Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

D4 is more bland.

big world with copy&paste content.
most skills are bad.
paragon board offers no interesting choices.
leveling is slow.
no build variety.
half of your time is spent walking around.

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Excel sheets are love

lmao are you kidding. you have to be kidding.

Honestly a skill issue

desperate fanboy is desperate

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You have to be a special kind of ignorant to think theres no build variety in this game. to think paragon board offers no interesting choices. That most skills are bad and that half your time is spent running around.

You’re absolutely just spouting bs.

Just to use druid as an example, you can build storm caster, wind caster, earth caster, bear, wolf, and then the hybrids. storm wolf, earth bear, bear/wolf, poison wolf, poison bear, storm/earth caster. The paragons take this so much further.

Yeah thats absolutely no creativity, interesting choice or variety. hah.

No offense, but this isn’t something I’d put out there or try to brag about when you are struggling with something as simple as Diablo.

I’ll be blunt… it’s 100% you. You mentioned above that it takes you 10 minutes to kill a boss. That’s not a game issue. You just don’t understand basic numbers, stats and math. Or how to build a character. It sounds like you refuse to follow any guides online, which is fine. But if that’s the case, you clearly are not experienced enough as a video game player to get by on your own.

You also mentioned you are gaining one level per day, which again is 100% you. Especially when you’ve barely hit level 62.

I’m sure it sucks to hear this, but you are not good enough at video games to just blindly go into this alone. You need to research and follow guides. Or just quit as this game is just way too complicated for you to understand.

I’m not saying the game doesn’t have problems. But what you are describing is completely ridiculous and is clearly from your own short coming.

in nightmare 70+ only wolf tornado is viable, and anything below that is irrelevant super easy casual content.
i have a level 90 druid. i know what i’m talking about. show me a video of you doing NMD 79 as poison or earth caster and i’ll take it back.

True but thats also the reason why they are balancing things right now so its not just one viable end game build for all classes. Everyone is complaining about “nerfs” when all they are doing is balancing things so all builds are on the same playing field meaning all builds should be viable end game.

As for pvp. I play Hardcore and there is no PVP the zone is dead. Its blah. Hardcore is already hard enough dont need to die to pk.

You serious? What is simple about 30+ stats?

Item design is one thing, but have you even looked at all the stats that are rolled up into your character for D4? If not, here’s a list (for Barbarian) that is tied to itemization:

Offensive Stats

  1. Bludgeoning Weapon Dmg

  2. Dual Wielded Weapon Dmg

  3. Slashing Weapon Dmg

  4. Weapon Speed

  5. Attack Speed Bonus

  6. Critical Strike Chance

  7. Critical Strick Dmg

  8. Overpower Chance

  9. Overpower Dmg

  10. Vulnerable Dmg

  11. All Damage

  12. Dmg vs Stunned

  13. Dmg vs Close

  14. Dmg vs Healthy

  15. Dmg vs Injured

  16. Dmg While Berserking

  17. Dmg w/ Physical

  18. Dmg w/ Bleeding

  19. Dmg w/ Burning

  20. Dmg w/ Poisoning

  21. Dmg w/ Shadow Dmg Over Time

  22. Dmg w/ Swapped Weapons

  23. Dmg w/ Basic

  24. Dmg from Elite Kill

  25. Thorns


  1. Max Life

  2. Life Regen

  3. Armor

  4. Dodge Chance

  5. Barrier Bonus

  6. Fire Resist

  7. Cold Resist

  8. Lightning Resist

  9. Poison Resist

  10. Shadow Resist

  11. All Dmg Reduction

  12. Dmg Reduction from Elites

  13. Dmg Reduction from Distant


  1. Max Fury

  2. Move Speed

  3. Elite Kill Move Speed

  4. Lucky Hit Chance Bonus

  5. Slow Duration Reduction

You’re so wrong. sorry 'bout it.

show me the videos of people doing NMD 100. i’m waiting. show me. come on.
or shut up.

no thanks. I don’t help aholes

yes and no…I have a feeling of dejava with this game already 3 days after I finished the story…so I understand the vanadiel user.
I like PoE better. And it’s a boss or activities

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Stop lying, game has artificial penalty to your defenses if you’re jump onto too high mob level, even if the defenses don’t differ much between those levels. Everything would literally 1 shot you because of that penalty. So easy to catch people on BS. The only possible way would be if you were 62 playing with lvl 70 friend and he’s the host, so they you’d be scaled upwards. Groups abuse this to push lvl 90+ content, because scaled up players are stronger than “native” ones.

Youre not allowed to retire until 65

You cant actually be serious. A plus 10 levels of mobs on NM is not something that 1 shots you at start of WT4.

throwing insults once he runs out of arguments

Complains D4 is a hamster wheel verison. Yet drops D3 in the name and that was nothing more than Rifts and Greater Rifts with a seasonal theme, but in the end it was farming Rifts and Greater Rift and not to forget immense power creep my skills does 584757348953% .

At least with Diablo 4 there is a lot more to do at the end game which you can do world bosses when they spawn, Gathering legion events, PvP, Helltides, Tree of Whispers, Nightmare dungeons, regular dungeons, what else more you want?. And if you are referencing endless of killing demons then sorry the game not for you. Cause you do that in EVERY single Diablo game and or ARPG.

I’m lvl 52 finished act2’s campaign, monsters are level locked at 50, not getting better loot, or rewards, leveling up became a drag, what is the point of level and monster scaling if i can’t enjoy it. Terrible design for an open world semi-mmo action rpg game, where i have content but became worthless to play it.

Don’t know who come up with this idea, but one thing is for sure, they didn’t test the game properly, or hired any competent testers.