LOL Ashava World Boss

Just had this happen to me. It was close but looked like we were going to get the kill. Instance I TP’d back to she was gone already. WTF?! Thanks for taking away my trophy Blizz.

all you need is one rogue.

get more of them and the boss is dead super duper fast.

Stupidest crap. Sure, use a broken build to get this done. Don’t bother trying to play the build you want or you won’t get anything done. Even with the last minute necro buffs, Failed this boss 4 times from; low levels being there, people afking, people phasing in an despawning boss. Absolutely NO FUN. Just stress from worrying about being able to do this before the last spawn and still, nope.
GG Boys. With zero seconds to spare. T2 kill


The boss scales to your group size. I just did it on Tier 2 with 8 people and we killed her with 7 minutes left on the timer.

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When you teleported out someone else likely took your spot in your instance, no one should be teleporting out because it doesn’t hold your spot.

Lol 19 level 20s and 1 level 19, when it’s a 12 player limit in the crucible. Solid flex

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With a lvl25+ boss and 15 well equipped lvl20s alongside me (albeit sorc), we were doing well. My problem was situational awareness, which kicked in well before I decided to TP and fix my kit. I could have sat and watched them duke it out but I’m a team player and wanted to contribute. Oh well, dems da breaks I guess.

i cant fathom how you think this isnt possible??

other than my T2 kill, the first spawn on saturday, ALL my kills had 10+ minutes remaining.

Because the game shouldn’t be dropping legendaries left and right when ur level 20 on the second world tier. Y’all got wayy too used to EA and OB weekends being too generous with droprates.

I do not agree at all with this. I only got to fight and loose to the world boss in the open beta once and it lived. I died over 15 times in that fight and I was level 25.

Now I went there under-geared at level 20 as a necro. our group what made up of primarily barbs, and necros with a few sorc and at least one rogue. I only died 6 times with 3 of those deaths being because I was out of position and 1 of those death due to a skill being on cooldown. The world boss went done with no problem and plenty of time to spare.

It was a very fun battle

You didn’t need to buy anything to get access to the server slam.

I think they reason they are doing it now, or at least for this weekend, was to test the systems when everyone and their mother tries to enter the same area at the same exact time just to get the fomo horn. Now, it’s very likely that the world bosses on timers will stay as a permanent part of the game, because if you haven’t noticed, a lot of stuff in this game is designed like Diablo Immortal which does that type of silly stuff.

Tier 1 world boss is easy…

git gut lol ))))))))

I had time to join 1 world boss fight saturday morning, it was filled with people from lvl 12 to lvl 20 - we absolutely failed.

Is the future of diablo 4 mmo going to be relying on others to complete forced schedule events in an arpg to unlock items? Very sad to see blizzard schedule something on a weekend like this and exclude a large portion of their fan base. Even though it’s to unlock a horse pen.

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I’ll be honest. I really like the game and how it is laid out, but fighting Ashava as a lvl 20 was just not in the cards for me at all. In Veteran, i was closer than on normal, as the group i found there got her under 25%. I do not like how it was capped at 20 as my lvl 25 in the previous beta would have actually had a chance and was better equipped. I don’t know why this last beta was nothing but nerfs, lower level cap, and then fighting Ashava which is a good boss battle, but a VERY impossible one when people have to work, so the time to get to level 20 and then fight her was very tight knit for me and then mother’s day right after didn’t help any. Would have been better with a 20 minute timer or at least if the lvl 25 cap was kept. My only real critique aside from Necromancer this beta was SEVERELY weaker than last few betas.

I had a run where we killed Ashava in 4 and a half minutes on world tier 1 and I also had a run where ashava was literally about to leave when we killed her. Its just luck of the draw on how good any blueberries will be in your instance. I killed her 3 times total and the addition of the stun/fall over mechanic was a great addition imo. Plus they were probably testing the consistent spawns more than difficulty as almost no one will be going after this boss at the level we were theres no reason to kill her until you get above level 50 probably so who cares if she was challenging in the server slam?

What lol. The boss was way too easy. 2 simple mechanics and you don’t take any dmg really. Troll post?

Well thats kind of dumb, how are you suppose to know your not allowed to do that, why dont they just disable town portal during the fight .