Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

Doesnt take a week to know that the game is vastly different. Lets not forget we had 11 years of D3. Stop being that guy who pushes peoples opinions down because it doesnt suit your own opinion.

Iā€™m not asking for a dumbed down system. As it stands, this itemization is dull. Most of the stats are simple, basic damage multipliers. Iā€™m not advocating for simply homogenizing the damage stats. I want a boring and problematic system to be uprooted, with stats like the ones I mentioned replaced by actual variety.

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Nah, I played D3 for 11 years and every season Iā€™ve played for 2 months and been gripped. Im one week in and im bored of this already. You dont speak for us all. This doesnt feel like Diablo at all.

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I mean, letā€™s not forget you label people a white knight based on them not agreeing with you. OP already said theyā€™re going to uninstall, maybe they can come back when the game is more fun to them, or not.

Likewise, friend.

Edit: It actually does feel like Diablo to me, I love it and I canā€™t wait for it to get even more complex (because letā€™s be real, it isnā€™t complex now) so the forums stay primed and fun.

No life the game for a week and then punch out.

Ps: itā€™s brand new, there will be lots of changes over the next year. You must find life to be generally confusing.

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Thats not compelling gameplay to me. To you, staring at it and evaluating it may be part of the fun but for some of us, its laborious, tedious and not fun.

Tired of looking at the gear and wondering what i should do, its too much.

Mate, in all respect, do you enjoy looking at every piece and simulating it in your mind? Like, Iā€™m sick of picking things up and simming in my mind, does it work or not, its exhausting.

Thereā€™s a world of difference between ā€œI do absolutely nothing without cooldownsā€ and ā€œI obliterate the screen with cooldowns.ā€

Diablo 4 doesnā€™t have that inbetween. Youā€™re saying this is a damage rotation, but itā€™s the furthest thing from. There is not rotation, there is no thought. You are literally smashing buttons that simply scale up your damage from miniscule to overpowering. It isnā€™t changing anything about how you play, when you press your damage cooldown. If anything, the cooldowns are such ridiculous power multipliers that they cause mindless 1-button screen clearing. Oh, Iā€™m sorry, thatā€™s wrong. Itā€™s two buttons, then, isnā€™t it? Fun!

To me, I love it. Iā€™ve had my years of theory crafting and this is much more simple, I look at gear and in 3-4 seconds I know if I want to save it, extract from it or replace my current gear with it.

Maybe youā€™re just digging in too deep and itā€™s overwhelming, I guarantee you itā€™s not needed unless youā€™re trying to min max as you level which is, in my opinion, a waste.

What they do with their time is nothing to do with you. Saying ā€œgo outsideā€ means nothing so stop saying it lol, doesnt make you cool bro.

For context, Iā€™m out for 8 hours a day for my work, and i still think in the first week, theres major glaring issues. Counter me with something that isnt ā€œgo outsideā€.

I think so mate, I look at the gear and its so hard to decide. Too many stats too many resists etc, it really scrupples me XD

I have a Necro and i think, Intel, Crit, Bone Crit, Crit Dmg and all resists yet most the stuff i get is Dmg to chilled, physical dmg, frozen dmgā€¦ theres too much happening and I admit, I have a less logical and tuned mind. Itā€™s really throwing me.

Advanced tooltips helps to see if the item is good but it doesnt help you decide if its good for you and your build. Its a massive wall of text. Its rough. Itā€™s not easy to understand. The stats are too much. Its not the time of excel sheets anymore and I think we got to let it go.

Speaking from a man who used them in old school games.

its good to step back and take a rest.
casual players should be around just finishing the campaign nowā€¦
semi addicts are right about your level.

I think thatā€™s the case, I leveled a Sorc but I am just not enjoying it at all with the full build.

Still though, itā€™s a bit of an undertaking redoing the whole campaign up to Act V again.

same here. so much would have to be fixed, iā€™m not counting on it.

Yeah best way to play these things is to level, get a decent gear base, and then just log in for a few hours every couple of days to run some dungeons/maps.

This, also make sure youā€™re use all the game mechanics, boons, gems, upgrades, aspects, etc
Iā€™m clearing pretty fast as level 43 Druid. I havenā€™t even explored the Paragon system yet

Can you lot stop playing this card? I made it more than half way on my characters, 60 on necro and something on my bard, and the game feels turd.

Iā€™m just looking for helltides, trying to give myself a push to try some more nightmare dungeons and nothing. At least in D3 I was in the season and going hard, this is the only reason Iā€™m staying. If the Season stuff is rubbish im gone, because so far im unimpressed with the hamster wheel version of Diablo we are now all playing.

Except for the part where the necromancer pet paragon stuff just flat out doesnā€™t work. Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m enjoying the game but there are some problems that need addressing pronto.

While choosing the correct build is simply because they pass the eye test (things die), the actual numbers are complex and the UI does nothing to help. Lucky hit is the main culprit of stat confusion. While I like the idea, making players calculate lucky hit chance multiplied by chance for x to happen to find the true probability is asking a lot of the average player. It baffles me that it was ever green lit in a AAA title.

The other big problem is the number of sub par stat rolls and stat rolls that are too similar to one another with no UI help to see if youā€™re actually get the bonus described. It is too much to keep track of and takes a long time to synergize.

Couple that with expensive rerolls, skills that only function on the very high end, low enemy variety and encounter variety and I think Iā€™m done for now. This game should look very different in a year or two.

Paragon bonuses are so busted that it makes the balance of the early game too hard and the late game way too easy. I assume Blizzard already know this and is going to rebalance everything in the near future, but maybe this is how they want it. If so, good luck with player retention.

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