Lvl 62 and completly burnt out , im done

Like I still enjoy doing some of D4s content, its just theres no goal im going towards. Im just doing it all to get my moneys worth i guess.

Whenever I play a good ARPG, i get burned out if i play too long, however, when i play a bad ARPG, it makes me CRAVE a good one. Right now im craving a good ARPG.

I dunno… also the lack of community is really sucking the fun out of this. Like I sorta want to open POE on my second screen just to chat while i farm.

The issue is the testers are mostly streamers that play 8 to 12 hours a day. They have one goal. Finish asap and start farming for gear. They need to stop listening to full time gamers. Take their opinion on game bugs and not what they want changed. It ruined D3 this season for a lot of people. The majority does not play that much. The end game content does need more. If the end game is always going to be about grinding nightmare tiers then I will not play season and move on. Simple as that. At least give the first season a try. Most will know then if they will play this game or not.

The game’s not bad – you’re just bad at the game. WT4; I run passed mobs and they fall over in fear; I literally one shot entire packs of mobs and elites on WT4. I can solo the world boss.

I’m level 79; I’ve been able to crush WT4 since level 64. If it’s taking you a long time to kill mobs, you’ve messed up your skill tree and items.

“Stats are weird” would only be said by someone that has no idea what they do. YOU BEING BAD at something doesn’t make the SOMETHING bad. This is a false equivolency.

I’m not good at baseball, but that doesn’t make baseball bad. I don’t like baseball, because I’m not good at it – but I wouldn’t tell people “baseball sucks.” I would say “I suck at baseball.”

Diablo IV isn’t a bad game. You’re bad at Diablo IV. If that makes you not like it… cool – not everything is for everybody, and it’s a perfectly valid reason to not like something you’re simply not good at. There are two things you could do about this… You could get better at playing the game and become good at it – which could change your mind, or you could stop playing the game. Quitters don’t get places in life. If you never want to improve at something you’re not good at, and your default is to find something you’re just innately “good” at – you’ll have a really boring and unrewarding life; because things take time to learn, things take practice to be good at, failure is the best teacher. If you run away everytime you fail, you’ll never be good at anything, and you’ll just tell yourself that everything sucks.

Crying that it’s bad and hoping the world is going to change for you, or trying to convince the world to not play it, are not valid options.

This applies to everything in life.