Leveling "We want you to reach the fun part [max lvl] quickly"

They should make the last event xp + gold buff permanent. Also the goblins for the mount. But looks like only streamers can have fun. The worse this rng getting the more sence i get to buy call of duty black ops 6 (i am mainly an fps gamer, but got loot addicted because i quit fps because it was bad) but why should i grind in a game that dont drop the loot i grind for.

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You know, about that. Players didn’t really complain about leveling being slow. Not really. They complained about not having much to do in the game. They didn’t see the point in hitting 100. Most players felt the game ended at lvl80, which was fairly true. The game had nothing after lvl70. You killed Elias in the capstone dungeon and it was GG.

So the problem was never the slow leveling and the vast majority of players never really complained about that. It was the lackluster endgame(50-100) content that was the issue. 50-70 was fun, but 70-100 was barren. They didn’t even try filling the 70-100 experience.

You know, the truth is this team never really cared for the OG vision of D4 since it wasn’t their vision. That’s why they never tried and completely abandoned it immediately after the game launched. With this team at the helm, D4 never had a chance.


“thanks gawd” D4 do not have leveling uniques that LE drops. :smiley:

every time I see leveling item drop in LE it feels like developers wasted time on items that are useless in long term. why your build should center around temporary item anyways? whats fun in that? with current D4 system your build have steady progress solving defenses, solving resources, getting more multipliers. steady progress is fun. having temporary leveling unuque that allowes to blast for 10 levels and then its a trash is just a distraction for folks who don’t understand its trash trap. and the most annoying part in LE is that these leveling uniques still drop in the end game! just polluting loot pool for no reason.

for alts leveling IMO idea of finding uber unique, and then using it to level another character, is much better one in D4.

thing that was evil though was marketing it as if they were, keeping to they game we had been watching the dev blogs on , that is the real punch in the gut.


Multiple reasons: New players need to level. You maybe wanna play a new class, so fresh start makes sense, smoother transition. Not everyone copy pastes builds (I’m not one of them), so this prevents people from being overwhelmed, if they start fresh on a new char. However, they could easily speed leveling up even more, but not make it so easy. Economy reset, which can be bad or good, depending on what type of player you are. Leveling this season had stupid scaling, where we could fight against mobs 40 levels higher. It was kind of mindnumbing and long for me to level, but if they sped leveling up again, but made everything a bit more difficult, it’d be fun. I want mechanics to matter, not just facetank everything. But the mechanics have to be fun to play around, not like Lilith, where Blizz just covered the screen with fast red balls, that chase you xd

70-100 was fun if you liked cimbing nmds, but it had no traction for many. so instead of trying to force one way to play the game they made leveling faster and then after 100 folks can decide what to do (nmds/pits/helltides/bosses), which for me is OK solution. no reason to force folks to XP-farm in helltides or nmds for 50+ hours just because “thats how it used to be in our old times”.

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Agreed, after world tier 4, leveling gets significantly more enjoyable

True! Really left a bad taste in the mouth, for sure.

But, I guess they had to somehow market it even though they may didn’t like it themselves. Anyhow, the thing that really irks me is the gaslighting that all the changes are “due to player feedback”. Which cannot be further from the the truth. The reality is, they create their own game now and this game is D3v2. No one asked for these changes. Go back and see the forum threads on launch and post-launch. See what people were actually saying and what they were asking for.

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definatly not. they should just never had introduced the scaling like it is.

The endgame should had started on lv 50. No Ancestral or holy items. Just loot.

instead of this bloated stat board with some interesting points on it they should just had made it that you can find “paraboards” as loot. Small pieces that offer small boosts to skills for example. This would add another layer of loot that you could basicly grind forever as you can allways replace a better board with an old one.

Wt 3 would be monster lv 70 and wtf 54 100. But you stay LV 50. higher tier only makes it more likely to get better gear. That way the open world would stay challenging and you could slowly progress towards a higher WT.

Blizz way of fixing stuff is like.

