LOL Ashava World Boss

I had time to join 1 world boss fight saturday morning, it was filled with people from lvl 12 to lvl 20 - we absolutely failed.

Is the future of diablo 4 mmo going to be relying on others to complete forced schedule events in an arpg to unlock items? Very sad to see blizzard schedule something on a weekend like this and exclude a large portion of their fan base. Even though it’s to unlock a horse pen.

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I’ll be honest. I really like the game and how it is laid out, but fighting Ashava as a lvl 20 was just not in the cards for me at all. In Veteran, i was closer than on normal, as the group i found there got her under 25%. I do not like how it was capped at 20 as my lvl 25 in the previous beta would have actually had a chance and was better equipped. I don’t know why this last beta was nothing but nerfs, lower level cap, and then fighting Ashava which is a good boss battle, but a VERY impossible one when people have to work, so the time to get to level 20 and then fight her was very tight knit for me and then mother’s day right after didn’t help any. Would have been better with a 20 minute timer or at least if the lvl 25 cap was kept. My only real critique aside from Necromancer this beta was SEVERELY weaker than last few betas.

I had a run where we killed Ashava in 4 and a half minutes on world tier 1 and I also had a run where ashava was literally about to leave when we killed her. Its just luck of the draw on how good any blueberries will be in your instance. I killed her 3 times total and the addition of the stun/fall over mechanic was a great addition imo. Plus they were probably testing the consistent spawns more than difficulty as almost no one will be going after this boss at the level we were theres no reason to kill her until you get above level 50 probably so who cares if she was challenging in the server slam?

What lol. The boss was way too easy. 2 simple mechanics and you don’t take any dmg really. Troll post?

Well thats kind of dumb, how are you suppose to know your not allowed to do that, why dont they just disable town portal during the fight .

Killed world boss np. I even forgot to equip my rings, lol.