LOL Ashava World Boss

Finally lucked into a solid group at 2 in the morning, lol. Killed with about 4m to spare, playing a Druid w/ the earth and wind shields, lightning and ravens for vuln, landslide for deeps. With elixir had about 72% poison resist, didn’t even come close to dying.

That said, what a pain in the butt for a weekend test. On the plus side I really enjoyed playing with Druid’s various abilities this weekend, may end up just playing one on launch.

Just came out of completing it with a group where many people had completed it already. My buddy hadn’t, and judging by gear at least one other person had not either.

If I am up and mother has not called yet to say she is ready to do something, I will probably go again. You do get a legendary each time after all.

Dang, what are you doing wrong? Have you tried going down to world tier 1?
We did it on world tier 2 with only 7 people: and I didnt see 2 of them all fight (no hydras either)


Any good reason why this beta is 20 level cap though? Seems very problematic to the current experience

Finally killed it with a full 12 ppl instance. Got 2 legendaries drop from Ashava. Just wondering if the boss HP scale with the number of player in the instance. Previous fight always have only 8 - 9 ppl and he got away with about 5 - 15% health

Killed with 9 ppl. Second attempt, as first time we had some lvl 15 / 17 in team. Druid with proper skills is so fun to play.

2min left on clock.

you can be extremely unlucky with the people you have in your instance. thats always a fact. Your best bet is to inspect them beforehand and if you see too much blues on gear try to find another instance.
But still even that isnt a guranteed kill with this amount of randomness involved.

My first try on t2 finished with 30% remaining hp. Cause at least half of the people died every swing. 8 people only
The second try was on t1 with 40% remaining. The people did the mechanics alright, but most of them run with some blues. again only 8 people.

my last attempt on t1 yielded the kill, but it had 2 rogues with experience and gear in it. that is sadly a huge factor. and we were 10 people.

Did it on tier 2 yesterday with 2 minutes to spare with 100% random people. I am so happy they have finally done a boss where you actually need to think. It just requires you to understand her moves which are VERY FEW compared to Sekiro/Elden Ring and those games, so how people complain about this is insane… Its basicly just 3-4 moves you need to watch out for.

Also it is optional and has GREAT rewards so it should be difficult.

it isnt difficult, just stay under her always, except for that one skill where she makes this huge backwards attack. The problem is just the randomness with people. and the amount of them, which isnt always 10. Often you have to deal with 7-8

If you’re talking about the double claw, just stay directly under her in the exact middle of her body and it doesn’t hit.

Every time i do this fight no one seems to know it. Every sweep there are deaths. every spike drag there are deaths. chat full of yellow text. even when i beat it. it isn’t a challenge. it’s luck.

Damn. My luck is pretty good for having not failed to kill her so far.

good to know, thought the evade was to go to her sides. , gonna try that next time.

I had 5 attempts on Ashava and only got 1 kill. Had a 2nd kill in the bag and got disconnected at 25% and didn’t get credit/loot for it. The other 3 attempts weren’t even remotely close to a kill.

I have friends that have attempted Ashava all 6 possible times and haven’t gotten a single kill. They are going to try again tomorrow before the beta goes down but man is it rough. Level cap reduced to 20, only a day and a half to kill the boss, 3 hours between every attempt. Shesh.


The point is that it must be an achievement. These people are crying that they didnt get a participation trophy, it’s ridiculous.
You can kill Ashava world tier 2 with 5-7 people AFK or missing. We did. And 2 of the players I inspected didnt even have more than 1 or 2 legendaries.
This outrage in the community is disgusting.

But that is what I expect from this rubbish community

dude ive inspected people that wanted to try this fight with half their gear in blue and no legendary. Ok that one was the worst.
But i saw a lot of people that were running around w/o legendaries there and low level yellows.

You were just lucky with your mates.

It’s a problem that Blizzard somehow didnt put a party finder in the game with MMO lite features.

The clan tab is not the way. Boggles the mind.
But yes, on one of my Ashava kills I inspected only 2 players and they didnt have more than 2 legendaries and no upgrades. We still did it with a handful of guys. Assuming the Rogues were fully kitted

that is the reason :slight_smile:

my second attempt had none, and with 8 people with half of them not having legendaries. But most played the mechanics correctly, we just didnt had the dps for it. it was abvious we dont make it after 5 mins into the fight. we were barely grazing the 75% mark.

Easily doable on Tier 1. If you cant do it on tier 2 switch.

This is a test for server overload but either less ppl played this time or more than enough servers opened cus in my each try we couldnt see 10 ppl. On the other hand I just logged in 1 min of server slam logged and played without any queue.Gzzz Blizz

Down with 4 min left. People just need some gear to do it thats all.

thats good and all, but I did it without gear, only rares and low level weapons upgraded to max.
I asked around and nobody in my team seemed to be following any optimal build guide. there was this one Bow/arrow rogue, and me with twisting blades. plus lightning sorcerer.