Leveling "We want you to reach the fun part [max lvl] quickly"

If the leveling experience was indeed fun, why would they rush you over it? It’s common sense.

Don’t really think it’s been logarythmic ever tbh, but to your point, most games have additive stuff most of the time

OR if having multiplicative then it’s a multiplier of 2 numbers (baseline multiplier % and then multiplier on that baseline % number)

That’s at least how LE does it… You can have baseline going slow from 5% to 6% to 8% to 10%-ish (don’t think it’s quite possible but bear with me), and then the other number is the “multiplier % multiplier” i.e. from 20% to 30% to 50% to 80% to 130% to 200% to 250% (-ish)

And you end up with a Crit chance like the following: (5% + 5)baseline * (50 + 250%)multiplier => 10% * 300% => 30% chance to Crit

Basically the LH% formula from D4, that’s how LE does it, not sure how PoE does but for example I know D2 does it Fibonacci most of the time then starting to offer something x/Per-level at the end

So it goes like: 1-2, 2-3, 3-5, 5-8, 8-13, 13-21, 21-34 (or at least that’s kinda Frost socket, I think)

Fire socket for ex.: 1-3, 2-5, 3-8, 5-13, 8-21, 13-34, 21-55 (or something along those lines)

Point being = I don’t think they’re doing things logarythmic, it’s much more often done in Fibonacci’s progression

Weapon damage also goes in similar fashion, for example for Long Sword: 3-6, 4-8, 6-14, 9-20, 13-28

Heck, even the “Tetris progression” (which is basically Level^2, break 1 line = 100 pts, 2 lines = 400 pts, 3 lines = 900 pts, 4 lines = 1600 pts)… Wouldn’t end up in huge numbers as does in D4 (from 1 to 10k on lvl100)

But then they should consider adding monster resistances and armor (as opposed to just scaling HP all the time), and I don’t think they have that even available (or are very stubbornly refusing to include), that’s the issue

It’s just that it’s not Exponential, and does not go through the roof as does in D4 :slight_smile:

Sadly leveling is still better than the repetitive endgame Hamster Wheels they have you running in.


The fun part is apparently grinding the pit for countless hours to get 12/12.

The seriously need to take their sorc nerf hammer to the neithiron requirements.

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I don’t know if it’s a gamer trend or a Developer misunderstanding but leveling can be fun. Grinding / Farming can be too. Technically there isn’t much difference in terms of gains.

The environment and methods incorporated to keep it interesting, rewarding and dynamic are the important parts. You’re supposed to disguise the grind and give alternative options/flavors to achieve these goals. Something D4 has lacked since launch.

If you want to speed level then tempering Max Life/Armour and Damage is the asiest way to become indistructible and godly early.

The lack of skill experimentation and diversity makes the leveling pretty dull. Sure, we can change skills but there’s about it. The bulk of the skills modification are build into itemization. And those items are only accessible mid to endgame.

How about a system where we can modify the skills without relying on a specific gear?
For example, a fireball that explodes on hit or a fireball that splits into 3 fireballs
Undecember have a pretty interesting skill modification system.


Yes, I don’t understand that either. I don’t understand the point of the 4 different “difficulty levels”. The game is not difficult at any time, so why this “artificial limit” with the sacret and ancestral items in the level process at all. They should be abolished, they don’t help and only make the early game less fun. The endgame should start at level 1. The world is big and would offer so much more than pits.
There are far too few skills, skilling is no fun


Leveling is only fun the next time if you are a twink. And twinking inherently increases the rate of leveling, thus supporting the goal of expediting the journey to 100.

This game doesn’t really have the twink method baked into seasons. D3 had upgrade rare and kanai’s cube powers, as well as an overly extreme item level reduction secondary affix. There was also the kill streak game layered on top.

This game caps experience when the enemy level difference is too far apart from the player. Maybe that feature should be situational to kills from others in your group?

The point is, this game could use some additional methods to progress faster, not just have it be automatic. After all, there is a whole game within attempting those methods.

well leveling an alt after you unlocked all aspects and tempers etc is pretty fun actually…

look at that youtube video…
“Best Speed Leveling Builds For All Classes In Diablo 4”

that said maybe we should be able to unlock this stuff earlier or get better drops earlier after you unlocked t4 once on your account

I would just go to hell tides and find a group doing the boss thing. You gain levels so fast it’s absurd.

