Level 90 and not one Tempest Roar

The drop rate needs to be increased on Tempest, I have gotten the butchers cleaver twice, the crone staff 3 times, mad wolfs glee twice, mothers embrace 4 times, insatiable fury 4 times, Vasily’s roar 3 times, storms companion once, waxing gibbous 3 times, hunters zenith 3 times, the ghastly reins 4 times, and a few barbarian uniques, as well as the unique frost boots and the unique lucky hit gloves multiple times. All of this and not a single Tempest Roar helmet with almost 200 hours at level 90. The fact that the druid cant do any build without uniques is very frustrating and they should have a better drop rate because of it.


Yep, 91 here same situation as yours with uniques. No tempest roar I’m almost at the end of the game I don’t think I’ll give druid another go after this.


91 too. Have everything ready for the tornado werewolf.
Only lacking the Tempest Roar


lvl 100 + many more hours same. i just quit the game


Hit 100 today, still no TR. considering quitting and uninstalling


Rare items are rare, more at 11.


I’ve found like 10 tempest roars and I’m not even using them lmao


This schmuck comes here and spouts the same garbage in every post.

Yes, TR drop rate is abysmal and loot/reward in this game is atrocious.


Get in line, lots of 100s with no TR, myself included. /s

Seriously though, I wish there was some sort of pity system or unique recycle system that allowed us to get something out of duplicate uniques. Or add an aspect, “storm skills are werewolf skills, but decrease dmg by x%.” Would not be as good as TR, but at least we’d have access to the builds.

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Maybe because people keep crying about having to hunt for loot in a loot hunting game.

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Rare and unobtainable have different definitions, maybe keep your condescension to yourself.


I have almost got at least 4 of every druid unique all by level 85. vasilys being my first around level 50. 7 crone staffs, 4 or 5 roars, I don’t keep the extras so not sure. From my personal experience every unique has around the same chance to drop. I’ve only got 2 of the companion unique pants, but even if it were the rarest unique druid item no one is going to come on the forums to complain about not getting those trash pants. Everyone wants to be the meta wolfnado. That is why there are so many complaints on the forums about it not dropping.
My advice is to just build with what you get…WolfNado got boring fast. Game is still fresh and new. There will be new builds in the future. Take a break from the game or play a new class if this is truly game breaking for you.

You’re right. Tempest Roar is rare, and very obtainable.

I’ll keep my “condescension” to myself when people stop expecting the game to just hand them everything.

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The countless posts of people hitting level 90+ (even 100) without single a single one on this forum proves that it’s not “very obtainable.”

People putting in the time to hit level 90-100 on a class should easily have access to the class uniques to try out certain builds. It’s a considerable amount of time to play, and doesn’t come anywhere near “expecting the game to just hand them everything.” Once again, your condescension is showing.


You keep throwing that out like it gives you some sort of high ground. It’s not a considerable amount of time by Diablo standards by any means. It’s people crying because they expect the item handed to them by a certain point.

Rare items are rare. Keep hunting. That’s the point.

You keep throwing that out like it gives you some sort of high ground. It’s not a considerable amount of time by Diablo standards by any means. It’s people crying because they expect the item handed to them by a certain point.
Rare items are rare. Keep hunting. That’s the point.

You are acting like an entire portion of a classes gameplay being gatekept behind an item with a confirmed bugged low drop rate isn’t an issue.

This isn’t Harlequin Crest we are talking about.
Nobody is crying, they are reporting an issue.


Trying to build around uniques you don’t have is a bad idea in the first place. You aren’t being gatekept by anything or anyone but yourself.

Source, please, and I’ll apologize and leave.


Source, please, and I’ll apologize

Diablo IV Campfire Chat - June 2023

That doesn’t confirm what you think it does, I’ve watched it. You should listen to that again, word for word.


I guess you missed the part where it was stated the drop rate would be tuned for a future season, I believe it was stated season 1.