Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

ForeverAct1…more like ForeverT1.

That describes every diablo and virtually all ARPGs. You played too much, take a steb back and return in few days.

And yet people played D3 for weeks nonstop at launch and didn’t get bored. Just admit the game has problems. Maybe not for you, but for a lot of people, casual or pro.

I palyed D2 last winter when they released the new assassin runeword and i was ADDICTED. I played for months It was fun as hell and I think im going to go back because D4 is boring and not exciting. I thought a lot about why D4 is boring and if I compare it to D2, in d2 even if you are doing something insanely boring like farming trav for days you know there is always a change something huge like a Jah or a Ber will drop. In diablo 4 theres no huge loot. every loot is boring as hell

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i don’t like this game either. it’s not a good game. people that say it’s too complicated are right. and people that say it’s too simple are also right.

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The more I play this game the more I realize how bad it is. This is the first Blizzard game I’m not sure I can even make through the campaign. It sucks because I can see all the effort that went into this game but some guy decided to strip away all the interesting content and make everything be as cookie cutter as possible in an attempt to appeal to the masses.


Yeah I dont get it… I watched a few streams and saw players in there complaining about how complex the system is. I linked them the POE skill tree and said figure that out then come back to me about whats complex.

It is not complex at all. I actually like how D4 did it. Its just advanced enough for you to be able to make your own viable builds without having to look at spread sheets or adopt an experts build (like you have to do in POE) and its simple enough to understand over time. As you level you unlock new things like Paragon board etc… and it only gives you one board to start with. How is that complex? You literally only have one route to take and everything like how glyths work is in the description or the node or item…

I have to give it to D4. I think they found a good medium with skills, paragon etc…

My only complaints come down to the skill bar and the starting basic abilities for most classes feels like a weak POS thats just there to generate mana and thats it. It does scale better in the end game but for like 40-50 levels its literally trash damage and just there for mana generation. When you start getting more “X to base/core damage” and picking nodes that scale with your basic skill damage and then adding attack speed is when it starts to shine. But again that isnt until you are closer to 50.

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Ye its better to stop game as soon as possible. More time you in game more chances you will want to buy skins or expansions. Thats what i think so ye i decided to stop and not coming back i really feel myself good without this game. If only i could not buy it at all though

i dread having to do it every season. so i won’t. D3 has the right amount of action and progress per season.

ITT: People explaining why the game is or isn’t for them, simple as that.

A means ACTION. Again why not play candy land if you think people should imagine their own content?

You got to 62 and realised it’s repetative? Were you asleep for 61 levels?

i always feel so weak as a barb, always running out of fury, waiting for cooldowns…

If it’s taking you more than 5 seconds to delete everything on your screen at level 62…

The issue is between your chair and keyboard.

Yeah, I wish there were more viable builds. Don’t get me wrong, you can get through the game with a few different builds per character, but each character just has a couple core skills that outshine everything else by a mile. I don’t understand why they include all these other skills if they aren’t there to compete with the top 2 in terms of power.

Every class you run into looks identical when you watch them play, for the most part, and ww barbs are still op as all hell.

But I think D4 really nailed it with the paragon system and skills, for the most part.

They really just need a dumbie mode where newbs can mindlessly select a “do it for me” mode so they dont’ gimp themselves and the game levels for them. Although, it should actually still let them know when they level, where they put their points, and why they did so, then have the player confirm the game’s choice.

They also really need to make the PVP better. One common complaint I’ve seen from new players (that I agree with) is the lack of anything to do outside of grinding, and how Blizz really didn’t put any effort into the PVP. If they just matched people in the PVP zones based on level, that’d do so much to solve the end game issue. They could also make it so you actually get to level your paragon glyphs from doing PVP, and that’d do sooooooooo much to break up the manotony.

Attracting all these new players is amazing, but they need to remember, mindlessly running dungeon after dungeon is an ARPG player’s pass-time, not everyone else’s.

I honestly love the game though and think it’s one of my favorites of all time.

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D3 is a bland abomination that never should have happened.

18 characters required

Well…. Bye…. No need to announce your departure.

D4 is more bland.

big world with copy&paste content.
most skills are bad.
paragon board offers no interesting choices.
leveling is slow.
no build variety.
half of your time is spent walking around.

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Excel sheets are love