If leveling were fun, then people wouldn’t focus on the feeling of needing to rush through it.

I think D4 design space is so limited in the current design. There are almost NO leveling uniques that could have made for fun “leveling builds”. There is no distinction from level 50 - 100 from how a build feels. You are in a skill rotation by 50 that you effectively never change.

D4 devs design was wrong from jump. Yes people complained about how long leveling took, but the devs solved the wrong problem. Rather than making it better and more fun… they are giving players all of the tools to make leveling the most forgettable/fast experience possible.

I would have loved if leveling metas were made where the build you use while leveling changes at least once before you hit 50.

There would be a group of people that only focused on the speed leveling part of the game. Making builds there… making a meta…

There are many games where leveling is almost a game in itself, and the D4 devs missed a big opportunity in making early game character progression feel meaningful.


upgrading glyphs is the worst part of the entire gameplay.

Indeed. Most of the skill customization should be moved to the skill tree and maybe some paragon.

Give each skill its own skill tree.

Tbh, those kind of people want to rush through, no matter if it is fun or not.

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This is the “find the perfect miracle cure that will solve all problems at once” mindset in action

BUT, that’s not the only problem, people that gave feedback never wanted to say anything meaningful (or well-measured of consequences either). Just blabbered whatever came on the top of their mind in the moment (or just what came to their mouth without even reaching their mind at all)

But hey, we’re “listening” to all your feedback lol. I’m quite baffled (and sadly surprised) that we have those kinds of people (on both sides of the isle) in 2024

Those that miraculously think that the game will “solve itself” once the little inconveniences are gone, as well as those that “one single magic stroke” will make everything better (or more like every single complaint disappear)

Even pains me to talk about this at this day and age tbh… I mean, sure, they’re “solving” issues for the long term (at the cost of the whole game done before) :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :clown_face:

You missed the point. Using Tempering early allows this without any issues with death (unless your silly) and super charges the speed. First capstone at L15 and second at L35-40.

I think it really depends on what you are doing while leveling and “endgame”. My leveling is almost 100% NMD (+10 monster levels above char level) for glyphs- which I don’t find very fun. By the time I’ve done that, I’m already lvl 100 and go do Helltides which is better than NMD grinds at least. Pit grind is not great either imo. So when people say they like leveling I wonder if they are doing NMDs or Helltides?

Can’t help but agree with others here that this open world is a lost potential.

I felt exactly like this the moment they said they will buff XP gain.

This is the typical “Blizz” way of fixing stuff in the wrong direction.

They did that with the loot too. Yes we needed a loot rework but definatly not the way they did it.

Instead of making meaningfull rare drops they entirely tossed em making them 100% pointless except you still kinda need to gather them for mats. a complete chore.

then they reduce the number of stats on items and introduce “tempering” and masterworking which is nothing else then an unecessarly grind.

Why not reduce the amount of loot and let em drop with 5 affixes of which 3 can be GAs.

Tempering should just be a way to ad “funtionality” like they did to some extent where a chain lightning can be casted twice or so. This is interesting stuff.

Addin %Dmg is not interesing, i’ts just bloating the numbers for no reason except bloating the gamme.

So much wasted potential, would be a actual arpg with endgame if this ever gets and love.

Right now this content is sadly left to be a husk of what it should and could be. Maybe it was the old teams vision idk, either way the lies, the catering, the waste is not fun, which means, for me idc about the hamster wheel its not fun to play when you are not getting paid to do it, if i was getting paid, by blizzard or others to play it, i can think of worse games.

But as my gaming hobby, the game in this absolute BS state its in, the milking, the catering, the cutting content out of and meaning or value, before a xpac, no thank you. I can wait until its fixed before giving them more money.


this is another mindboogling thing. They got this huge open world. I was realy thinking and hoping we get more quests, more locations, more monster types, more divers loot, more events on the map that are more complex then just a “fill totem with blood” kind of stuff.

I expected this game to grow and expand in a meangfull way instead it is almost as bland as on release. The open world was not only ignored it they even made it more and more irelevant by adding endgame activities that all take place aside form the open world.

What are they thinking at this point, how can you be so uncreative with this game.