Level Scaling Isnt Good

This doesn’t happen because the real reason for level scaling is that it is easier than actually coming up with a reasonable solution. It’s easy and cheap. All the “Upsides” are marketing and gullible people eating it up.


Yeah and I can make an extremely nutritionally efficient paste for you to eat all day every day instead of delicious flavorful food, so everyone should absolutely do that since it is better.

Nobody is struggling with open world mobs at level 22 and needs saving unless they have an absolutely terrible build where they just stuck skill points all over to see what different skills looked like. My level 20+ characters killed things easier than they did at 5 or 10.

And I beat the act at level 11 and level 10 with blues and whites much easier than I did at level 25 with all upgraded legendary gear. All I had to do was skip all the content to be stronger!

“Nobody is struggling” <-------- Assumption.

“I personally tested it with three different characters” <------------- Knowledge


:hugs: AMEN BROTHA :hugs: Preach it!

To all my Old School Diablo Brothers out there ,I feel ya :beers:


One of the few arguments for level scaling that comes with individual thought rather than regurgitated marketing. Congratulations.

I want to progress through the WORLD not just a difficulty setting.

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If i level up too much in the open world then i come across a dungeon that dungeon can be too easy. Just run through the entire thing killing everything in one hit. If you aren’t feeling stronger as you level then you are doing something wrong.

I loved the classic diablo experience but it was far from perfect. level scaling works and keeps everything relevant

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I almost died to one of the first side quests because i missed it and went back as a level 25.

This sounds like a git good issue. Most people were steamrolling the content by level 25. Did you try asking for help with your build before deciding it’s the game’s fault?

Also, remember, when WoW added scaling, people cried, but now nobody even notices. When Grim Dawn added light scaling in its development, people cried, but now that game is highly regarded and the overwhelming majority of people enjoyed it. Nobody will be complaining about scaling after this game has been out for some time.

Level scaling makes everything irrelevant as far as choices go. There are no choice outside the skill tree, (which is trivialized by the ability to respec.) and gear, which comes so fast I hardly even pay attention to it because I replace it sometimes within a minute of getting it. I understand that all of this will be “Fixed” in the end game when everything evens out at 100, but at that point why even have the leveling process at all?


You unkock stuff as you progress. Giving everything to you at once can be overwhelming so that’s why there are levels and it feeks good progressing. As with every other game where people complain about scaling it will be a non issue

It isn’t that people “Hardly notice” It’s that the vast majority of people that complained about it in those games quit and never came back. There are people who like scaling or are indifferent about it, and there are people that have the experiences they enjoy ruined by it. People that are complaining about it aren’t “ALL” just “Crying about it then getting over it” It is, for them, ruining a game that they previously enjoyed, or in this case very much hoped to enjoy. So, perhaps think about what you are going to say from the perspective of someone else before speaking so matter-of-factly.


It most certainly will not be a non-issue. It will be another game that a large demographic either doesn’t play or quits. Which works out well for you and others that enjoy scaling, but the fact that you don’t see or experience the issue, doesn’t make it not exist.

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As a past opponent of level scaling it actually made a game i used to play insanely more popular. i guarantee you are in the minority. playing the content. playing with other people. there is almost no downside to scaling

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I really hope Blizzard listens to the community on this one. It ruins the fun of gaining experience, levelling up and finding loot. Basically they removed the core part of any ARPG.


Only the minority wants to remove it, its needed.

Why? It removes any feeling of reward for me. There is a very real reason people spend ridiculous amounts of hours in these games. A reward loop is needed and they are not even close at the moment.


there are plenty of rewards for progression. many that have been shown but not in beta. Over leveling the content and steamrolling it isn’t a reward loop.

I’d choose delicious flavorful food. Because with leveling scaling I can do or eat what ever content I want. The extremely nutritionally efficient paste sound too much like linear leveling and the game telling me what where to go.

There are a couple types of solutions to this that could probably be done to address some or all of the complaints people have about the level scaling (but not necessarily at the same time):

  1. make mobs scale once you hit max level, but not before [PROS: you get to feel stronger as you level and then still can do everything at max level, CONS: enforces a linear path through the content]

  2. like (1), but don’t let mobs fall more than X levels behind you and optionally never more than Y levels ahead; this could also be done with a curve instead of strict min/max [PROS: you’re never totally over-leveled for content, and can go to more challenging areas if you want it to drop better gear and can kill it, CONS: still has some amount of linearity imposed to the story]

  3. make difficulty also affect monster level including affecting the level of drops that you find (e.g., can find actual at-level-requirement items if you play harder difficulty) [PROS: you can be better rewarded for playing difficult content, and are not as well rewarded for doing the weaker content and maintains non-linear story, CONS: not all that different from what we have now minus it affecting drops meaningfully]

There are a whole lot of other options that all just require a bit of creativity and a clear picture of what features are important. I have to assume that they wanted to maximize the ability for people to explore in a non-linear way. There are not particularly better solutions if that is the goal.