long to kill, a result of the level scaling not allowing us to outlevel content by a little bit. Also the majority of the game is a boring struggle, only the second half of the game do things start to get interesting

Sounds like a Skill issue.

I agree with OP, this game is boring. The map and quests feel like assassins creed, NPC’s which story i couldn’t give less f’s about, slaying the same monstercamps every 30 seconds, traversing the map where everything feels the same.

It’s cool to play with a controller to calm down after a long day, but it’s more like a clicker game at this point.

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Its funny if players talk about skill on diablo.
Its the most braindead watching youtube guides skill.

Shut the f up with your baby game.