Lvl 50 Required for World 3 and 70 for World 4. This is not on patch note!

No you won’t because I am currently boycotting the Season as should everyone who thinks this patch was absurd. Ya know I’m in the very large crowd of over 20k up votes on reddit saying the Patch was a slap in the face.

Though I have no idea what me not buying anymore Blizzard games has to with the games I already bought? How about think a little bit before you speak.


Well, if this wasn’t bad enough.

I started playing WT4 at lvl 58, no way in hell I’m going to grind 12 more lvls of sacred trash loot and ridiculous xp before playing WT4.

Big no no.

ANd fixed


Yep. Apart from the actual patch, which was the worst decision you made, changing the level requirement for the world tiers comes in a close second. Keep your Malignant Hearts, i’m not interested.

That’s a win for us!

This knee jerk in terms of patching and development a month and a half after they release the game while critical game bugs and skipping / ignoring player feed back (quality of life improvments disregarded brushed to the side) mind bleeding.

It seriously hurts my head. You (as a developer) can’t just roll out massive game changing mechanics without doing some proper testing and listening to the feedback of your customer base. Thats what BETA realms are for…

whose bright idea was to put a level limit on tier worlds in a open world action RPG. I mean who asked for them to put a hard cap on? Heck i think for the most part they were almost there in terms of enjoyability and playability - a few tweaks to quality of life and fixing the VRAM leak, as well as giving the sorceress some love was all that was needed. Now after their “restoring our vision” patch… well D3 now looks better in terms of playablity and enjoyablity.

Hahahaha, their stupidity is unending.

They reverted the change.

You idiots can stop crying.

still doesn’t answer the question to why was the decision made in the first place. Calling people idiots for voicing their valid concerns as customers is low brow. White Knighting is not warranted.

1 Like

for now the only clown here is you
no changes atm.


What is the psychology of the white knight? Here we have one specimen insulting people for giving correct feedback that caused a bad idea to be reverted. He calls this necessary feedback “crying” and is clearly upset that such opinions exist.

Bizarre to say the least.


how long to w8 when u fix this???

Diablo isn’t an MMO is not my opinion, it’s a fact. Everything else I said is based off of facts of how Diablo is played with the exception that there is no paragon in D2 and there’s no paragon cap in D3.

You seem to think you know what Blizzard wants, but I don’t think Blizzard even knows what Blizzard wants considering they keep throwing crap against the wall then changing it back when everyone tells them how dumb it is.

The problem is, the game that Blizzard is trying to make is deviating not only from what Diablo is and how it’s played, but from their very own promises leading up to this. So yeah, of course I’m blaming Blizzard. Bait and switch isn’t cool.

you can stop whining

Try to beat capstones underleveled was the best part of the game progression to me. Leveling up from 40 to 50 and even worst 60 to 70 will be a nightmare now. Not to mention the exp nerf… I’m not sure how far I can go with season 1. Very very very bad decision.

Good news for you: in the patch from today they removed it.

1.1.0b Build #43391 (All Platforms) - July 20, 2023

For information about Season of the Malignant’s theme and offerings, which begins on July 20, visit this article.

Gameplay Updates

Season of the Malignant


  • Malignant Hearts will now always grant armor that directly maps with their item power.

World Tiers

  • Removed the level requirement for World Tiers III and IV.