Looks like the Devs learned nothing from Diablo 3's failure

It’s a funny post. I remember in D3 all the players from D2 whining about having to clear the GR 70 to get an item. They weren’t used to actually having to test themself. Just strut in the lobby and go trade your Artic Bow and Saigon shield.

Where did you get the player count number? You must have hacked blizzard because they don’t release the player count

That literally never happened. You keep making this bologna up. You also said you heard people crying about D2 in 1.08 and when I asked you what they complained about 4-5 times, you just refused to answer.

Stop lying to everyone, carebear.

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It’s ok, it’s fairly understood. D2 players = story time and share time, don’t make me actually have to use all these items tho, I’m sure I’d be awesome, but don’t test me.

You can find player counts for many of the older games online.

playercounter dot com/diablo-3/

Replace the diablo-3 with D2R and look at how many more players are on D2R. Hell, even D2 LoD has more players than D3.

How are you old enough to have played D3 and fallen in love with it, but so extremely inarticulate? You’re also a terrible liar, lol.

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This is so asinine that it is ridiculous. Can you even link ONE thread that anybody says it is “complicated and difficult”?

Gotcha, so you think game is easy but you can’t even beat the hardest difficulty. I see how it is. Maybe you should return to your named-hobby.

These guys keep spouting random :poop: and when asked for any proof, they can’t back it up =X

So not a legit source. Only blizzard knows the player count.

Ya and give that rerolling System a Money Cap … Spend 30mil on a Weapon still got not the right Stat on it… SUPER Annoying …

Probably using the famously bad and incorrect playercounter site that virtually every game and other data bases have proved to be hugely incorrect. About the only place they could be getting such incorrect data.

Blizz/Activision money people are all like “lets do stuff that was terrible, I hate making money”. That’s pretty much what these D2 guys think.

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Actually, this definitely did happen. Posts on forums complaining about having to complete GR 70 for season journey. Complaining that they never had to complete anything specific in D2.

I guess I’m a d2 guy though. I’m also a d3 guy. Really I’m just a Diablo and arpg junkie. I don’t really play any other genre. I love all the games for different reasons. I actually think as of yet d4 is probably the worst.

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in before these guys make another 50 back to back posts telling you why you are wrong and that you should go back to slaying Mephisto in Nightmare mode in a different game.

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I’m a big D2 fan myself. I’d hate to even see the amount of hours I had in that game. My thing is the D2 players acting like elitist, when in D2 as opposed to D3, you didn’t have to put your $ where your mouth is. In D3, if you thought you were good, then you could actually prove it. In D2, you just run your mouth and the loudest man wins.

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Of course, there are 20 of those threads daily. Here’s one of a D3 player talking about how he’d constantly increase the difficulty of D3 but he finds D4 way too hard: Fights too difficult

D3 was made for children and it’s by far the easiest game Blizzard has ever created.

Yeah, Felonious is terrible at that, lol.

Lol! Copium.

So how about the Blizzard employee talking about how the execs viewed D3 as an utter failure and scratched a half finished expansion? How about the fact that D2 received the remake and not D3?

The writing is on the wall, carebear.

Yeah you could prove it with the real money auction house

Am I the only person who likes d2 and d3 equally? I’m playing both until season 1 starts along with grimdawn. D3 just gets me with the necro corpse explosion and there’s something so satisfying about clearing dungeons in d2 with hammerdin

If you were an arpg player youd literally know how bad d3 was and did, but youre not. Youre just a casual clown

Boot up that switch! Let your pet pick up those uniques in those monkey rifts!

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They don’t actually play it beyond a few days every 4 or 5 seasons. They just say it’s a good game because they have some good memory of it. These are generally people that play games for a few days at a time, then rotate to something else. Arcade type players. Game connoisseurs. No one that likes to hyperfocus on one game at a time would call D3 a good game.


What game are you currently playing? Have D3? Have anything with competition? I highly doubt it. Anything where you do something besides talk the big game? No way you have something like that, you’re just a smack talker.

All extremely false. This game is for the few that like to hyper focus and compete.