Lvl 50 Required for World 3 and 70 for World 4. This is not on patch note!


still here some fanboys, white knights or whatever you want to call it that can replay to me on this ?.

at this point … every diablo player have literally EXPLOITED the game ?.
because some of you have unlocked wt4 at level 30… knowing that “this is not the intended way to play the game”. Now to defend this unacceptable situation people ( fanboys ) says “ehhh… but this is the way intended to be played the game”.

right ?.

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Harder for them to RMT boosts if world tiers are level locked. Not much, but a bit

Well because it was already intended to work this way.

And well most people weren’t using it for additional challenges it was typically for power leveling purposes.

it was RECOMMENDED not REQUIRED, the two thing different, dont you think?
and why does it hurt you that im getting power leveled?
why am i forced to suffer in world tier 2 and 3 for a big nothing?
you know, casual players like you will never understand that speed runners and end-game ( well, actually end game is sh*t in d4 sadly but still… ) is more fun than doing side quests endlessly, so yeah, i want to skip world tier 1, 2 and 3 and i want to do “end-game” as fast as possible cause thats not that boring.
and neither you or the devs have the rights to take away this option from the players!

longer play time doesn’t mean more fun, what is wrong with the people deciding to gatekeep the world tier?

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will just take longer and cost more, if someone think otherwise they are delusional

Blizzard: “tHe SeaSoN wOn’T hAve aNy TiMEgAtinG feAtuRes”

this post is wrong mate the only thing thats changed is you need to be level 40 / 60 for the capstone dungeons to stop boosting

THey wont

20 charsdsssssssssssssssss

Why gatekeep tier 4?

I soloed the level 70 capstone dungeon at 57 with my sorc. I EARNED wt4 on her.

Now I won’t be able to do it during the season? I have to sit there and spam level 20 NMDs and get bs loot on wt3 for an extra 13 levels?

now is “mandatory+required+forced”.

if i’m able to FIGHT a greater battle because my "28 years of diablo and arpg’s than other players … why i can’t ?. Why i can’t learn boss patterns and fight them with what i have ?.

Why i’m forced to overlevel my character or forced to reach a specified lvl to play the game ?.
all zelda dev team are morons at this point , right ?.

The cold truth is that this developments team have to go in search of a real work instead to destroy games.

After Covid19 imposition and restrictions people getting completely out of this world. everything that some one imposes to them. they accept like sheep

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Not sure if its stated here but pre launch they said if you want a friend to carry you through it under leveled you could do that. I never saw CSD open up until just before level 50 anyway at 47 which i walked through with my hybrid necro. I do believe they rolled it back which in all fairness, i can deal but seriously why?

Perhaps part of MS’s deal of acquiring Activision.
1 of the 100 metrics - gamer’s login time to software, diablo 4.
jeez, WE are screwed. *mopes

Obviously. Im not defending blizzard, but lets think logically here. these seasons are supposed to last 3 months. You dont want your players hitting max level in 1 week.

Merger hasn’t happened yet. The C-Team has not been let go.

The game isn’t ready season 1 and high chance it’s not gonna be ready season 2.

did you try it after the patch at those levels? much harder now.

Nobody cares about RMT here. This shouldn’t even be a concern. This is just another Blizzard blunder, or Blizzard change to artificially create playtime. All its going to do is create more frustration as the current design already feels slow and bad progression wise.

Why even have the capstone dungeon then? Just have WT3 unlock at 50 and 4 unlock at 70. I got to WT4 at level 54 on my Necro and it was a really fun challenge. I died a lot to the boss and finally overcame it.

At level 70 it would have been ridiculously easy.

You did that BEFORE the patch. I would love to see how low someone can solo the capstone now AFTER the patch. Even at 60, its going to be difficult.