Oh dude you got biten by a poisen snake in the hand. Okay you could suuck the poisen out and then we call an ambulance and all will be fine…
We chop of your arm immediatly. :axe: Oh thank god you may live. Oh wait what, you got bitten in the foot too? wait a moment :axe: :crazy_face:

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Another issue was the fact paragon points were up to lvl100, which meant players would “have” to reach at some point which was the complete opposite of their “max lvl was meant to be optional” mentality. But anyway.

I don’t understand what you mean with that.

My point was if they’re going to let it in the game then they should make it fun. Just by making it faster doesn’t make it fun. A chore is a chore.


ultimately this game should never had released not now, not for another couple of years. I would have rather waited, we have other games to play, and we do that anyway, because this is a mess of a game to play.

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nmds pushing it seems was intended way to level past 70 initially/first seasons. so instead forcing everyone to play it they reduced leveling XP and made helltides viable alternative (and pits too).

Got it, thanks for clarifying. The thing is they could’ve easily left the game as is and just add more endgame options so players wouldn’t feel forced to run endless NMD’s or quit. That’s what everyone has been asking since launch. Making leveling short and meaningless made the game even worse.


I would realy like to just wander around in the Open world and get “EVERYTHING” i need there. You could still let all activities stay to targetfarm. But you should have the freedom to enjoy the open woirld and get all necessary stuff there.

This is a pointless limitation suucking out a lot of fun for no purpose whatsoever.

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D3 feelings, where nobody leveled and just asked a full level player to level him to max, to reach endgame. If this game was really perfected and balanced, the moment you reached level 100, your character should be so strong that it will be able to defeat Lilith without her one shot bull S.

Leveling shouldnt be this fast one you reach 70+ the issue though is that this isnt d2 and leveling isnt as important which is a mistake these devs made (consolified/dumbified diablo and used the d3 formula which already proved it was not as effective as d2).

In D2 when you saw a character in the 90-99 range it was a big deal. When i was a teen back in the day in D2 when i wasnt working and playing all day long i think the highest i ever got on one character was 97. It took a LONG time to get that high, also because you lost xp when you died.

Levels are far less important in D4 because you can only add 5 points per skill as opposed to 20 in d2, the rest is just for this makeshift paragon because they wanted to compete with POE, unfortunately thats likely another design failure regarding why there is a massive class imbalance because 50% of your character levels go into a paragon board which gives crappy messy benefits instead of direct skill damage. They should have just copied the d2 formula, instead they went with d3 which already proved to be a failed system.

Part of the fun in these games is reaching the highest level to make your character stronger, unfortunately this isnt as important in d4 (flawed design)

Tldr, leveling system was doomed from the start.


“We want you to reach the fun part quickly”

I wish they would speed me through the Neathiron gathering phase of the pit, this is definitely the least fun part of this season.


Blizzard: “Our metrics suggest you’re having fun wrong.”


honestly at this point and the knowledge that leveling in this game plain suks, why do we still need to do it. The season concept failed. quiete literally. They could just let us use our “main” chars and just implement the new “season” stuff directly into the eternal realm.

That is basicly rule number 1 of game design. “If you got something in your game that isn’t fun and is not required for Story purposes you get rid of it”. No one want to play boring stuff and no one wants to have to dig through “boring” stuff to reach the fun part.

What kind of nonsensical thinking is this. They"KNOW" leveling suks so either

B. get rid of it.

BTW! there “bandage” method of fixing leveling by “shortening” it on all ends also ruins the “First” experience new player have in story mode. They basicly destroy the Story playthrough so “season” veterans do not have to dig through it all the time. Just let new people enjoy the story and let seasonal people play there main champ.


Leveling is not fun because you cannot acquire anything you’re going to keep during leveling (except salvaging for aspects I guess).

The iLevel system is a blight on itemization. Anything that isn’t iLevel 925 Ancestral just doesn’t matter - so you want to get to the point where you can gather 925 items as fast as possible.

In other ARPGs you can find low level uniques that you just keep using. Hell, in LE some builds have uniques that have level requirements of 5 - 15 as their BiS.

The core of D4 is still a game about acquiring gear to build your character. If you’re acquiring stuff you know you’re going to throw away finding that item is never going to be fun.

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