Level Scaling Isnt Good

You don’t know what you’re talking about. Look at Diablo 2…even act 1 has lvl 85 areas


Please stop already trying to make the game easy mode. That’s what made D3 horrible. The challenge is what makes it fun. They did it well so far. Just git gud as souls players would say

I don’t like level scaling in general. Monsters lose their identity.


This is a big problem right now. I dread leveling up, because that just means I’ll feel weaker until I find higher item level items all over again. It’s a very stressful feeling.


Level scaling is 100% fine.

Well there had to be atleast something new in game…
After 11 years of development. :smiley:

It’s not the scaling itself but when the scaling is done bad! D3 also has scaling but nobody is complaining about it as it done right.

The scaling is a very good concept if implemented properly, it keeps the game fresh all the way till end game level, older areas don’t become obsolete and ignored by higher level chars. I never liked how D2 was set up as at higher levels the only playable part of the game was Bail runs, over and over and over, the rest of it was useless, at least that’s how it was by the time I stopped playing it.

I never found challenge to be fun. Immersion and being able to experience things I cannot while playing a powerful character is where the fun is. Not everyone is a masochist. Some of us are sadists. We want to see other people in pain.

And Dark Souls is one of the worst games I played.

The level scaling is still better than WoW where you start out one shotting a mob but go back to that same mob 30 levels later and it takes you a full rotation to kill it.

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It anyway will be as side quests exp / rewards do not scale… Why i should go back and do a quest that gives 4k exp, when i can get 10k killing pack of mobs.

Only force to do side quests/ exploration is completion for paragon points, which you anyway will have to do, with or without level scaling.

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ARPGs usually get around this by having higher tiers of the areas and that has worked well in the past.


D2, and other ARPGs got around this by making higher tiers of the same areas, or very similar areas using the same tilesets (maps in POE)


I confirmed this yesterday while playing the necromancer. Certain zones on the map have a minimum level. If you go into those zones below the minimum level, you’re going to encounter enemies at the zone’s minimum level.

For example, I was level 10 and wandered into I believe Frigid Expanse which has a minimum level of 12 and had to fight level 12 enemies.

This level scaling really like eh! I didn’t notice it till I went backwards and was like… why the heck are these guys same level as me after spending 10 minutes progressing forward. Then I went back to the first dungeon thinking it would be easier but come to find out I leveled twice in the dungeon but didn’t pick up any gear that made my character better. Then I get to the boss and it’s almost unbeatable because my gear isn’t up to par with my level…. SMH not a fan of this scaled leveling. My goal now is to get to level 25, the cap for beta, as fast as possible so I can stay at that level and get better gear so I can actually enjoy the game. Not even sure the purpose of leveling as it really doesn’t pay off to level. Why level if you don’t really get stronger? The purpose of leveling has nothing to do with getting strong and everything to do with just getting more skill points.


At least in dark souls and elden ring you can level and kill things easier. Zero purpose grinding here.


After giving it some thought, there is zero grind element to this game. The best thing to do is progress through the story and ignore leveling because the whole purpose of leveling is somewhat irrelevant. Complete opposite affect of what was intended I believe.

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Exactly. This isn’t a story-based roleplaying game… it’s a live-service game.

Be sure you know what you’re getting into.

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The smarter hc players will abuse this lvl scaling system. Why bother pushing the story or side quests or dungeons, when they can just have a low lvl buddy carry them at the events spawn locations in the first zone. We will see massive chat spam of selling lvl services, and anyone will be able to do it since low lvls can carry.

Scaling doesn’t make it harder, it spoonfeeds progression instead of giving the player agency to take risks in how quickly they want to try and progress through the content.


Exactly. Character level is supposed to signify progress and scaling negates that. It’s a self defeating mechanic.


you are delusional to think that will be a thing. it would get patched. also some areas only scale at a certain level. and you need to be a certain level to access certain difficulties so you won’t be able to get uniques