Either stop playing or stop complaining

I say complain all you want.

We all know none of you will stop playing. So play also. You paid for it you might as well.

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What is with this weird white knight fetish that keeps saying “we know you won’t stop playing” like what is that for? who says that? why?
what is the purpose? Why is it so universal to white knights?

Do you actually care that we’re quitting and don’t want us to or something??
I already quit and nothing you or blizzard say or do will bring me back.

You are in a thread where OP is asking you not to play…probably because he believes the same.

I am a white knight because I told you to complain if you are not happy?

I don’t care what anyone does if they are not on my friends list, and even then I am not really that much of a micro manager type.

If you want to experience it real time you can go try this game out, they made this exact mistake.

Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues

nah i dont find getting gaslit into something anymore is really in my best interest.

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Is that right? Then please explain what happened here…

He said not to play to make a statement as in a boycott.

you’re saying “none of us will stop playing” why do you assume that?

I think you are right, we need ppl to voice their concerns but i think it might be more effective if most of post were usefull and not “THIS GAME IS CANCER” “NO ONE PLAYS THE GAME” “DEVS GO TO H” and so on.

Also, it would be incredibly usefull that the ‘uninstalled’ gang stopped posting hate on the forums. If that ppl dont play, they wont give valid feedback.

It would be lovely to be able to talk with ppl with different opinion without calling names each other either.

I know this posts wont change nothing and i will called fanboy white knight or whatever.

Have a great day.

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I actually find you reasonable and would rather discuss issues with you even if we disagree.

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i was looking metacritic
Score from the Paid people 8.8
Score from people actually played the game 2.8.

A 70% of user rate is quite low because they just stop playing the game . Due how Bad it is.
So it’s pretty viable for me .

complaining about people complaining. cool thread

It was stated 2 short sentence fragments later.


So you’re saying because we paid for it we are incapable of quitting?

Most people will use the things they buy.

If you have something useful to say …say it and don’t worry .

But most of those fanboys are just saying …

Give it time
They will fix it
They will going to fix and so on …

Sorry mate … I bought the game and pay you right now to play as it suppose to be .
Not waiting 2 years until you’re going to fix the classes … items , bugs … and everything .

Each class has like 4 builds… Somehow those 4 builds …don’t work at all due the itemization and how the game stats work towards those c/builds…
Did they fix anything nope…

The game as it is right now has a 10/10 on cinematic… Gameplay is 3/10

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So now it is “most” instead of “none”???
I already quit so even if I alone do so, it invalidates your post

Sure…until you play again. Whether it is s1, s2, or s30.

I was looking last night there, it was 3.5…this is droping fast !

lol. 2.7 in like half hour :smiley:

I actually agree with you I am uninstalling for season 1. Numbers talk bulls$&t walks.