Level Scaling Isnt Good

Personally I like the level scaling system I hope it stays.

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Completely hate this system and refunded due to it. I dont understand why people think old zones would be irrelevant if the design team actually came up with solutions instead of just blanket-scaling everything.

An example here would be EverQuest. You had zones like Oasis which were 12-20 but also had mobs that were 30-35, and some even 50+. It was amazing watching higher level players attempt the dangerous mobs for the lower level folks, or accidently aggroing a Sand Giant and having to run for your life. It gave you something to aspire to. Coming back a few months later and finally getting revenge was a huge part of progression. The zones never became irrelevant. The content you did in the zones changed, but there was always something to do.

In addition to this, the mobs were not cake walks. The scaling was done in a sense where if you had enough level 15 mobs attacking you at level 30, you’d die. Nothing was 100% and even venturing into some lower level places carried a significant amount of risk if you were alone.

Nothing is risky in Diablo 4. Risk vs Reward? Lol. Doesnt exist. Everything is the same difficulty only the pixels change.

Having level scaling completely ruins the experience of progression. These devs are only in it for money (well… cant say I dont blame them, its a business) - but they are here to come up with the easiest viable solution that the lowest common denominator of players will be happy with. The itemization is trash, the quests are generic, the level scaling basically turns the entire game into the exact same thing no matter how much you level.


No, you’re just so disgusted with the idea that you can’t be objective about the game.

As you gain levels, while the mobs keep up in terms of just stat blocks, they don’t gain synergies and gear as players do. They inevitably fall farther and farther behind starting around level 15. The only ones who stand are bosses at this point and they pretty much go down once you get decent gear at around 23-25. Once you overgear, then you don’t feel anything as everything melts in under 10 seconds.

I agree, level scaling is not good. They should have a permanent low level areas and high level areas.


I really find it humorous anyone that says that level scaling is stupid or shouldn’t exist. To all of them I ask, what would you call the diablo 3 progression? I mean they used the same thing there. Guess those same people didn’t like d3 then. Oh and what do all of you thing should happen when you hit max level? Should you have only a selective set of areas you can go to fight monsters? That would get really only really fast. We are talking only school mmo/ online games. Newer ones have scaling over the last 20 or so years because it makes more sense for any online game. D3 did it and it wasn’t really online like D4 is.

I’m glad they have the scaling because allows higher and lower players to play together without the ferling of power leveling or carrying someone. They still have difficulty setting. If ya want to fell more powerful then lower your settings. I just don’t understand what all these people did in d3 for levels 1 to 70 for adventure mode because scaling exists there as well. Nothing new except for the cross level scaling added.

Yeah, the leveling process feels bad, to get weaker the higher level you are.
The scaling should be turned off untill at least level 70 or so.
This way, you will get both the feeling of more power while leveling up and after reaching that certain level all areas will still be playable and challenging. Dungeons could have kept the scaling as it is, right from the start.

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you can do world events, side quest, dungeons or just focus on the main story. no matter what you choose you aren’t wasting your time. you are still progressing. it isn’t linear so it will scale.

i played 2 classes to 25 and 1 to 20. if you don’t feel like you are getting stronger then your build must be seriously messed up.

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Again, an opinion that I disagree with.

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I loved the monster scaling. I was playing with my wife, she at lv.22 and I was lv.5 in the same dungeon contributing as a team, challenge was there for both of us. And I couldn’t wait to leveling up to gain access to more skills, gears, and synergy options as she did. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think down scaling is a good idea for grouping, even with some boosts to gear drops to make it worth while, and boosts to exp gains. That helps with all sorts of grouping options and is a good idea.

That being said, solo play scaling should be optional not always on…especially outside of dungeon type runs. Just wandering around scaling sucks unless you are grouped up and scaling on purpose. Just takes away the feel of progression, which is so much of the fun.

I agree. I liked to be able to go kill mobs easily. Drops were rarer, and that was ok.


It is so you can reuse zones and content, yet another D2 point of view that does not make modern day sense.

You not knowing how to optimize a character does not mean an entire mechanic is bad. Your paragraph screams user error imo, I was waiting for the jk, but instead I think you might be serious.

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Scaling is a mechanic designed to artificially extend player engagement and MAU. It’s trash, and I’m not surprised Blizzard is bringing it to Diablo.


The entire game is going to turn into everyone using the same build, same skills, same everything in order to beat the content that is scaling with them instead of them progressing at their own pace, even if that means fighting easier enemies with a build they enjoy more, and progressing when they want to. I know they wont change it, and definitely wont be playing after the beta, but its sad to see the direction games today are going. Bring back old school MMOs with actual risk vs reward. With dreams of one day being “that strong” to beat certain content. Instead of watching a level 5 come by on day 1 and slaughter the same content your supposedly “strong” character is fighting at the same speed, lol.


i don’t see that as a bad thing as it will keep all places fresh so you wouldn’t be much higher level than an act plus we got that already in d3 don’t we ? … it’s T1 … t16 mobs alll acts are the same strength based on the tier you picked … so i guess what they did do is remove the idea from the Tier system and implement it into the base game … also if you want to be strong against weak mobs that means you are weak … true strength when you face something that is either equal or similar to you :stuck_out_tongue:

Some people just like the power fantasy trip. Bully the weak so they feel superior.

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Agree, I feel if I do another Barb. I have to do Malnok super early or the scaling makes it impossible.

I bet the game would feel better if it scaled every 3 levels instead of every level.

The thing is, it seems there are 2 complaints against the level scaling.
1: people want easy mobs so they can go farming.
2: they want easy mobs so they can feel powerful stomping on ants.

1: the thing is, low lvl mobs drop low lvl items. In D2, when you were 30th lvl there was no point in farming Andarial when she wasn’t going to give you anything you could use going forward. People farmed Mephisto or Baal, and they could still be challanging at those levels (at least until you got decked out). The level scaling actually helps this because now you can farm anywhere anytime since the mobs are all your lvl, rhey will always be able to drop items relevant to you. This will end tedium because it isn’t the same farm run you did the last 30 hours of game play.

2: If you get your rocks off having your 30+ lvl char stomping quill beasts (on normal difficulty), I got nothing for you. But this would be a good topic of discussion with your therapist.

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