LOL Ashava World Boss

Oh I agree that I want to see more cool and challenging bosses! I used to run WOW dungeons during the pandemic and would absolutely love if they add more bosses and mini-bosses in Diablo. I don’t care about wiping generic mobs.

However, I think the story is really good (so far). I have never played Diablo games before, but the beta made me to pre-purchase Diablo 4 ultimate. Not because I want to participate in the end game content (who has the time?..) but because of the atmosphere, style, voice acting and cutscenes which were captivating.

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Feel very much the same. I have 2 different classes at 3 of the classes at 20, because tried a few times with my Rogue, and failed each time. So far, I have only missed TWO attempts because I am not young, and need at least 4-5 hours of sleep. There are 2 more attempts left, and honestly don’t know if we will succeed or not on those.

One of the biggest challenges I am seeing is that it isn’t just up to US ourselves, but requires EVERYONE to be on their game. Every time, even after people explicitly TELLING the players present the ‘winning strat’ and where to stand, etc? They still play like this is just some normal elite or something, can make mistakes all through the fight, and all will be fine.

The best I’ve been part of, and only died a few times, are a couple tries where got her under the last hashmark but ran out of time. So, kinda think this is a bit much to ask. Sure, some, maybe even a lot, have done it, but this trophy is going to be awarded to (mostly) people who just got really lucky and ended up matched up with other players who just happen to know what they are doing.

The rest of us are banging our heads on the wall over and over getting into instances with people who have no friggin clue and might as well be choosing to flail wildly with rubber chickens. How in the world should WE be punished (not get the trophy) simply due to not already having enough friends playing the game who we can trust will be GOOD players, so we must rely on the random groups we get?

The achievement/trophy is 100% out of our hands, and worse it’s handicapped even more due to 20 lvl cap vs 25 world boss AND the huge nerfs to the classes and powers (so people are adjusting, and have less than a day before the first attempt to get a grip on their classes).

Just seems a pretty tall order, and many of us will end up failing even though we DID learn, KNOW how to play, trying hard, and attending as many attempts as we can (9 total, I will have been at 7 - and that is using some of Mother’s Day trying to beat this boss, instead of spending time with my mom, simply because I couldn’t ‘get lucky’ in my groups the first FIVE tries).

Ahh, so you were able to solo the boss? No? Ok… you have ~10 people present, you account for TEN percent. Even if you do 100% efficiency, those other players are what REALLY matter. IE. You either have a set of friends all playing, know how to actually play… or, you got REALLY lucky, and are now bashing a person online, claiming it’s your SKILL that allowed you to win 3 times… not that you are at least a good player, AND got matched up with a bunch of randoms who ALSO were at least good players.

A lot of us are trying repeatedly, but keep getting set up with players who may as well be just using harsh language while dancing in the AOE’s. That’s not OUR fault. Oddly, if we had the 25 cap, not 20, we’d probably succeed despite those players. But, we’re not, and those players are the majority in the game this weekend.

Stop bashing people for stuff that might not even be the problem. That person might be dead-on their game, working it like a professional, just getting matched with horrible trash. And you just insulted them… for what? How does that help?

Wudijo solo’s Ashava at level 20, WT2, hardcore.

Thought this was pretty cool.

Had 9 in mine…does he scale or not?

Ashava scales to the number of players in the instance.

If your repairs are only 4K, then you might actually be the problem in your losses… or at least part of the reason. The better your gear, the more it costs to repair. But, also, you do that much better, too. So, only 4K? Means you don’t have even reasonably good gear yet (and I mean upgraded yellows or legendaries). You should have full yellow, at least, by 20. So, you need to pump some money into upgrading them to 2+ diamonds, etc.

My gear isn’t best by any means, and I’m paying 13K, just as example. People with fully upgraded are paying 16-20K for repairs.

Four rogues bragging about 500-600 attack power(didn’t check, so I don’t know if they were full of :poop: ), Necro with Decrepify, and some other debuffs, and we smoked her. It was on World Tier One, so there is that. I think we had 20 or so in my instance. We were all level 20, so that helped alot. The level 15 barbarian kept getting smoked like a cheap cigar.

It was hell on a melee druid, went wind druid and it was alot easier. Skelly Necros kept getting smoked. To squishy.

Final try remains. If you don’t kill it at 6PM (18/00) CEST, it’s all over.

I just killed her a second time in veteran difficulty with 3 people - if you know the fight, it’s not that hard. If I can do it, anybody can…

today the boss got bugged and just disappeared at 50% hp 3 mints and resummoned at 50% hp while there was only 1 mint left GG blizzard for the OP bug

not only we are suffering to kill him … that bug to make it impossible to kill

Killed Ashava in 5 minutes. It’s possible. Link below for “proof”

It’s really easy to kill in World Teir 1. I just did it at 9am est in 5mins. I wish I would have known that last night. ;_;

i killed the wb today , tier 2 , 9 ppl instance , wasnt that hard tbh :roll_eyes:

Just killed it yesterday at 7pm. It sucks for sure but its doable.

Ive been in three attempts and havent had it below 50% Not sure how this is going to happen unless I get in a lucky group

On WT1 it’s easy enough with a few competen randoms (mind you that you yourself are competent).
I even was as bold as bringing my lvl 12 mate along 2nd run because he coundn’t play the rest of the weekend and he wanted to see the fight. Even than we killed it with time spared, he even avoided dying mote than some lvl 20 and was zealous with the rez duty.

I work on saturdays and I have a mother’s day dinner planned. I got 2 chars up to 20. So it was doable. If you can’t play because there was more planned, it sucks, but it isn’t blizz is fault. Part of being a grown up. Making choices and finding ballance and all that…

we were about to kill him he just disappeared while there were like 4 mints left and appeared back while there was 1 mint left it was bugged !

1st i try World Tier 2 she escape with 15% hp left , 2nd try World Tier 2 was really bad…

and then i go down to World Tier 1 and 1st try kill her.

Just did my first attempt on Ashava in World Tier 2, which just so happens to be the last one for the server slam. It was the only one I could actually make it to, and 8 people showed up. Needless to say, boss ran away before we even reached the second triangle mark on her health. Does this mean I don’t get the mount item? If so, I’ll definitely have some complaints.