LOL Ashava World Boss

First time we had it down nearly dead when the timer expired but second time it was dead in just over 5 minutes. Really depends on the group fighting it, but I agree there is little room for error with the level limit.

I hope they consider giving the server slam reward to those who fought the boss (not just defeated it) because of how reliant it is on who shows up at the time. If it were a full on MMORPG with group finder tools then sure, make defeat a requirement, but at the moment it’s a bit too random for some players. I’m guessing though the reward will be allocated off gaining the boss defeat achievement.

Maybe I was just lucky but we managed to kill Ashava (on T1) first try.
It’s I added all the poison protection gems I could get, plus used the poison elixir. Maybe that helped.
Got 2 legendary rings, nice (well, nice until the characters are all wiped!!)

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Similar experience. 3 T2 wipes then dropped it to T1 and did it with a couple of minutes to spare.

Same, saw 6 yellow dots max on my tries, then loads of people afk in town

Easy kill on WT1 with a decent group. Nothing needs to be changed and I hope Blizz doesn’t listen to whiners.

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Maybe if you buy the $25 power creep DLC you will be able to defeat it.

Was able to down the world boss with 1:50 left . World tier 2 with a full group second attempt. First attempt was an utter joke with people constantly dying ever 4 seconds. If you get a group and it’s constant death for players you will not complete it.

ok did they nerfed him? killed him no with 11:45 left lol.

if youre gonna make something end game and difficult with a timer why are we letting 5 15s into a group for a level 25 and screwing over the player base by not letting them kill the boss. rip that trophy i work 16 hour shifts fri sat and sunday actually lose sleep to level and both attempts im able to do 2 am central and 5 am central you allow 15s to take up group space im all for hard and challenging and special rewards for those that put in the effort but i see allowing these people in there to screw people over as a way of grieving your own community

Go to the D4 reddit discord and look for competent players.
I got in a T1 group and downed Ashava with like 8 minutes left.

LOL just get good. I’ve done killed it twice now.

Biggest issue was the fact low level characters could get into the event and ruin the chances for others…the fact Ashava was a challenge was a good thing though.

I can handle durability loss just the stat loss that comes with it triggers me so bad

I did it on barb just fine, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Had 3 attempts on Ashava, first attempt was the first spawn at 9am, failed to down her. The randoms and I got her to sub 10% before she ran off, I quickly realised that minion build for necro was the wrong way to go, if I had been on a better build, I think we would have had her.

Came back second time and downed her with a minute on the clock, came back a third time downed her with 7mins on the clock. Each time it was me and the randoms who were in the area.

It was daunting at first but I think completely achievable, I’m far away from being a skilled player.

First try and got it with 4 min remaining not sure what the suff is all about. Nah it was impossible as a working man, i can not get this achievement so lame because people have jobs to do. And for the 1 time i can login it fails. Fun times indeed. Blizzard stop doing this nonsense and open that achievement when the game is release no bs.

You know I bet all these whiny people did not lower the difficulty.
Was long but not too hard.

I am a filthy casual and managed to beat Ashava on a second attempt. Got 2 legendaries from levelling to 20 and 2 more from Ashava. This is very subjective… same as your complaints.

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The difficulty or the damage isn’t the issue on this boss. The question you should be asking is why every dungeon boss encounter is not like this boss?

Why are the dungeon bosses so meager and generically programmed compared to the world boss? Did D3 not have 4 bosses like this world boss per act? Very memorable experiences where you went in an arena and had to learn mechanics.

I mean, I like the showcase. The bosses graphics and mechanics were superb. The little cat covering up a turd strike the boss used killed a lot of my group, almost every time.


Why are events like this in an arena and on a timer? Why couldn’t they be a random encounter instead of rescuing my grandfather 100 times?

If tearing up the ground is possible, why are random mobs generic and uninteresting.

Lazy, that is why.

70% hp left? Jesus. Learn the game mate. 3 kills so far.