Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

It says a lot about someone who sticks around after they argue, let’s be real here, you’re still going to play and you’re still going to complain, until you either get better or get worse.

Conditional stats have been in MANY games for a LONG time, if you don’t like them? Don’t make your build around them, it’s that simple. If you feel forced to play something you don’t want to play, my dude, maybe this game or genre isn’t for you. But everything you’ve critiqued is all based on you.

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You’re doing something wrong then.
Nothing about this game is too “weird” or complicated. You just need more than 2 brain cells.

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all the builds in this game resolve around conditional stats lol. theres not a single build that does not

You have your answer then, don’t you?

Not a fan of the conditional stats either. They aren’t interesting in the context of building a character. Give me crushing blow or faster cast rate any day. Even basic crit damage is more compelling.

I’ve got 2 chars to 50ish and I fell off at 25 on my sorc. The game feels the same at lvl 50 as it does at lvl 1. Everything seems to have the same TTK no matter the location or level. Paragon system doesn’t seem to make the build I’ve finalized at lvl 40 any more fun or different… From what I can tell the higher difficulties offer just higher numbers but nothing is really going to change build wise.

I am still rocking lvl 23 perfect rolled gloves…

I played Grim Dawn longer and harder than this before I fell off.

yea my answer is im uninstalling this piece of crap that ive forced myself to play for 62 levels during whhich i did not have any fun whatsoever but was instead trying to reach a point where I thought I would start having fun. The fun never came. I am also never spending a single penny in blizzard games ever again

I am level 65 and while I think the “WT3 to WT4” gap is too long (I already finished Fallen Temple at 62) I disagree with everything you’ve said tbh.

Don’t know what to say, game seems pretty straight forward to me.

Ah, what a shame to witness your hasty departure from the land of Sanctuary! The complexities proved too burdensome for your mighty spirit, as you yearn for a world where everything is handed to you on a silver platter. As you uninstall the game, I marvel at your decision, for truly, the path of least resistance is the noblest of pursuits. Farewell, valiant hero, may your future gaming ventures be filled with boundless ease and eternal simplicity.

You shall be missed, I do in fact hope the conditional spells and/or talents do not chase after you, I wish they would leave you be!

“I can’t wait to build a new character that does increased damage to vulnerable enemies!”

Said no one ever

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20 characters

i see this is your first AARPG. and if things are taking too long to die…you have sucky gear and or build. or both.

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i was playing arpgs before you were born

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This part really bothers me. It’s needless bloat and it contributes to power creep. All of those stats stack. It’s a big part of the problem as to why the flow of gameplay is so heavily weighted towards popping cooldowns to burst mobs down, then waiting for cooldowns. You do 100 damage normally, but then you multiply it by 20% because they’re Vulnerable. And another 30% because they’re stunned. Another 20% because they’re also frozen. Oh, and stunned and frozen are crowd control, so multiply it again.

It makes a lot of stats feel overly mandatory, which makes it feel like you’re gearing every character more or less the same, which makes it boring. Why do we even need a stat that makes you do more damage vs Vulnerable enemies? Vulnerable is literally a debuff that makes enemies take 20% more damage! That should be enough.


Man, I’ve just reached level 50, haven’t even completed the campaign and I feel burned out. I don’t know what I did wrong but I can’t stand to play my character anymore. Should’ve probably ignored the side quests and rushed main quest.

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that’s called a DPS rotation… instead of mindlessly clicking 1 button and deleting the map…

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maybe you dont enjoy the class. try another one… i started a rogue, abandoned it by 30 and started a druid and sorc. love them both

I’m really sure one day we’ll have it dumbed down to damage - defense - affliction, then we can just focus on monsters exploding, but currently we do not.

That’s the slippery slope of homogenization that happens enough already.

Stop talking rubbish. Its not and you know it is not. If you played D3 you know it isnt, so stop being an idiot white knight fan boi trying to make someones opinion mean nothing.

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