Looks like the Devs learned nothing from Diablo 3's failure

You mustve completed your 3 day season. Thats why youre here and not on d3 right? Already got all your gear on two characters, season started friday :clown_face:

haha, thatā€™s what I thought. Pansy, confirmed. Run the mouth tho, thatā€™s all you got.

Iā€™m currently Diamond in LoL, the highest rank on ER PVP, the highest bracket you can reach on MK11, and I was sub 50 on all of NA when I played PUBG.

But hey, you were good at the easiest game Blizzard ever created. Good for you.

Where you at on the leaderboards? Nowhere near the top. All of the top spots are taken by bots. Lets see how good you are

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:joy: well guess Iā€™m a casual then and somehow not an arpg player when itā€™s the main genre I play. I played Poe for years, van helsing 1-3, Victor vran,titan quest, last epoch, dawn of magic 1 and 2.
I could go on. played d1 when it was released when I was 12years old.
Still play Dark stone.
Been playing arpgs for decades.
If Iā€™m a casual so be it.
D3 is a fun mindless game. Vanilla wasnā€™t but it is now.
Some of you guys are hilarious

No bro you got it wrong. Youre not a casual. Its okay to be a casual. Youre a casual clown

Let me just state this as clearly as possible. Diablo III did not ā€œfailā€ in any known definition of the word. It is, literally, the 4th highest selling PC game of all-time, plus sales on 3 consoles to boot.

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This is such a garbage take. Less than 10k people playing d3 at all times. Fastest selling, fastest to die too huh

Basically anyone who played LoL in any legit fashion has been Diamond, give me a break. Sub 50 in PubG whenever that was, I highly doubt it, but who can prove? That you canā€™t even understand what the competitive nature of D3 is really is all you need to see that youā€™re not what youā€™re claiming to be (shocking D2 behaviour). So you donā€™t have D3 huh? Or you deleted the key and canā€™t retrieve? Some crazy story that you canā€™t get online and show how bad you really are.

If youā€™re not as horribly bad as you sound, then get online and lets see. I know itā€™s not the D2 ā€œjust talk the big gameā€ way, but lets see if you can expand your horizons.

This bad is still talking? Dictionary definition of a smack talker.

It came out over a decade ago. It would still rocket to the top 10-15 of the Twitch charts upon the release of every new season. Also, what else should be measure success by?? For every sad-sack like yourself, there are HUNDREDS who had a great time. Your whining is as insignificant as one grain of sand on a beach. Also, since Reaper of Souls sold at least 10 million copies, at least HALF those twenty million stuck around long enough to buy the expansion pack. In a game that was a one-time purchase that required no sub fee.

:joy: and thatā€™s fine too. Iā€™ll be a casual clown. Sorry my identity isnā€™t tied to what randoms on the internet think of me. I never claimed d3 is the best game ever made but yeah it is mindless fun.

you can have the fastest selling through false advertising but just how many people will stay? everyone and at least most of the players will experience that this game have more cons than pros.

Hey, that dude is just a toxic D2 clown talking smack. When called out, he slinks away. He knows he canā€™t back up anything.

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How is it copium to state the fact that those sites arenā€™t accurate and only blizzard knows the player count?
This is hilarious.

This is what SO many people donā€™t understand about Diablo as a series. The VAST majority of people just enjoy mindlessly killing demons and engaging in the slot machine aspect that comes with it, with smooth gameplay.

This exactly. Blizzard has to report their gross earnings as part of a publicly traded company. They made 700 million dollars with game and in game purchases. If you divide that by 70, base game price, thats 10 million copies sold. That was week one.

I just canā€™t get enough about how you apply arguments that only really apply to a game with a subscription model to a game that doesnā€™t have one. And just as a side note, wanna know which game, as I type this, has the most viewers on Twitch (which is a very accurate gauge of what is massively popular at the moment)?? Thatā€™s right, Diablo IV. It has literally 8x the current viewers of Final Fantasy XVI, a game everyone would admit is another massive release and IP.

Guess they got called out to put up, or shut up and apparently their moms just called them for dinner. Iā€™m soooo shocked.

So Blizzard pulled an Atari ET and buried the digital copies in the desert?